In the hall, with the continuous communication between students, we have become more and more familiar with each other, and the atmosphere in the field is more and more warm.

However, all of a sudden, the students in the hall suddenly quiet down, all looking at the direction of the gate.

Chen Mo and his colleagues also follow and see the location of the gate. A beautiful girl in a dark red skirt is coming in gracefully.

The girl had long wavy hair, and her fiery red skirt swayed rhythmically with her feet, as if walking in the wind.

She is beautiful and elegant, but she doesn't feel any pressure. On the contrary, it makes people feel like a fire that can warm others.

Just like her name, it was as hot as fire.

She is such a girl, passionate, full of youthful vitality, and even can influence the people around her, so that the people around her are full of enthusiasm and hope for life.

However, such a girl like fire, just like a girl who can make everyone around her full of hope

In the end, it was her own despair of life.

Sometimes, the world is so ironic.

"Is this from class three? This, this is definitely the school flower class goddess Jitata's fat face was full of amazement.

Wen Tingyu nodded and intoned in a long voice: "as if Xi, if the light cloud closed the moon, floating Xi, if the wind returns to snow..."

Hao Jian quietly went to Wen Tingyu and said cautiously, "Lao Wen, don't you think Luoshen Fu is not suitable for her?"

Wen Tingyu's voice stopped abruptly. With her face turning red, she stammered: "the same as..."

Jia Junsi looked at Hao Jian and asked with a smile, "how do you think you should describe her?"

Hao Jian looked at the fire like a fire. He quickly lowered his head. He felt embarrassed. He was like a thief who was caught. He stammered: "I, I think she is like a fire, a fire that will glow and heat but will not burn people."

Chen Mo can't help but look up at Hao Jian. There is no doubt that his metaphor is the most appropriate one for being as strong as fire.

"Like fire, you're here!" A girl stood up from her position and quickly ran to the fire. She took up her arm with a smile.

Chen Mo, the girl, remembers that she is a friend of fire, named Jiang Xue.

As strong as fire, she chuckled at the girl: "Xiaoxue, long time no see!" Her voice is very nice, contrary to her people, there is a kind of light and graceful feeling.

Jiang Xue felt a little sigh in her voice: "yes, I haven't seen you for a long time..."

Immediately, the emotion on Jiang Xue's beautiful face was swept away, showing a happy smile: "but we are in the same university again? We can be together again. "

To be able to meet her friends who have been scattered for many years, she is very happy: "yes, maybe this is the so-called fate!"

"Come on, let's sit down and say!" Jiang Xue pulls the fire to a place not far away from Chen Mo and them.

"Hehe, it seems that the boys in class 3 will be blessed in the future." Jitata nine all squint small eyes, a face of bad smile scan those who do not stop burning eyes at the fierce boys.

"By the way, who initiated this exchange meeting? If you can afford such a high-end place, the identity of this classmate must be different! " Jitata asked curiously.

Jia Junsi shook his head, so did Hao Jian and Wen Tingyu.

Chen Mo knows, but Chen Mo is too lazy to mention the name of the man.

Jia Junsi took a look at jitata Jiudu and said, "what do you care so much about? If someone treats you, you just have to eat."

Jitata Jiudu said with a smile: "yes, some people want to be the big head of injustice, so we don't have to be polite."

Shen junshao's classmate, Shen junshao, is there a class for us to talk to each other

"It shouldn't be wrong, otherwise why does he organize the exchange meeting of our class?"

"Shen Junwen is the eldest young master of Shen family in Nanhua city. If he can make friends with Shen family, he won't have to worry about being bullied in this university for four years."

"Well, the Shen family is the largest family in Nanhua city. Who dares to provoke the Shen family

Several students at that table, with a trace of expectation on their faces, obviously wanted to make friends with the Shen family.

Ji TA Jiu all looked at Chen Mo and asked, "have you heard of the Shen family? It's a great feeling! "

Hao Jian shook his head and said, "no, I haven't heard of it!"

Jia Junsi light smile: "Nanhua city Shen family, really qualified to charter here!"

Chen Mo's eyes have been on the red figure not far away. For the first time in this life, I don't know what kind of way to meet.

"Hi! Xiao Mo, don't look at it. It's useless to look at it again. Such a woman is not something that people like us can climb up to. It's better to see something more realistic, such as the girl behind you Jitata Jiudu looks at the girl with zits behind Chen Mo with a bad smile.Chen Mo gave a faint smile. Instead of looking back, he said with a playful smile: "no, how do you know it's impossible?"

Jia Junsi took a look at Chen Mo and said with deep meaning: "the identity of the girl in red is bigger than that of the Shen family. I don't know how much. If any of you want to make her idea, I advise you to weigh it up, so as not to hurt yourself in the end."

Jitata Jiudu was a little discontented and said, "Lao Jia, it's good to leave some thoughts for Chen Mo if you don't take you so hard. This hasn't started yet? You killed it

Wen Tingyu solemnly said: "brother Jia is also a good intention. Don't misunderstand me!"

"No misunderstanding. Why don't you complain?" Jita Jiudu rolled his eyes.

At this time, a handsome young man in front of him suddenly stood up and walked to the front stage. He picked up the microphone next to him and tried his voice. He said, "everyone, please be quiet!"

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by him. Almost everyone looked at him curiously, even Chen Mo was no exception.

The classmate coughed gently and said, "it's almost time. Most of the students who can come have already arrived. Now, we should invite the sponsor of this exchange meeting, Shen Junwen, Shen Dashao! "

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

There was a burst of applause below.

Jitata Jiudu was a little unconvinced. He murmured in a low voice, "treat as you please. If it's so formal, don't you want to show off on purpose?"

Hao Jian attacked him mercilessly: "chubby, I think you are jealous that people have more money than you and have the ability. You can put on a show here, and you can show off too!"

Jitata jiududun glared at Hao Jian and said angrily, "Hao Jian, wait for me. I'm not finished with you!"

The applause stopped. A handsome young man in a white tuxedo walked out of the background.

With a smile on his face and calm face, his handsome appearance immediately won the favor of most of the students on the scene.

Some of the less reserved girls, looking at Shen Junwen, even began to have a red heart in their eyes.

Gao Fu Shuai should be talking about this kind of person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!