"Xiao Ru, lend me your money first, and I'll return it to you as soon as I turn it over!" Qi Mingshan looks at Qi Yueru with an anxious look on his face.

Qi Yueru shook her head and worried: "brother, listen to my advice, don't gamble!"

"Don't worry. When I win back the money I lost just now, we'll leave immediately." Qi Mingshan vowed to guarantee the way.

"Brother..." Qi Yueru still wanted to persuade her, but she was interrupted by Qi Mingshan's angry voice: "take it!"

Looking at Qi Mingshan's outstretched hand, Qi Yueru bit her lips gently and remained unmoved.

Wang Shaoyu sneered coldly: "Qi Shao, I can't even manage my younger sister at this time. I'm afraid you don't have any share in your family business in the future."

Qi Mingshan's face sank and looked at Qi Yueru with a sharp look in his eyes. His voice suddenly raised: "Qi Yueru, now give me your bank card!"

Qi Yueru glared angrily. Wang Shaoyu looked at Qi Mingshan, who was already crazy. She could only sigh and give him the bank card.

"Brother, Wang Shaoyu clearly means to provoke you intentionally. You should think clearly!"

Qi Mingshan couldn't listen at all. He said in a cold voice, "I know he's provoking me, but I know what I'm doing!"

"Wang Shaoyu, come again!"

Qi Mingshan has been unable to control his emotions. The more eager he is to turn over his money, the more likely he will lose. Because he has lost part of his reason, how can he not lose?

The money from Qi Yueru soon lost all of the money. After calculation, Qi Mingshan lost more than 10 million yuan.

Even if it's Lao Mingshan's meat, it will hurt.

Wang Shaoyu laughed triumphantly: "Qi Shao, are you still here?"

"Come on Qi Mingshan was gnashing his teeth, his eyes were red, and he almost fell into madness.

Wang Shaoyu smile, some disdain way: "but Qi Shao, you have no money, take what and I bet?"

Qi Mingshan touched his body, took out a car key from his pocket, and patted it on the table: "I bought a new Porsche sports car last month, which was priced at 3 million yuan. Do you want to bet?"

Wang Shaoyu touched his chin and thought slightly: "three million? It's worth the price

On one side, Qi Yueru stamped his feet in a hurry. If he gambled like this, how much money would he lose.

"Yan'er, please help me to persuade my brother. He should be able to listen to your words!" Qi Yueru has been in a mess. She doesn't know what to do.

Murong Yan'er also felt that Qi Mingshan had fallen into a magic barrier. It was easy to have an accident in this way. No matter what, everyone came together, and she wanted to help.

But she can't help qimingshan. Only Chen Mo can help qimingshan.

Looking at Chen Mo quietly sitting in the rest area, Murong Yan'er attaches herself to Qi Yueru's ear and reminds her in a low voice: "I can't help your brother, but there is one person who can, but I can't guarantee whether he is willing to help you or not."

Qi Yueru was overjoyed and quickly asked, "who is it?"

Murong Yan'er whispered, "Chen Mo!"

"Chen Mo!" Qi Yueru was stunned. She looked at Murong Yan'er with disbelief: "can Chen Mo really help my brother?"

Murong Yan'er nodded positively: "as long as he wants to help, there is nothing he can't do in the world!"

In Murong Yan'er's mind, Chen Mo is almost deified!

Seeing that Murong Yan'er is so confident in Chen Mo, Qi Yueru also believes something. She has long felt that Chen Mo has something that she can't see through. Maybe Chen Mo really has this ability.

Qi Yueru hurried to Chen Mo and asked, "Chen Mo, please help my brother. I know he has been aiming at you. It's wrong for him, but please help him for our classmate's sake."

Chen Mo doesn't want to be in charge of Qi Mingshan's life and death, but Qi Yueru has been kind to him in his previous life, so he can't help but repay him!

However, he still did not want to have any relationship with Qi Mingshan.

Opening his tiny eyes, Chen Mo looks at Qi Yueru, who is anxious. He asks Qi Yueru a question: "do you still have money?"

Qi Yueru thought Chen Mo was asking for her reward, but she couldn't refuse: "how much do you want?"

"How many do you have?" Chen Mo asked.

Qi Yueru's good-looking eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she scolded Chen Mo for her insatiable greed.

"I still have hundreds of thousands of them in my hand. I'll give you whatever you want."

"Hundreds of thousands? A little bit less. " Chen Mo said lightly.

"You say how much, if not, I will supply you later." Qi Yueru's beautiful face is full of anxious color. If he is bargaining with Chen Mo for a while, his brother and Wang Shaoyu's next bet will begin.

Chen Mo is stupefied, this just reacts, Qi Yueru misunderstands him.

"Forget it, since you are born again, some of the favor will always be paid back."

Chen Mo took out his bank card from his pocket and handed it to Qi Yueru: "the password is six zeros. Next, you can do as I say!"Chen Mo uses a technique to isolate the two voices, and quietly tells Qi Yueru a few words. Outsiders can't hear what they are saying. They can only see Qi Yueru's face change from doubt to excitement.

The bets between Qi Mingshan and Wang Shaoyu continued. Unexpectedly, Qi Mingshan lost again.

Wang Shaoyu took the brand-new key of the Porsche car and laughed with pride: "Qi Shao, thank you for your car, but I will not respect it!"

Qi Mingshan is sitting on the ground. He has lost all his money and his sister's money. Now he has lost even his sports car. If his father knows about it, he will not break his leg!

"Today's harvest is good, Qi Shao. Thank you for your gift. I'm leaving first!" Wang Shaoyu can be said to have returned with full load, walking with wind.

"Slow down!" At this time, Qi Yueru on one side suddenly called out.

Wang Shaoyu turned his head and looked at the beautiful Qi Yueru. A touch of greed flashed in his eyes.

"Miss Qi, what do you want?" Wang Shaoyu's tone has a hint of flirtation.

Qi Yueru is indifferent and even hostile. Of course, this is what Chen Mo told her before.

"I'll bet with you!"

"You bet with me!" Wang Shaoyu was not surprised? Are you sure you want to gamble with me

Qi Yueru looked serious: "my brother lost because of his bad luck, but you may not be able to win me. Dare you bet? "

Wang Shaoyu laughed, looking at Qi Yueru's eyes like looking at a big white sheep running into the wolves: "joke, I'm afraid you won't do it?"

"Come on, how do you want to bet?"

"We'll bet as you and my brother bet." Qi Yueru said.

Wang Shaoyu's eyes showed a touch of excitement. He thought Qi Yueru had some tricks. It seemed that it was just a matter of spirit.

"Good! But do you still have money? Of course, if you don't have money, you can replace it with something else. For example, your people! Ha ha... "

Wang Shaoyu laughs loudly, and her hot eyes keep scanning Qi Yueru's better figure.

"Hooligan!" Qi Yueru scolded secretly and took out the bank card that Chen Mo gave her: "the money in this is enough to buy all the property of your family."

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