"Your flying sword is useless to me!"

Zoane grinned grimly, and his severed arm soon grew back.

"Is it?" Chen Mo smiles faintly, and the sword takes a touch of gold. Zoen's arm just grew out is cut off by Chen mo.

Zoen looked contemptuously at Chen Mo and said with a smile, "I said that I am an immortal blood clan. You can't kill me!"

Immediately, zoane's broken arm grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The middle-aged man was shocked and said: "I've heard that the vitality of blood clan is incomparably strong. Unless it pierces the heart, it can't be killed at all."

"Now it seems that the rumor is true!"

Zoen sneered: "the heart of our blood clan is completely different from that of your human beings. If you want to attack my heart, you must find and speak first!"

Chen Mo snorted coldly: "don't bother. Let's see whether he grows faster or my sword is faster."

Chen Mo's eyes are slightly narrowed, and the sword of cutting the sky rises again. The speed is several times faster than that just now. In the blink of an eye, dozens of transparent holes were directly put on zoen.

Zoane let out a scream of Horror: "no, how can it be!"

Zoane's body, directly broken into dozens of pieces, even if he did not attack the heart, he could not recover.

Chen Mo said: "the blood clan is not immortal, and their weakness is not the heart. As long as the damage to them exceeds the limit they can bear, they can be easily killed."

Thank you for your advice The middle-aged man bowed down and bowed to Chen mo.

Chen Mo took out the eagle badge and handed it to the middle-aged man: "you'd better give it to Yang Dingtian yourself."

The middle-aged man shook his head with a wry smile on his face: "it's too late. I was hit by the tarsal devil of the black wizard just now. My soul has been corroded for the most part, and my life will not be long."

Chen Mo comes to him and points to his brow.

Chen Mo's face was a little serious: "since you know your soul is damaged, why didn't you say it earlier? I can't save you now

The middle-aged man's face showed a relief smile: "I live, just to take this news back, see you appear, I did not intend to live back."

"My brothers are dead, how can I have the face to live alone? I'm going to see my brothers. Master, please

Finish saying that, the middle-aged man bravely laughs, walks toward the direction when comes.

The sun is like blood, his back with a touch of solemn and stirring!

Chen Mo looks at the unknown man quietly. He looks at it without saying a word, until his tragic figure disappears on the horizon of the sand sea.

"In fact, you have a chance to survive!"

Chen Mo looked at the silver badge in his hand. The eagle with wings on it was lifelike, stubborn, aloof and soaring in the sky!

The eagle's head, dyed golden, is like a crown with the honor of warriors. It is dazzling and cannot be looked down upon.

Chen Mo holds the badge, which should have been cold, but now it is a little hot.

He chose to believe in Chen Mo unconditionally just because of the word Huaxia. Only because of the two words of Huaxia, he can die generously!

Turning around, Chen Mo strides away, but the pace is a little more inexplicably heavy.

It took Chen Mo a day to get out of the desert and come to the town of Brussel.

However, when Chen Mo is preparing to charter a car to return to Wuzhou, his face suddenly changes, and a strong murderous air penetrates his body. A poplar tree beside Chen Mo withers in an instant.

Chen Mo originally left Li Sufang and Wen Qing with a protective jade pendant. Chen Mo arranged a mutual induction array. Now the induction array suddenly explodes, proving that the protective array of Li Sufang and Wen Qing has been broken!

They must have been in great danger. Maybe their lives are on the line now!

Chen Mo can't afford to continue looking for a car or to be astonished by the world. It's a long way to go.

Where Chen Mo passed by, passers-by only felt a flower in front of him, and a cold wind was felt on his neck. Chen Mo's figure had already appeared a few miles away.

On the road around the city in the suburb of Hanyang, a black Mercedes Benz business was hit and scattered by a front four and eight rear trucks.

The driver of the truck made a hit and run. The driver of Mercedes Benz was killed on the spot. Two female passengers in the back seat were thrown out of the car more than ten meters away. They turned several somersaults in the air and fell into the grass on the roadside.

Li Sufang and Wen Qing rubbed their shocked heads and looked at each other in disbelief: "Xiaoqing, are we still alive?"

Although Wen Qing didn't believe in such a serious car accident, they were not injured except for some dizziness! But Wen Qing is sure that she is still alive.

"Chairman, we are still alive!"

Li Sufang hurriedly prayed to the sky: "this is really the blessing of heaven! Thank you

Wen Qing looks at Li Sufang with an empty rope around her neck. There should have been a jade pendant there.

Seems to think of something, Wen Qing quickly check his neck jade pendant, found that there is only an empty rope.They were unhurt. The jade pendant was worn close to the body and would not be broken.

There is only one reason!

"Chairman, it's not God who cares for us, it's Xiao Mo's jade pendant that saves us!" Wen Qing took off the empty rope and swayed in front of Li Sufang.

Li Sufang went to feel the jade pendant she was wearing on her chest. She found it was empty. She had to take down the rope and put it in her hand. Looking at Wen Qing, she asked in doubt, "you mean that the jade pendant Xiao Mo gave us has helped us to ward off the impact of the traffic accident!"

"Yes Wenqing nodded excitedly: "we two people are unhurt, but our jade pendant is broken at the same time. Besides, is there any other reason?"

Remembering Chen Mo's repeated instructions when she handed her jade pendant, Li Sufang finally believed this fact.

"I thought it was an ordinary jade pendant, but I didn't expect it could save our lives! Xiao Mo, this child, is well intentioned

Wen Qing looked at the driver Xiao Wang, who was still lying on the ground in the distance, and looked sad: "it's a pity that Xiao Wang didn't escape this disaster!"

Li Sufang's face also flashed a touch of grief: "let's treat his family well."

"Do you think it's strange that this truck is coming?" Li Sufang suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Does the chairman suspect that this is not a car accident? Is it man-made? " Wen Qing knows Li Sufang's mind very well, but she is still sweating for the idea.

"It's not clear yet. We need to investigate before we know. Let's not move here. You'll call the police immediately. We'll stand up when the scene inspector comes." Li Sufang is very cautious. If the accident is man-made, then if the murderer behind the scene sees that they are still alive, they will certainly start again.

After that, they lay down on the grass and pretended to be the scene.

Then I sat 120 and went to the hospital for a physical examination.

The northwest border is nearly 3000 miles away from Hanyang city. It took Chen Mo half a day to hike from the town of brussey on the northwest border to Hanyang city.

Chen Mo's mobile phone is lost in the desert, so he can't contact Li Sufang and others. However, Chen Mo can sense the position of Li Sufang and Wenqing through the induction array.

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