Wan Changru looked at the shocked Mu Zhengfeng: "dare to ask Master mu, what is the best medicine?"

Mu Zhengfeng sighed and did not explain. Even if he did, Wan Changru would not understand.

Nangong Longmu gaped and looked at Mu Zhengfeng, wondering: "impossible? If the boy had the best elixir, he would have taken his own promotion and cultivation, how could he waste it in the meaningless business competition in the secular world! "

Hearing that Nangong long looked down on his business war with Meihua group, Wan Changru was slightly angry, but he also understood that in the eyes of these martial and Taoist families, everything in the secular world was irrelevant. Only one's own strength is the king's way.

"For this, I can give you two answers." Said Wan Changru.

Nangong dragon and Mu Zhengfeng immediately turn their eyes to Wan Changru and wait for the following.

Wan Changru despised them. If they didn't despise the power of the secular world, Chen Mo's action of helping Meihua group with the best elixir would be well understood.

However, Wan Changru could only despise it from the bottom of his heart and did not dare to show it.

"I have been in contact with Chen Mo several times, and I know his character better. He seems to value family affection. Therefore, it is not surprising that he can give up the best panacea to help Meihua group."

Nangong long and Mu Zhengfeng smell the words and are slightly surprised. They seem unable to understand Chen Mo's ideas.

After a while, Nangong long looked at Mu Zhengfeng and said angrily, "brother Zhengfeng, since the boy is willing to use the best miraculous medicine, what else can you do?"

Mu Zhengfeng thought slightly and sighed solemnly: "although we have the best panacea in my family, we can't afford to be as luxurious as that boy. It's obviously impossible to destroy Meihua group through commercial competition. We can only think of other ways."

The three were all in a heavy mood, and the atmosphere of the room was somewhat depressed. For a while, no one spoke again.

Nangong long was a little impatient and gave a big drink: "in this case, let's kill Meihua group directly. As long as we kill Chen Mo, Meihua group will be destroyed!"

Wan Changru stopped in a hurry: "Mr. Nangong should not be rash. It will cause too much influence and will cause official dissatisfaction. Do you want the Nangong family to be encircled by the army?"

It seems to think of the scene that Nangong family was besieged by aircraft and artillery. Nangong Long's face was a little pale, and some of them said angrily, "what's the best way for you?"

Wan Changru thought about it for a while, and a smile appeared on his face: "Chen Mo's boy has the best elixir. We can't compete with him, but we can try to stop him."

Nangong dragon and Mu Zhengfeng look at Wan Changru together and wait for the following.

Wan Changru told them about their plan. They kept nodding. Finally, a smile appeared on their faces, which seemed to approve of Wan Changru's plan.

Meihua group, Li Sufang's office.

Li Sufang sat behind her desk and looked at Chen Mo anxiously: "Xiao Mo, the competition between us and wankelai has basically settled down, and Wanjia has gone. However, we are also facing a problem. The water diluted with pills that we distributed last time has basically been used up. If the follow-up supply is not available, we may also follow the old road of wankelai. "

Chen Mo smiles and says faintly, "don't worry, mom. I've been prepared for it."

In Li Sufang's puzzled eyes, Chen Mo calls Chen Songzi. Chen Songzi, who has been waiting for him for a long time in Hanyang, immediately comes from the hotel.

Looking at a bucket of drinking water brought by Chen Songzi, Li Sufang looked at Chen Mo with some puzzlement: "isn't this ordinary bottled water? You don't want to cut corners, do you? "

Chen Mo said with a wry smile, "Mom, am I the kind of black hearted businessman in your eyes? Don't worry, it's not ordinary drinking water, it's spirit water. It's the same as the water diluted with Dan medicine last time

Li Sufang got up and walked over. After observing for a while, she looked at Chen Mo suspiciously: "really?"

Chen Mo nodded: "really, you can try it if you don't believe it."

Chen Songzi immediately picked up the cup on his desk, poured half a cup of water for Li Sufang, and handed it to Li Sufang respectfully.

Li Sufang looks at Chen Mo, takes a sip, and feels that the water melts at the entrance. After drinking, the whole person feels comfortable and refreshed, and his body function is obviously improved.

"It's amazing!" Li Sufang was slightly surprised.

Chen Mo said: "this bucket of water can dilute about 10 tons of drinking water. This time, I have brought more than ten barrels. You should send someone to distribute it first. It should be able to last for some days."

Li Sufang was still worried: "what about after that? Can you always provide these Reiki water? "

Chen Mo said with an enigmatic smile: "don't worry, it won't be used in the future. As long as we get rid of the alchemists invited by thousands of families, there will be pure commercial competition in the future."

Li Sufang suddenly said, "I understand. Then I will take advantage of this opportunity to quickly open xiangmanlou's stores all over the country, and when thousands of families respond, the overall situation has been decided. "

Chen Mo nodded: "yes."

Hanyang City, Tuanjie Road, xiangmanlou store.An old man with a kind face, gray hair and grey training clothes, supported by a beautiful short hair girl, looked at the sign of xiangmanlou store.

"Xiangmanlou, it should be here." The old man's voice was loud and clear, and he was full of air.

The girl, looking inside, whispered: "grandfather, rumors are rumors after all, you still don't have too much hope."

The old man shook his head and said, "twenty years ago, could you imagine that you could do so many things like communication, entertainment, shopping, and taking a taxi with only one mobile phone?"

The girl shook her head.

"200 years ago, could you imagine that man could land on the moon or even Mars with his own invention and creation?" The old man continued to ask, with a smile in his eyes.

The girl continued to shake her head, a little ashamed.

"Therefore, the most important factor for human science and technology to achieve today's progress is that human beings have dreams, and then step by step overcome many difficulties to realize their dreams. If you can't even think about it, human technology will never move forward. "

The girl nodded, with a teachable expression on her face.

"Since it is said that the ingredients of xiangmanlou can cure their persistent diseases, it is possible. Of course, it does not rule out the false publicity of businesses. But the most effective way to get the truth is to try it yourself. "

"Just as one must have a dream to live. If there are such omnipotent ingredients in the world, I will see them with my own eyes in my lifetime, and I will die with no regrets! "

With firm eyes, the old man strode into the store.

Half an hour later, the old man walked out of the store. His left leg, which was not very flexible, was now completely stable and did not need the help of a girl.

The old man was so excited that he was shaking. He looked at the girl with an incredible face beside him and said, "Xiaoyu, I'll tell you. The wind from emptiness may not be without cause. We've come to the right place for this trip

"Well, grandfather's decision is always the right one!" The girl looked at the old man with wide eyes and adoration.

"You can protect this soup. Let's go back and study it to see what ingredients it is made of. It's so miraculous!"

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