After driving pan Ruiming away, Chen Mo uses his strength to win the respect of the Eagle special team members. Their trust in the new young captain has increased to a new height.

Chen Mo is still a shopkeeper. In any case, they can't do anything according to the Dragon ascending formula. Even if there are problems, Xia Hailong can help solve them, and he can hardly be used.

And a group of special combat team members who got the Shenglong Jue had been immersed in the outbreak of the rapid improvement of cultivation brought by the Shenglong Jue, and had already thrown Chen Mo out of the clouds.

So the whole eagle team is very happy.

Jiang Heshan finally can't see down, simply take people to leave, let Chen Mo toss.

Anyway, even if Chen Mo doesn't care and Xia Hailong is there, it won't happen.

And Chen Mo's strength he has seen, maybe he can really bring the Eagle special team out a few decent strong.

On the tenth day of Chen Mo's arrival in the Eagle special corps, pan Ruiming, a martial arts instructor dismissed by Chen Mo, came to the Eagle special team base again and invited Chen Mo to attend the Jiangnan martial arts meeting.

Pan Ruiming is still very arrogant, even those Eagle players are some can not see past. However, Chen Mo arrived with a plain face. After asking the date, he promised pan Ruiming would be on time.

Pan Ruiming left with a grim smile.

After more than ten days of getting along with each other, Chen Mo, who is the manager of shaking hands, has occupied a place in the hearts of these players, and they have begun to worry about Chen mo.

"Captain, you can't go. It's clearly the Hongmen banquet. He's a member of the martial arts family in the south of the Yangtze River. Those people will certainly turn to him at that time." At the beginning, Li Hu, the most fierce rebel against Chen Molai as the captain, said with a worried face in a loud voice.

"Li Hu is right. It's easy to avoid open guns but hard to guard against hidden weapons. If they join forces to deceive more, it will be dangerous." Another player said.

"Yes, although the team leader's strength is strong, but after all, it's hard to beat four hands with two fists. The captain can't go there!"

Xia Hailong also urged in a deep voice: "the brothers are right, Chen team, you can't go!"

Chen Mo looks at these brave soldiers and smiles. He feels relieved. It seems that his efforts these days have not been in vain, but strictly speaking, he seems to have done nothing but improve a Book of martial arts.

"Don't worry, I have my own discretion. In fact, I am not inspired by him. I have long planned to meet those people in the martial arts world. "

Chen Mo's eyes are deep and thoughtful.

Hearing Chen Mo say so, people are determined not to persuade.

"Then captain, you must be careful." Li Hudao.

Chen Mo nodded, glanced at all the members of the team, and said seriously, "you work hard. When I come back, I hope you can all reach the top of the world."

"Yes! Make sure you get the job done All the members of the team gave Chen Mo a military salute.

Two days later, Chen Mo took the high-speed rail from Yanjing to Jiangnan province.

The Wudao gathering of Jiangnan province was held in the pan family of Jiangnan Wudao family. At that time, all the people from the Wudao circles of Jiangnan province would come to attend the gathering, and the martial artists from all around the province would also come to see the fun.

The Wudao gathering in Jiangnan province has been popular for a long time. It has existed a hundred years ago. It is held every three years by the three great Wudao families and three Wudao sects.

But later, the rules changed and became the first martial arts family and zongmen in Jiangnan province.

In the past few years, Nangong family has been responsible for organizing the event. However, since nangongyu, the first master of Nangong family, closed down, the right to hold the event has gradually fallen into the hands of other families.

Ten years ago, pan Yueshan, a generation of Tianjiao of the pan family, was born in the sky. Since then, the pan family has always controlled the right to hold the martial arts conference in the south of the Yangtze River.

Nangong Yu can't come out, and the pan family is the first aristocratic family in Jiangnan province.

In a luxurious entertainment club, Chen Mo sits quietly in the corner. With his excellent hearing, the conversation in the whole entertainment club falls into Chen Mo's ear.

Filter out the useless news, which Chen Mo got from the conversation of the warriors.

In the past, I wanted to go to a roadside hotel for information, but now all the warriors are rich and know how to enjoy life. They come directly to luxury entertainment clubs or high-end star hotels.

Chen Mo followed some martial artists.

The Jiangnan Wudao conference lasted three days, and it will officially start tomorrow. But now Chen Mo is walking on the road and can meet many martial artists at will. It seems that the attraction of Jiangnan Wudao conference is extraordinary.

As the first family of martial arts in Jiangnan, the pan family is rich in talents and rich in wealth. It directly owns two of the most luxurious entertainment clubs and five-star hotels in the area to receive martial artists from all walks of life.

Chen Mo, lying on the soft sofa, is actually collecting information about the martial arts convention.

"It's said that the genius of the pan family is going to go out this time."

"Haha, that's for sure. If he doesn't go out of the pass, he can't live in the farm. The position of Pan family's first martial arts family in Jiangnan will be taken away."

"It's said that Ma's family in Jiangbei will send someone to come, but they have never been there. I don't know what the intention is this time.""The Ma family's owner is as famous as the pan's, and it's normal for them to come."

"It's said that there is a master Chen in Hanyang recently. I wonder if he will come?"

"Master Chen? Ha ha, what kind of swindler is it? Few of us in the martial arts world use the title of "master."

"I also heard that master Chen is not yet 20 years old."

"Ha ha, the master who is less than 20 years old is just bluffing and bluffing in Hanyang, a place where martial arts and Taoism are rare. Do you want him to come to Jiangnan

At this time, a clear voice suddenly sounded: "you are not allowed to slander master Chen!"

"If master Chen comes here, you people can't stop a finger of him!"

Chen Mo opens his eyes slightly and looks at a beautiful girl in a white princess skirt with long legs and slender waist. She is pinching her waist in her hands and staring at the young people who are laughing at master Chen.

Several young people's eyes immediately lit up: "Yo, where did you come from? Who are you, master Chen? Do you want to protect him like this?"

Their questions are just what Chen Mo is curious about. He doesn't know the girl and wants to know why she protects him.

The girl's beautiful face showed a touch of worship, the voice said clearly: "master Chen is my idol, I do not allow you to slander him!"

"Cut, it turned out to be a flower maniac! Brother, I am also a master. Do you want to worship me

Several young people burst out a burst of laughter, looking at the girl's eyes a little more obscure hot.

"You are the flower maniac, your whole family is a flower maniac!" The girl was scolded and angrily scolded back.

Several young people's faces Suddenly sank, and the one sitting in the middle was a little pale. Seeing that he was over drunk, he sneered and said, "little girl, keep your mouth clean. Be careful, young master. I'll let you have a taste of it!"

"Wei Shao is very good at silence, hehe, hehe..." The rest of the young people burst out a bad smile and looked down at Wei Shao.

"Hooligan!" The girl's face turned red and she scolded with shame.

"Brothers, she called me a hooligan. What do you say?" Wei Shao called with exaggeration.

"That's the rascal, or the bad name won't be in vain?" The rest of the people were afraid that the world would not be chaotic. , the fastest update of the webnovel!