Jiang Yao, Zhao Gang and others were flushed with shame. They did not believe that Chen Mo could become the champion in the college entrance examination. However, Zhang Qiang made such a joke on Chen Mo, which made people angry.

"Headmaster, don't be cynical. Who is the number one in the college entrance examination? You can tell me the truth The students can't wait.

The headmaster suddenly looked at Chen Mo's position and said with a smile, "that student's guess was right just now. Chen Mo's classmate is the top one in the national college entrance examination this time!"


Several students are drinking water, directly spray out, provoked a burst of anger from the opposite students.

Zhao Gang almost didn't choke on a spit. Even he felt that the principal was telling a joke, and it was a cold joke.

"Headmaster, are you kidding?" Some students were stunned by the news and questioned the headmaster.

Headmaster's face a cold, some unhappy stare at that classmate: "this kind of thing, do you feel like I'm joking?"

The classmate was so scared that he even suspected the headmaster.

But the students still can't accept this fact.

"Headmaster, Chen Mo has given up the exam. All the students know how he can become the champion in the college entrance examination? Is there a mistake? " Some students asked politely.

The headmaster's face was serious: "the number one in the college entrance examination is such a big thing. Even if the school makes a mistake, the education system can't be wrong."

Finally, the headmaster made a final decision: "I declare that the number one student in the national college entrance examination is Chen Mo from class 6. Congratulations to Chen Mo, and everyone applauds and celebrates!"

With that, the president, the dean of the academic affairs office and a group of teachers took the lead and began to applaud Chen mo.

…… After a brief silence.

Shocked by the news, the dull students reflected one after another and began to applaud mechanically.

But on the faces of these students, they all have a look of stupidity as if they were dreaming.

Even Jiang Yao, who has always been full of confidence in Chen Mo, has a dull and lovely face.

However, all this can not change the fact that Chen Mo has really become the number one in the college entrance examination!

The students who came back to their senses directly fried the pot.

"My God, Chen Mo can become the national college entrance examination champion, this special has no reason!" Some students rolled their eyes.

"I can't imagine. Can he finish all the questions in ten minutes? Isn't it scientific A classmate's face is incredible.

"If there is a next time, I will ask for leave for a year, so I can definitely become the number one in the college entrance examination!" Some students are envious and envious.

An KeYue was also stunned, looking at the young man sitting on the seat with a plain face.

"Chen Mo, why do miracles happen to you every time? What on earth are you on? Why does God always care for you? "

An KeYue is not reconciled. Chen Mo is already a great master Chen in Hanyang. Now, even her minimum academic achievement has been surpassed by Chen mo. in her life, she can only catch up with her and will never be able to compare with Chen mo.

The goddess, who was originally high above the world, has become a lifelong regret because of a wrong choice.

An KeYue's mood is extremely complex. The greater Chen Mo's achievements are, the deeper her regret will be, and then it will turn into unwillingness. If this unwilling emotion is not vented, it will turn into jealousy or even resentment.

Now an KeYue, from the initial disdain for Chen Mo, has evolved into full of hate.

"No, I'm not willing, I'm not willing, Chen Mo, what are you doing? One day I will surpass you. I will completely break your arrogant attitude. I will make you regret for ignoring me

Zheng Yuanhao did not have an KeYue's fierce fighting spirit at the moment, but his face was pale and his heart was gray.

Zheng Yuanhao's mouth showed a wry smile, even worse than crying: "academic performance is the only capital I can use to compete with Chen Moyi, and now even my academic performance has been dumped by him for a thousand thousand miles! What else can I compare with him? "

"I'm afraid I'll live in his shadow all my life. Compared with him, I'm a complete failure!"

Seeing Zheng Yuanhao's decadent look on his face, his younger brother realized that he was hit by Chen Mo, and hastened to persuade him: "brother Hao, this boy must be lucky. You don't have to lose heart. A champion in college entrance examination can't represent anything. Your father is a vice persimmon. As long as you do a good job after graduation, his career in the future will certainly be smooth. He is a hillbilly from a small county. How can he compare with you? "

It can be said that this consolation came in a timely manner, and pulled Zheng Yuanhao out of his thoroughly decadent mood. Otherwise, Zheng Yuanhao would spend his whole life in the shadow of Chen mo.

Zheng Yuanhao's heart suddenly raised hope: "yes, even if I'm not as good as him, so what? Even if he is master Chen, he is just a businessman, and I can enter the official position. As long as I try to climb up, there will never be a chance of shame in the future. "

Zheng Yuanhao's eyes immediately lit up a flame, and his life goal was lit up.An KeYue immersed in the unwilling, Zheng Yuanhao again found the goal of struggle, and Zheng Xiuli at the moment, is a face of frustration.

"Champion of college entrance examination? Top student in college entrance examination? How can he become the champion in the college entrance examination

"Every time it's like this, every time when I'm going to win, I have a big reversal. God, why are you so partial to him?"

"No, I don't believe that every exam takes no more than ten minutes. How did he finish it? He cheated, yes, he must have cheated! "

According to the speed of normal people, even if it is a genius in the college entrance examination, it is impossible to complete the examination in ten minutes. The composition of Chinese alone can not be completed in ten minutes.

Even if you copy the answer, you can't copy it in ten minutes.

"Headmaster, I have questions about this score!" Zheng Xiuli suddenly got up and said reluctantly.

The headmaster looked at Zheng Xiuli, who was angry. He knew that the female classmate had been confused by jealousy. A student with no gas will be disappointed even if his study is no good.

"Nonsense, the results of the college entrance examination are released by the education system. Are you doubting me, or are you not satisfied with the national education system?"

Zheng Xiuli's heart trembled. She didn't expect Xiao Chang to be so angry.

However, at the thought of the consequences of her loss, Zheng Xiuli could only bite her teeth and raise her small face, not daring to contradict the principal: "as a senior three student, I have the right to question. Now I don't even see the score of the college entrance examination. You can say that he is the number one in the college entrance examination. Why should we believe him?"

The headmaster's face was livid. Zheng Xiuli has always been a good student and a good girl in school. I didn't expect to be so rude today!

"Mr. Wang, go and get the college entrance examination report card issued by the education bureau!"

"When I see the report card, I'll see what you have to say!" The headmaster was a little annoyed.

Before Mr. Wang went to get the report card, a group of reporters with cameras suddenly rushed into the classroom.

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