Shen Junwen's face changed slightly.

The two boys who spoke just now glared at jitata Jiudu and could not find words to refute for a while.

Fierce as fire suddenly looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile, "classmate Chen Mo, since we are not welcomed by others, why should we continue to stay here?"

"Would you like to talk to another place?"

Chen Mo smiles: "I can't get it!"

With that, they stood up and prepared to leave.

Now, Shen Junwen is embarrassed. He never dreamed that he would take care of Chen Mo like a fire.

But his words have already been said. Even if he wants to persuade Chen Mo and lie to stay, he can't save face.

The rest of the students are also secretly frightened, they did not expect that the relationship between Chen Mo and her has reached the point of sharing weal and woe!

However, jitata Jiudu burst out laughing, fearing that the world would not be in disorder, he called out: "since we are going to leave, let's go together and find a small restaurant at random. It's better to be afraid that we will be driven out when we don't know."

Shen Junwen's face turned dark again. The two boys behind him were already red in the face, looking at Shen Junwen with worry, for fear that Shen Junwen would blame them for doing things wrong.

Seeing that both sides have been unable to stand down, Jiang Xue's eyes are reluctant to part with Shen Junwen. She grabs the arm of fire with a smile and says, "Ruhuo, Shen Dashao is just joking. How can you take it seriously? Sit down quickly. Everyone is a classmate. For the first party, don't be unhappy because of such a small matter. "

A female classmate who was close to Jiang Xue also said with a smile: "Xiaoxue is right. In the future, we will be together for four years? How can such a small matter hurt the harmony? Sit down, everyone

See so many people in persuade, strong as fire, soft hearted, but her character is doomed not to compromise easily.

"Shen Dashao, are you kidding?" Fierce as fire, looking at Shen Junwen, waiting for his reply, is also forcing Shen Junwen to be soft. If Shen Junwen is not soft, she will turn around and leave. She will lose face in front of so many students.

Losing face in front of so many students, and admitting to a beauty, Shen Junwen is certainly a good choice.

Shen Junwen quietly smile, said: "a joke, such as fire, why serious students? Let's sit down and have a good chat and resolve this misunderstanding! "

Said, not waiting for the fire to open his mouth, he should first find a seat to sit down.

Jiang Xue looked at it and said, "Shen Dashao, please sit here with me."

Fierce as fire, slightly frown, staring at ginger snow, some disappointment in the heart.

Shen Junwen was eager to sit beside the fire. Naturally, he was very happy, but his face didn't show any sign of it. He just said with a faint smile: "thank you, Jiang Xue. I've written down this favor. If you have something to do in the future, please speak up!"

Let a seat in exchange for a promise from Shen Dashao, which makes many students envy.

Naturally, Jiang Xue was also secretly happy in her heart, but she did not dare to show it too much, so as not to be angry.

Now that Shen Junwen has apologized, she doesn't want to go too far. She sits in her seat slowly.

Now that he sits down like a fire, Chen Mo sits down with him. He takes a glass of red wine from the table and drinks it slowly.

Seeing Shen Junwen sitting down, the eyes of the two boys behind him immediately looked at jitata Jiudu, with a touch of anger in their eyes.

"What's the situation?" Jitata nine is a little silly. How can we say that they just sit down and sit down?

Now, the whole hall is left with jitata Jiudu standing on his own, which is extremely conspicuous.

Because of the fire, they can't make Chen Mo angry, but they won't be so polite to others.

The two boys suddenly looked bad and came to Jita Jiudu.

Jitata nine all hastened to sit down, put on a pair of human and animal harmless smile: "ha ha, two students are good!"

Two people do not eat his way, one of them sneered: "did not you shout to go just now? Why are you sitting down again? "

The other face is full of disdain, holding up his arms, looking at jitata Jiudu maliciously and sneering.

Jitata Jiudu's eyes turn to Hao Jian for help What about Hao Jian? Oh, yes, I just went to the bathroom.

Jita Jiudu's eyes turned to Wen Tingyu again. Wen Tingyu pretended to be asleep and didn't see it.

At last, Jita Jiudu had to ask Jia Junsi for help.

However, Jia Junsi leisurely tasted the red wine in the cup, without any intention of helping.

Ji TA Jiu was a little desperate and scolded in his heart: "you guys who don't talk about righteousness, this time I'm going to die!"

"Ha ha, ha ha, those two students just played jokes. Ha, just like Shen Dashao, they were joking. Don't take them seriously!" Jitata Jiudu was laughing and laughing.

"Hum, what kind of thing are you? Do you deserve to be compared with Shen Da Shao?" See jitata nine all admit counseling, one of them attitude is very bad humiliation way.Wen Tingyu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at them with a trace of indignation.

Jia Junsi's hand shaking slightly with a goblet, a drop of red wine spilled out.

Jitata Jiudu's originally flattering smile gradually closed, looking at the two people slightly narrowed their eyes.

Chen Mo, who is as fierce as the fire, suddenly opens his eyes, and a cold breath spreads quietly.

Strong as fire, sharp sense of neck in a little cool, if a sense of a look at Chen mo.

Shen Junwen is holding a goblet in one hand. His attitude is plain. He has a faint smile on his handsome face. He seems to have heard nothing.

Jitata Jiudu's slightly fat body was very straight and looked at them without showing any weakness: "I really can't compare with that kind of dishonest big and small, but at least I'm better than big and little's family dog!"

"What are you talking about?" The two boys were angry and glared at jitata Jiudu, which meant to do something.

"Chubby, that's good!" Hao Jian, who came out of nowhere, suddenly stood beside jitata Jiudu. His short stature also made his chest straight, and he seemed to have such a powerful momentum.

Wen Tingyu also stood up and bowed his hand to the two boys politely and said, "Mencius said that poverty and inferiority can not be moved, and power cannot be bent. Tao Yuanming didn't bow down for five bowls of rice. As college students, you are not as good as the ancients. I am ashamed of your company

Wen Tingyu finished his speech and then looked at them with disgust.

These two people are also local people in Nanhua city. Their family conditions are not bad. They are enough to rank in the top ten of these students. But the Shen family behind Shen Junwen is the largest family in Nanhua city. As people of Nanhua City, they dare not offend them.

But now they are belittled as worthless by Jita Jiudu and wentingyu. How can they give up!

"I think you're looking for a beating!" They winked at one direction, and immediately another four boys came over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!