Chen Mo didn't answer. His face was a little cold. His eyes swept over the crowd and finally stopped on Pan Ruiming on the stage.

"Where are the Wei family?" Chen Mo's voice is a little cold, and he does not hide his intention to kill.

Pan Ruiming didn't answer, but he couldn't help looking at Wei Changyun.

Other people's eyes can't help but turn to the Wei camp.

It seems that master Chen has a personal feud with the Wei family.

Wei Changyun's face was tight, but he soon returned to normal. In front of the whole Jiangnan martial arts circle, he could not counsel at all.

"Wei's here!" Wei Changyun stood up and looked up at Chen Mo coldly: "what does Master Chen want?"

"Hand over Xue Ziyi, and I'll leave you a vein of blood for the Wei family." Chen Mo's voice is flat, but he hears the creeps of a group of warriors in the south of the Yangtze River.

This means to destroy the Wei family!

Xue Muhua's body is shocked, and his eyes toward Chen Mo are full of shock. Master Chen is worthy of being master Chen!

"Hum, in front of the whole Jiangnan martial arts circles, they even threatened to destroy the whole Wei family. They didn't pay much attention to our martial arts circles in the south of the Yangtze River!" Wei Zong is a good master.

"Yes, it's arrogant! It's as if we are the air of martial arts and Taoism in the south of the Yangtze River. We must leave him here today! "

Almost everyone in the hall, indignant and silent.

Even the Ma family owner and senior Gao, who came to see the excitement, frowned slightly, thinking that Chen Mo's words were too much!

Pan Ruiming on the stage was secretly excited. Chen Mo was so strong that he was in the right place. He was not afraid that these people in the martial arts circles in the south of the Yangtze River would not work together.

Wei Changyun looked up and laughed wildly: "ha ha ha, what a master Chen, arrogant! Today, in front of so many people in the martial arts circle of Jiangnan, I want to see how you can destroy the whole Wei family

"Master, this boy is too arrogant. Let me teach him how to be a man!" Wei Changyun's side, a young man stood up and said angrily, volunteering to take part.

Wei Changyun looked at him, nodded, and said happily, "OK, Yuhe, it's the Qilin son of Wei family. Go ahead, don't weaken our prestige!"

"Don't worry

Some people around looked at the youth who went out from the Wei family camp and talked about it one after another.

"This is Wei Yuhe, the cousin of Wei Yucheng, and Wei Yucheng are called the double heroes of Wei family. I heard that I had already entered the inner world a few years ago. For the sake of this martial arts meeting, I closed down for a whole year. This time, I'm sure there will be a breakthrough. I'm afraid it has reached the peak of the inner world. "

"The young generation of the Wei family is full of talents. Within a few years, the Wei family may be able to compete with the Nangong family of the pan family!"

Wei Yuhe has a restrained breath, steady pace and no fancy movements. He walks to Chen Mo lightly.

On the VIP seat, Ma's master and senior senior senior nodded in secret: "he knows how to retain his strength, and he doesn't show off for the sake of catching the eye. He's a very good young man!"

Wei Yuhe bowed his hand to Chen Mo and said in a deep voice, "Wei family, Wei Yuhe, please enlighten master Chen!"

Chen Mo takes a look at him, and then looks directly over him and looks at Wei Changyun: "you are not qualified to start with me, change people!"


A group of Jiangnan warriors yelled at them one after another!

Wei Yuhe is well-known in the martial arts and Taoism circles in the south of the Yangtze River. Some young people still take him as the target. Now Chen Mo even says that he does not have the qualification to start a fight. How can those people who are not as good as Wei Yuhe feel!

Xue Muhua, who is beside him, is a little speechless. He thinks that Chen Mo's style of doing things is simply an alternative!

Even he felt that Chen Mo was too arrogant. However, if her sister Xue Ziyi was there, she would certainly worship master Chen more.

Wei Yuhe's face was red, and his face was still, but his heart was full of anger.

"Master Chen, if you have any qualifications, you will know after you have tried it!"

Wei Yuhe seems to be in order to prove himself, his whole body Qi burst, powerful breath swept across the hall in an instant.

"The peak of the inner world is really a breakthrough."

The hall people a burst of exclamation, Wei family double outstanding talent, as expected terror!

However, the breath came and went quickly, so fast that we didn't even see Chen Mo's hand at all, and Wei Yuhe flew back and forth.

With a click, he smashed a table and fell to the ground.

The audience is dead!

They opened their mouths one by one and closed them for a long time.

"What The situation? "

"Is Wei Yuhe juggling? Why did he fly out all of a sudden? "

A group of young people in Jiangnan martial arts circle kept asking, but they didn't see Chen Mo's move at all.

Those who are a little more powerful can see clearly that when Wei Yuhe has finished speaking, Chen Mo suddenly waves at Wei Yuhe, just like driving away a fly.

Then, Wei Yuhe flew out and smashed a table.

Pan Ruiming, Wei Changyun, and other famous figures in the martial arts circles in the south of the Yangtze River are all dignified at the moment, just like hell!Ma's master and senior Gao are also shocked. Their previous contempt for Chen Mo is gone.

Those young people are still asking: "what's going on? Why did Wei Yuhe fly out suddenly without any reason?"

"Fool, that's master Chen. You didn't see Master Chen waving his hand just now!"

"No, I can't. I can fly a man with a wave. That man is Wei Yuhe, the top master in the inner world! Even a master can't do it! "

"Isn't that clear enough? It's not that Wei Yuhe is weak, but that master Chen is too strong! I'm afraid it's master Chen, not an ordinary master! "

The conjecture of a group of young people naturally listened to the ears of those big people, which made their faces more gloomy.

Chen Mo's hands were behind his back, and his face was cold: "I repeat, hand over Xue Ziyi. I'll leave you a trace of blood for Wei's family."

Wei Changyun and his family are angry, but they are afraid of Chen Mo's strength and dare not chew.

However, in the face of the whole Jiangnan martial arts circle, Wei Changyun can't advise, and the Wei family can't, otherwise his Wei family will be the laughing stock of the whole Jiangnan martial arts and Taoism circles in the future.

"Hum, if you beat a younger generation of Wei family, do you think there is no one in Wei family? I'll meet you in person

After Wei Changyun finished, a strong breath swept the audience.

All of them were startled and looked at Wei Changyun in the air. They were surprised and said, "master Huajing!"

Although Xue Muhua was not a member of the martial arts circle, he also heard the power of the great master. He whispered: "master Chen, be careful!"

Chen Mo ignores him, looks at Wei Changyun and says faintly: "obstinate!"

After that, he flashed and hit Wei Changyun with a fist.

The first move of Tianxuan Shenquan, break the mountain!


The leader of the Wei family, the master of Huajing, and the man who stood at the top of the whole martial arts world, just like Wei Yuhe, was punched out by Chen Mo, smashed a table, and fell to the ground in confusion.

However, the master was a master after all. Although Wei Changyun was seriously injured, he remained sober.

"How could it be!" Wei Changyun's face was as dead as ashes, and he couldn't believe it.

Everyone, look at Chen Mo's eyes again, showing deep fear! , the fastest update of the webnovel!