Chen Mo, with his hands on his back, coldly stares at master Jiang with disdain on his face: "what if I deceive you?"


Master Jiang pointed to Chen Mo, but could not say a word.

"Miss, take someone away first. I've been in the harbor for decades. No one has ever dared to humiliate me like this. If I don't report the disgrace today, how can I stand in the world?"

"Master Jiang, be careful!"

Cai Wenya takes people back to the entrance of the corridor and looks quietly.

Master Jiang took out a yellowing ancient book from his arms, which read "Earth".

"Boy, I know that you are powerful, but I came here to prepare for everything. This is the code of the town gate that I borrowed from my master. If you are willing to hand over half of your innate spiritual roots, I can spare your life!"

Master Jiang held the book dikun in his hand. He was full of spirit and sneered.

Chen Mo's face was flat and he didn't take it seriously.

"If you have any ability, you can use it."

Master Jiang pinched the Dharma formula and pointed it on the book: "hum, it seems that you can't see the coffin and do not shed tears. Well, I'll show you the power of my geomantic omen

"Spirit of the earth, listen to my orders!" Master Jiang gave a big drink.

In the book of "earth and earth", a mass of yellow light was emitted, and the surrounding countless gravel suddenly began to tremble.

Master Jiang pointed to the sky, and the book turned pages automatically: "giant stone tornado!"

Countless stones flying in the air, such as stars, gathered into a stone dragon, flying in the air.


Master Jiang points out to Chen Mo, and the flying stone dragon in the sky suddenly hits Chen Mo like a small meteor shower.

Chen Mo's face remained the same, but he was slightly curious: "the big ones weigh hundreds of Jin, and the small ones weigh 70-80 Jin. They are easily controlled by him. The skill of geomantic omen is also magical."

Cai Wenya and other ordinary people looked at the admiration, and were shocked: "master Jiang is really powerful. This time Chen Mo, this arrogant boy, is dead!"

Chen Mo is surrounded by a circle of yellow mansions. After the breakthrough of his cultivation, the defense strength of the bronze mirror is also strengthened. At this moment, the gold armour that the bronze mirror turns into has become substantial.

"Boy, you even want to rely on defense tools to fight hard. Ha ha ha, you're looking for your own death!" Master Jiang looked up and laughed, thinking that Chen Mo would surely die.

Bang bang!

Chen Mo is hit by countless stones, which makes a loud noise and stirs up smoke and dust all over the sky.

Cai Wenya and others coughed violently and waited for the smoke and dust to dissipate. Master Jiang and CAI Wenya, together, quickly widened their eyes and looked out.

"Should that boy die?"

However, Chen Mo still carries his hands and stands firmly in place. There is no dust on his body.


"It's not dead. Is this boy still a man?"

Cai Wenya brought a crowd of people dumbfounded, full of incredible color.

Master Jiang also showed a touch of shock: "good boy, no wonder so arrogant, really have two sons!"

"I don't believe you can stop it!"

Having said that, master Jiang pointed out again to the book dikun.

"All living beings belong to the earth."

At Chen Mo's feet, the earth suddenly cracks a gap, just like a giant beast opening its mouth and sucking Chen Mo into it.


Master Jiang pointed out again and cried out.


The split gap closed in an instant, and it was more tight than before.

"Oh, dead at last!"

Cai Wenya breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not enough!"

A voice came out from the ground, followed by a bang, Chen Mo broke out of the ground, still pale, his whole body was not contaminated with any dust.

"How could it be!" Master Jiang exclaimed directly.

There are three kinds of skills that can be used in the book of "dikun". Master Jiang is already a true spiritual state cultivation, equivalent to martial arts master. He continued to display two kinds of skills, even the martial arts master had already killed.

However, Chen Mo was in good condition, and even had no slight injury, which made master Jiang afraid.

Chen Mo looked at master Jiang with great interest and said, "is there anything else? If not, I will

Master Jiang once gnawed his teeth, and his face was ferocious: "I'll fight with you!"


Master Jiang bit the tip of his tongue, spurted blood essence on the book of earth and gave a big drink: "the spirit of the earth, listen to my orders!"

"Disha comes!"


The book of "earth and earth" turned into powder and flew into master Jiang's body.

Chen Mo felt that the surrounding soil attribute Yuan Li was a little irritable, and he gathered madly toward Master Jiang.

But master Jiang's body is getting bigger. In a blink of an eye, he has risen to more than five Zhang high. His clothes are all stretched into rags, and his muscles are like rocks. He has become a giant human like beast!This is the third method in the book of dikun. Once this method is used, the book of dikun will be destroyed.

"I am now one with the earth. The earth is me. As long as my feet are still standing on the earth, I can obtain continuous strength, and I am the invincible existence!"

Master Jiang's voice boomed like thunder, which made people's ears buzzing.

"My God, master Jiang has become a monster! Let's run One of CAI Wenya's men said with trembling legs.

"Shut up, you idiot! Master Jiang just changed his skills by magic. What are you running for Cai Wenya cursed.

Chen Mo's eyes were shining, and his face was interested: "it's a little interesting. He even mastered the body of Tu yuan. It's a pity that you met me

"Boy, die!" Master Jiang is waving a huge fist, and Chen Mo is like a mole ant in front of him, with a sharp contrast of strength.

Jiang Mo's arm was cut off like a big tree.

However, master Jiang did not have the slightest pain, but burst into a wild laugh: "boy, I said, as long as I still stand on this land, I am invincible existence!"

"Grow it for me!"

Click! CLICK!

A burst of crisp sound, that was cut off by the sky sword arm, instantly and intact as before.

Chen Mo sneered: "you think I can't kill you?"

Chen Mo slowly raised his right hand, held the sky in one hand, and said faintly, "five elements forbidden method!"

The mysterious and complicated tracks spread in the void. Within a kilometer, Chen Mo's five element prohibition method shrouded them.

"Sword up!"

Chen Mo said faintly that the sword of cutting heaven turned into a streamer of light. In a blink of an eye, he quickly penetrated master Jiang back and forth hundreds of times.

Master Jiang's huge body is like a honeycomb.

"Ha ha ha, it's useless. As long as I'm still standing on the earth, I'm invincible!" Master Jiang laughed triumphantly, and the laughter resounded through the whole underground palace, deafening.

"Is it? Look at your body now Chen Mo has a strange smile.

Master Jiang looked down and yelled: "how can it be? How could it be so! "

Separated by the five elements forbidden method, master Jiang's earth element body could not absorb the earth attribute element force in the earth, and its powerful regeneration function could not work without the support of spiritual power.

At the moment, master Jiang's body had already been cut into pieces by the sky sword, which was just the last straw bending the camel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!