She looks at Chen Mo like a fire, and her eyes are full of interest.

"You are a very interesting person. Are you helping me calculate whether I can realize this dream?" She looks at Chen Mo with a smile on her face.

Chen Mo's face suddenly became serious. He looked at him with a trace of solemnity in his fiery eyes.

Fierce as fire slightly surprised, the mood immediately then tense up: "how? Is there a problem? "

Looking at her beautiful face, Chen Mo couldn't help recalling the tragic ending of her last life.

In the last life, Chen Mo was in a passion like fire. Once a girl like her is in love, she is as fast and warm as the fire.

However, Chen Mo is told by her brother that she is the eldest lady of the strong family in Zhonghai. Chen Mo is afraid and shrinks.

Zhonghai lie family is a first-class family stronger than Hanyang Jin family.

Even if Chen Mo said the identity of the young master of Meihua group, he was still insignificant in front of zhonghailie's family.

In the face of such a super power, Chen mo of his previous life has no choice but to retreat. He does not want to let his mother exhaust half of his life's hard work to establish the Meihua group, which has become the target of the strong family's suppression.

So, he winced.

When he broke up on Cherry Blossom Avenue on the campus of South China University, he said it with a smile, but no one knew how deep his inner pain was at that time.

He remembers that the fire at that time also answered him with a smile. Even after six hundred years, Chen Mo still remembered the sentence as new as before.

"Chen Mo, I am as hot as fire. If I like a person, then he is my world. But if the world abandons me, it doesn't matter. There are more worlds waiting for me. "

A fiery reply, like her people, is direct and concise, decisive and straightforward, and never sloppy.

After that, she left South China University in my senior year.

It's a pity that she didn't look for a new world. Instead, she accepted the family's arrangement and became a victim of the family's political marriage.

And then, there's no more.

Later, Chen Mo heard that she fell ill after she got married. A year later, she died.

The woman, who was as dazzling as fire, bloomed her splendid life like fireworks, but ended up hastily in the end.

After receiving the news of her death, Chen Mo felt that it was suddenly dark.

Chen Mo didn't go to the fiery funeral with his classmates. He didn't dare. He was ashamed. He didn't know how to face her.

But he wanted to see her, even if it was just a glance.

Even if she knew that she could no longer hear what he said, she would never smile and be his listener as before. But he knew she was there, lying quietly

Chen Mo learns the location of the burning graveyard from his classmates. He runs like crazy and finally finds her alone in countless stone tablets.

Chen Mo can't remember what he experienced in the cemetery at that time. He only knew that he woke up the next day. After waking up, his eyes were no longer tears, but red blood.

Chen Mo left, leaving a large area of jasmine with her, quiet, far away from worldly disputes.

Chen Mo's eyes are foggy, and he feels that something is about to overflow.

"Classmate, classmate, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Mo's soft voice brings Chen Mo back to reality. He evaporates his tears with his spiritual power. He found that the girl who left indelible regret in his heart was staring at him with a pair of clear and bright eyes.

Fortunately, God has given Chen Mo another chance to come back to the world with the supreme power of the great friar of Huashen state.

Chen Mo clenched his fist secretly, and his eyes showed an unprecedented firmness.

"Like fire, don't worry! I will never shrink back in this life. "

"You said that the person you like is your world, and I am your world in the previous life."

"In this life, I am willing to subvert the whole world for you!"

Chen Mo's face reappeared with a faint smile and went back to the hot issue just now.

"Your personality and identity won't allow you to realize those unrealistic dreams, so you won't be able to achieve those dreams in your lifetime."

Chen Mo's answer is a little heartless, but he knows that she is as strong as fire, and he knows that her dreams are impossible to realize.

She was as fierce as fire, and her expression was very plain, but a little regretful.

However, Chen Mo suddenly changed his words: "however, you are destined to have a noble man who will help you realize any dream in your heart."

She suddenly laughed, looking at Chen Mo's eyes, she became more and more interested: "noble? Thank you for your comfort, but I don't believe in anyone. I still believe in myself

Chen Mo didn't expect to be as strong as fire either. With a faint smile, he continued: "it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. However, when you encounter something in the future, you can't be impulsive. When you have no way to go, maybe it's the time when you can't go.""Thank you, I remember it!" She didn't take Chen Mo's words seriously, but took Chen Mo's words as a kind of comfort.

At the same time, Jiang Xue at one side of the room regained her consciousness and looked at Chen Mo's eyes. She was surprised: "I didn't expect you to understand a lot, but I underestimated you!"

"But if you rely on these things to pursue the fire, you will be a little too contemptuous of our home like fire!" Jiang Xue's eyes are still a little cold looking at Chen mo.

"This classmate is right!"

Shen Junwen, who had been waiting for him for a long time, finally couldn't help it. He picked up his glass and came over.

"Shen Da Shao!" Seeing Shen Junwen, Jiang Xue's eyes immediately changed.

However, as strong as fire, looking at Shen Junwen, his eyes are slightly cold.

Shen Junwen looks at Chen Mo and smiles. He seems to be careless, but he asks: "this classmate, how do you call him?"

Chen Mo frowns. He remembers the exchange meeting of the last life. He and Shen Junwen did not have any intersection. He has been sitting quietly and watching Shen Junwen make a show.

It seems that with his active contact with the causes of the fire, this exchange meeting has been different from the previous life.

"My name is Chen mo. what can I do for you?" Chen Mo asked lightly, his face showing a trace of undisguised impatience.

Shen Junwen's eyes are full of gloom. This is the first person who doesn't pay attention to him.

But in front of a beautiful woman, he certainly won't show it.

"It turns out to be Chen mo. I don't know where Chen Mo comes from? What kind of business do you do at home Shen Junwen pretends to smile casually.

Chen Mo glanced at him and said, "no comment!"

Shen Junwen did not speak, but the two boys who followed Shen Junwen gave a sneer, which was full of undisguised ridicule.

"Don't you want to say it or dare not?"

"Ha ha, I'm afraid I'll make people laugh when I say it!"

The two sing a song and a duel, suppressing Chen mo.

The eyes of the students around him immediately focused on Chen Mo, and we all know that Shen Junwen's family background is prominent. However, Chen Mo is poor and dressed up. Although he is not ugly, he is absolutely not handsome. Compared with Shen Junwen, his whole body is worthless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!