"I don't want to!"

Ren Tianyu wanted to yell at the sky, but he had no strength. His life and strength were rapidly passing away, and the whole man slowly collapsed on the ground.

Looking at Chen Mo's direction, Ren Tianyu stretched out his bloody hand and said a hard sentence: "my master, I will not let you go..."

After saying that, Ren Tianyu's head was crooked and he died!

In the hall, there was a dead silence, only the breath of the crowd.

All people's eyes, can't help looking at sitting on the chair, a plain face of teenagers, eyes are full of shock!

After a long time, people gradually come back to God.

Looking at this scene, everyone felt as if they were dreaming. Ren Tianyu's power is beyond their imagination, but Chen Mo's killing with chopsticks completely subverts their understanding of the world.

"Chopsticks Can you kill? "

In all people's hearts, this question is repeatedly repeated. If it is not seen by their own eyes, even if it is the hype of others, they will not believe it.

But now the facts are in front of them and they can't help believing it.

Shuibo looks at Chen Mo, and his face is no less shocked than other people. After all, the celebrities in Jiangnan province are just ordinary people. They only see Chen Mo kill the incomparable Ren Tianyu with chopsticks. But they don't know what that means.

Chopsticks are the most common chopsticks. It is the people who use them that are important.

It's just a dream that a chopstick wants to kill a master at the top of the inner world, or even a great master. But what if the person who uses chopsticks is the legendary master of Huajing?

When Chen Mo threw out his chopsticks just now, Shuibo could see clearly that it was wrapping the chopsticks with a strong inner force, so he could penetrate Ren Tianyu's heart directly.

Internal strength and external force, that is the ability master Huajing can master!

Chen Mo is a real master of transformation!

Those ordinary people may not understand the meaning of a master, but as a member of the martial arts world, Shuibo is very clear about what a master means!

Murong family dominates Jiangnan Province, isn't it? However, in front of a master, it is not worth mentioning. As long as a master wants to gain the same power as the Murong family, he will come with a wave.

What's more shocking to Shuibo is that Chen Mo seems to be only 17-8 years old now. As an 18-year-old young master, he has the possibility of unlimited growth. Even in the legendary divine realm, there is hope to break through!

"Eighteen year old young master, ha ha, if I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it!" Shuibo had a bitter smile on his face.

Murongke looks at Chen Mo, but after being shocked, he is full of remorse. The whole person seems to be ten years old, and his dignified face is full of shame.

Remembering the words that he had ridiculed Chen Mo twice before, murongke was so ashamed that he wanted to find a place to drill in.

"I always thought that he was too arrogant, but at a young age, he always had a supercilious attitude and didn't know the sky and the earth. Now I think it's ridiculous. I'm the frog in the well. People are not arrogant, but have absolute strength to say those words! "

"No wonder he offended Zhou Tianwang and Yuwen family at the same time. He didn't care. He said that I could only smash them with one sword, no matter how powerful they were. At that time, I still felt that he was talking big. He was arrogant and hopeless. Now how ironic he is! If I have this amazing power, let alone the Zhou family and the Yuwen family, even if I add my Murong family, how can I be afraid? "

"You can be rich and powerful, and you can pour your power into the public. I will smash it with unified fist! Compared with the real power that controls human life and death, money and status in the secular world are rubbish. In other words, as long as you have that power, will wealth and status still be lacking? "

The students in Wuzhou No.1 high school, looking at Chen Mo, are shocked. If we say who was the most shocked at the scene, we should also count the students from Wuzhou No.1 high school, especially an KeYue, who is familiar with Chen mo.

If one day when you are very familiar with people, suddenly become spider man, Superman, Altman and other savior like existence, the most shocking and most unacceptable are those who are most familiar with him.

Yang Qianqian, who was vain and worshipped money, but had a simple mind, did not worry about it any more. She exclaimed excitedly: "great, I didn't expect that Chen Mo was so powerful that he defeated that villain and saved Yan'er!"

No one paid any attention to her. Zheng Yuanhao and Zhang Xian, who were beside her, looked at Chen Mo with shock in their eyes and doubts in their hearts.

"When did Chen Mo become so powerful? What happened to him? "

Two people do not understand, originally very familiar with the classmate, now they feel a little strange, even like a completely different person.

At the same time, there is a faint fear in their hearts. In the past, they were always against Chen Mo, but now they are just killing themselves!

In the past, they always felt that Chen Mo was very arrogant and arrogant. However, every time they saw Chen Mo, they could not help but sneer. Now they understand that Chen Mo is not arrogant, but a person of two worlds. Do you think a person can be brother to a group of ants?However, when Chen Mo Gang said that he was master Chen, several people chose to ignore it. Even though Chen Mo's strength was shocking, they still didn't think Chen Mo was master Chen.

The most fundamental reason is that Chen Mo is too young. Generally, people who are called masters must be at least 50 years old. This is totally a matter of preconceived thinking.

An KeYue looks at Chen Mo with a complicated look in her beautiful eyes. There are shock, doubt, regret, unwillingness and even more loss!

Even though she has not recognized Chen Mo in her heart, now she has to admit that Chen Mo's strength has completely exceeded her imagination.

"No wonder I advised him to give up pursuing Yan'er at the beginning, and said that the Murong family was behind Yan'er, but he was still dismissive. He also said that I was a frog at the bottom of the well, and he had already looked at the stars in the universe, and he was not a world person with me. If I have this strength, I will not pay attention to everything in this earthly world. The only thing I can pursue is the mystery of life and the vast starry sky. "

"Ridiculous. I laughed at him for his extravagance. Now I understand that I am the most ridiculous person. Compared with this powerful force that controls the life and death of others, the identity of the vice mayor is not worth mentioning! "

An KeYue smile bitterly, smile full of regret and unwilling, such a can control other people's life and death at will, she had a chance to seize him. But it was she who gave up.

"If I had been able to treat him better, even if I had dealt with him, I would not have been a stranger to him now. If I had been able to catch him, now maybe I could be as powerful as him. If I thought about life and death, I would be surprised at a word! "

However, her own face is full of anger and regret, which is caused by her own choice and regret.

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