Wanshi Group Chairman's office.

This time, Wan Wenyou directly pushed the door in and was excited: "father, there is news from Wuzhou. Chen Songzi went back to yanguihu villa last night and left in a hurry after half an hour!"

"According to the report of the spies I arranged near the villa of Yangui lake, Chen Songzi did not look very good when he left and seemed to be injured!"

Wan Changru's face also showed a happy look: "this expert invited by Gongsun's family is very good!"

"Now, we can do it!" Wan wen you Dao.

"No, wait for three days. If Chen Mo doesn't show up after three days, you are reporting to me!" Wan Changru was serious.


Wan Wenyou left, Wan Changru fell into deep thought, and his fingers used to tap on the table.

"Chen Mo, are you really dead?"

In Meihua Group Hotel, Chen Songzi, Yan Qingcheng and Sang Sang Sang gather in the room with a heavy face.

"That man is so powerful! Even elder martial brother, you are no match

Yan Qingcheng's unique appearance reveals a touch of shock.

Chen Songzi nodded: "he should be a master of body protection environment, or higher. The three of us are not his opponents. Now our first task is to ensure the safety of the chairman and his wife. Don't worry about the rest until the master comes back! "

"Well!" Yan Qingcheng two people nodded.

Three days later, Wanshi Group Chairman's office.

Wan Wenyou broke in again. This time, his expression was calmer, but the fire of revenge in his eyes began to burn.

"Father, Chen Mo didn't show up, but the senior man invited by Gongsun's family, his disciples, has begun to enter yanguihu villa."

Wan Changru slowly closed his eyes. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stood up straight from his chair.

"It's time!"

Wan Changru said in a low voice, and a determination appeared on his face!

"Go and find out Li Sufang's whereabouts these days and prepare to kill her with one blow. But remember, this must be done clean!"

Wan Wenyou's mouth appeared a bloodthirsty smile: "father, don't worry, I promise to let her die unknowingly, no one will doubt us!"

"I will now begin to lay out the plan for counterattack against Meihua group. When Li Sufang dies, I will immediately start a full-scale war with Meihua group."

Wan Changru hits the table with one punch. The richest man in Hanyang, who was the most powerful man in Hanyang, seems to be back again!

"I'll get ready first, father. Wait for my good news!"

In the desert of Northwest China, a middle-aged man runs for hundreds of miles without sleep. Now he has come to the site of Jingjue ancient city.

"Now, they should not be able to catch up with it."

The middle-aged man's lips were dry and cracked, and his nervous tension was suddenly loosened. The body injury was hard to suppress, and a mouthful of blood vomited out.

Looking at the black blood in front of him, the middle-aged man's face was startled and angry: "poisonous!"

The middle-aged man immediately sat cross legged and operated the skill to suppress the internal injury.

Before long, an evil spirit's voice rang out, and the handsome young man and the man in black appeared again.

"Hey, I said, you can't escape!"

"How can you find me so quickly?" he said

"Haha, for the sake of your dying, I will tell you that you have been branded with death by Lord Hart. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, we will find you!"

"You'd better die so that you don't suffer."

The middle-aged man's face was desperate: "I see!"

"But even if it's death, I'll pull you on your back!"

"God! Charles, do you hear me? He's going to fight with us The handsome young man yelled at the man in black.

Charles, the black robed man, had a hoarse voice and a bit of anger. "Zoe, shut your mouth and send him to God. My skin is about to crack. I hate this damn desert!"

The handsome young man corrected his dissatisfaction and said, "char, please call me my full name, Edward, zoane! I am a member of the honourable Edwards family, you remember me

"That's enough, do it!" Chal exclaimed.

Zoe looked at the middle-aged man. Suddenly he opened his mouth and revealed two sharp fangs. His scarlet tongue licked his lips. He said with a sharp, bloodthirsty smile, "just now, the blood of your two companions has given me great strength. It is more delicious than the blood of the most beautiful virgin. I believe your blood must be more delicious

The middle-aged man was full of grief and his fist clenched: "damn vampire, I want your life!"

The middle-aged man is preemptive, hitting zoane with a punch.

Zoen flashed, appeared behind the middle-aged man, holding his arms and laughing: "too slow, too slow. Compared with our noble blood race, your speed is as slow as a snail!""Oh, by the way, I'm sorry, I forgot you were hurt!" Zoane's elegant low head.

"Even if I am hurt, I will kill you!" The middle-aged man suddenly turned around and hit the man in black.

"Oh, no, I'm your opponent. Char is just a disgusting black wizard. What he fears most is close combat." Zoane raised his eyebrows and exclaimed, worried.

Charles's hands, hidden in his black robe, continued to draw charms, while swearing in a hoarse voice: "Damn it, Zoe, you're an asshole!"

"Oh, my dear char, you're saying that, and I don't care about you!" Zoane suddenly stopped in mid air and saw the play with his arms in his arms.

Bang bang!

The two energy barriers called out by char are quickly broken by middle-aged men. Once they are close, chal is in danger.

"Oh, my dear char, your situation seems not so optimistic. If you need help, praise me loudly! Remember to call me by my full name, Edward, zoane

As char retreats, he continues to summon the energy barrier to block the middle-aged man's attack.

"Damn it! How can I have such a pig teammate! "

Charl murmured, gritting his teeth and insisting that he would not ask for help.

Zoane saw that he was almost playing, so he flew to join the battle group.

The middle-aged man felt that there was danger behind him, so he could only give up char and turn to meet the enemy.

While the middle-aged man and Zoe fight, a murmur of incantation sound in the back.

Chal, finished the black magic, tarsal demon!

A black figure in human form quickly pounced on the middle-aged man. With zoane's attack, the injured middle-aged man soon only had the ability to parry and had no ability to fight back.

The middle-aged man looked despairing. He didn't expect to sacrifice two teammates. Finally, he couldn't bring the news back.

"That's all. Even if you die, you have to pull a cushion!"

With a solemn smile, the middle-aged man allowed the tarsal devil to pass through his body, and then punched zoane with all his strength.


Zoane was beaten to vomit blood and fly back, turning several somersaults in the air.

"Hateful Oriental, I will kill you. I must suck your blood and make you become my servant!"

Zoe flew back into the air, opened his tusks at the middle-aged man and rushed forward.

The middle-aged man with a sad smile on his face, he was injured, broke out to hurt Zoe, and was corroded by the tarsal devil. At the moment, the lamp was exhausted.


Just when the middle-aged man was in despair, a golden light broke out of the ground, directly penetrated the tarsal devil's body, and flew to zoane.

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