Looking at the white jade sarcophagus in front of them, people can no longer doubt yuan Qingshan's words.

"I said it was very light." Yuan Qingshan looks innocent.

However, no one cares why the sarcophagus is so light? In people's hearts, they are concerned about what treasures are in the sarcophagus.

"Open it quickly. The flower on the other side must be in this sarcophagus!" Cai Wenya eagerly drinks to the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards stepped forward in fear and lifted the lid of the coffin. As expected, the sarcophagus was as light as it had no weight.

The lid of the coffin was opened, and the people looked at it together. Then they all opened their mouths in shock.

Among the white jade Sarcophagus, there is a beautiful woman with a crown on her head and clothes of the western regions in ancient times. Her body is full of pearls and jewels. She is quiet and sleepy.

Her skin was white and red, and her long eyelashes were on her eyes, which was undoubtedly with the living.

"It's not scientific!"

"How can a man who has been dead for more than 2000 years be preserved so well?" Cai Wenya exclaimed in bewilderment, and even forgot to look for flowers on the other side.

Chen Mo also frowned and looked thoughtful.


Suddenly, Cai Wenya hugged master Jiang's arm and screamed in horror: "she, she's alive! She's alive! I saw that she had just opened her eyes! "

In fact, there is no need for CAI Wenya to say that at the moment, the exquisite queen, who was originally quietly lying in the sarcophagus, has already flown into the air and suspended in the air.

That woman is very beautiful, beautiful let a person suffocate.

"If you disturb my deep sleep, please stay here."

A cold voice sounded directly in people's minds.

Then, the huge stone under the people's feet began to shake, and the whole underground palace also shook violently.

"No, it's going to collapse!" Master Jiang cried out in horror.

"Miss, go back!"

Master Jiang takes Cai Wenya and several people quickly step back.

Chen Mo looks at the wonderful queen suspended in the void, frowning slightly, but here is about to collapse. Chen Mo has no choice but to retreat.

"Come on, there's a cave. Let's go in and hide!" Yuan Qingshan pointed to a cave on the black stone wall.

A group of people immediately entered the cave and continued to move along the passage of the cave until the vibration in the rear disappeared. All the people were relieved.

"If the underground palace collapses, will the flowers on the other side also be buried in it?" Cai Wenya said with a sad face.

Master Jiang sighed and remained silent.

"No, I'll go back and have a look." Cai Wenya turned her head and ran back.

"Miss, come back!" Master Jiang said.

Without the help of master Jiang, Cai Wenya had stopped by himself, because the road had collapsed and was blocked by boulders.

"It's trouble. We're stuck here!" Cai Wenya exclaimed.

"Let's go ahead and see where the cave leads to?" Said master Jiang.

"That's the only way." Cai Wenya then gave up her heart and went on with master Jiang.

After walking for a while, the cave suddenly became open, and an open stone chamber appeared in front of them.

"It was Higanbana! Ha ha, it turns out that the flower on the other side is here. I finally find the flower on the other side Cai Wenya suddenly jumped up like crazy, pointed to the front, and yelled excitedly.

Yuan Qingshan is also full of excitement, his eyes are shining in front of him: "magic tools, many magic tools!"

Master Jiang is also excited, excited hand shaking: "that is my dream of" dry geomantic omen ", did not expect to hide here

The three Tantric masters also looked at each other with dull eyes and kept whispering the name of Buddha: "the Dharma Sutra, the secret records of Brahma, these are all ancient books that have been lost for a long time!"

The bodyguards Cai Wenya brought with them even more drooled: "treasure, a lot of treasure, now I'm rich!"

Chen Mo didn't see anything, but he was still in a daze, because there was a beautiful woman with long hair and waist sitting in the stone room.

As if sensing Chen Mo's gaze, the woman opened her eyes, and her blue eyes looked forward to her, smiling at Chen Mo: "Xiao Mo, you're here at last!"

Chen Mo was staring at the figure deeply engraved into his soul. He couldn't believe it and said to himself, "little sister! Is it really you? "

The woman stood in the stone chamber and held out her delicate hand to Chen Mo with a smile: "it's me, Xiao Mo, you don't even know me!"

"Come here, I've been waiting for you here for 2000 years, and I knew you would find it here!"

Chen Mo can't help but move his steps towards the younger martial sister.

Behind him, Cai Wenya and his party are rushing forward.

Gazing at the younger martial sister quietly, Chen Mo suddenly stops. A golden light flies out of Chen Mo's body. With a scream, the sky chopping sword cuts at the younger martial sister in the stone chamber.The sky chopping sword directly penetrates the body of the younger martial sister, as if the younger martial sister is air at all. She hovers in mid air for a while and flies back to Chen Mo's body.

"Xiao Mo, what are you doing? Come here quickly. I've been waiting so hard!" The younger martial sister did not have any anger. She still stood there smiling sweetly at Chen Mo, which was once the most precious thing in Chen Mo's memory.

Chen Mo exclaimed: "what a powerful illusion, even I was confused. If I didn't know very well, my younger martial sister would never be waiting for me here. I'm afraid even I would be cheated. "

"Wake up!"

With a wave of his hand, Chen Mo strikes with a spirit, and all the younger martial sisters and the stone chamber in front of him disappear. What appears in front of them is a deep cliff.

At the moment, the crowd is only a few steps away from the cliff.


Cai Wenya screamed with fright. She stepped back in a hurry and looked at the cliff with a pale face: "what's going on here, my flower on the other side? I saw it just now

Master Jiang and other people have lingering fear. They are not ordinary people. Naturally, they understand that everything was caused by illusion.

Looking back, the cave entrance, which was originally sealed by the boulder, is unobstructed at the moment. Where are the boulders?

It's all hallucinations.

"What's going on here? Why do we have hallucinations? Is it true that even the giant snake just now is a fake Yuan Qingshan asked in doubt.

That red scale snake is not a fake, because its spirit is still in the storage ring.

Chen Mo said faintly, "if we go back, maybe we can find out the answer."

With that, Chen Mo takes the lead and turns and walks back.

A group of people looked at each other with fear, but still followed the past.

When they returned to the entrance of the mountain, the underground palace was intact, and there was no collapse at all. It was still the original scene. The white jade sarcophagus of the exquisite queen was also well suspended in the air, as if everything had never happened.

Yuan Qingshan was shocked: "how could this happen! I pulled up the sarcophagus just now

Cai Wenya swallowed and spat, and said with horror on her face: "yes, I saw her live with my own eyes! And said we all have to die

Chen Mo glanced at the crowd and asked in a strange way, "look carefully, is there any more on the top of the stone hanging the sarcophagus?"

They are surprised and look at Chen Mo together.

Cai Wenya shook her head: "I didn't see anything!"

However, Yuan Qingshan and master Jiang had already taken precautions and kept their minds in secret with true Qi.

At the moment, they clearly saw that there was a blood red flower on the top of the stone hanging with the sarcophagus, which was one person tall.

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