At 3:00 p.m., each class went to the venue on time to arrange.

Chen Mo's third class is the monitor, and Li Qingyi is in charge of the command. Chen Mo and Ji TA Jiu are both assigned to a group.

This new year's party is an activity of the whole school. In order to ensure the width of the venue, the venue is directly set up in the school playground.

Therefore, the arrangement of the venue is not easy.

Each class has its own responsible area, and the area of class three is the arrangement of seats in the venue.

Li Qingyi kept commanding at the scene: "Chen Mo, you go and move that table. Put it in that position

"Jita Jiudu, you go and bring two chairs."

These jobs are nothing for Chen Mo, who has stepped into the sixth generation of condensate gas. Chen Mo also misses the atmosphere of working together.

However, gradually, Chen Mo found out that was not the case.

"Chen Mo, you go and get two more chairs!" Li Qingyi continued to command.

However, there are more than a dozen students working together. The rest of them are resting at the same place. Li Qingyi has been using Chen Mo and Jita Jiudu.

Jitata Jiudu wiped the sweat from his forehead and glared angrily at Li Qingyi, who pinched her waist and kept commanding: "this ugly woman must have done it on purpose. So many people are idle, let's do all the work! "

"Don't do it!" Chen Mo said faintly. With that, he threw the two chairs in his hand on the ground and walked to one side to drink water.

"Chen Mo, what are you doing? How can you drop the chair on the floor when I ask you to move it? " Li Qingyi yelled angrily.

Chen Mo glanced at her and said, "I'm tired. Take a rest. You can find someone else."

The rest of the students glanced back and forth on the faces of Li Qingyi and Chen Mo, and they all understood what was going on.

Li Qingyi is a native of Nanhua city. She and Shen Junwen have been classmates since high school. They have been in love with Shen Junwen.

However, Li Qingyi's appearance and temperament are only of medium and low quality, which Shen Junwen can't see at all.

However, the women who fall in love are generally blind and impulsive. Li Qingyi can not see her own shortcomings and only wants to do something for Shen Junwen.

Chen Mo steals Shen Junwen's limelight several times. She can see that Shen Junwen hates Chen mo. Therefore, she wants to help Shen Junwen crack down on Chen Mo, hoping that Shen Junwen can see her pay.

As for Chen Mo's force, including the miracle of life and death in the biology class, Li Qingyi was surprised, but did not think it was so powerful.

According to Li Qingyi, it's an era of aircraft, artillery and nuclear weapons. The warriors are of no great use at all. At most, they are used to bully others. Compared with Shen Junwen's family background, Chen Mo's means are games played by children who have not grown up in Li Qingyi's eyes.

In this world, wealth and power are all people's goals.

With the help of Li Junmo's chance to arrange the meeting place, Li Junmo was able to give a blow to Chen qingmo.

Seeing Chen Mo sitting there drinking water, jitata Jiudu also quietly walked over, drank a bottle of water, and whispered to Chen Mo: "Li Qingyi is the monitor. We are afraid that there will be no good fruit to eat after we offend her. We should bear with it."

Chen Mo didn't speak and looked away. Obviously, he planned to work hard with Li Qingyi.

Seeing Chen Mo ignore herself, Li Qingyi's face shows a touch of anger. In front of so many students, Chen Mo didn't even give her the face of the monitor. In the future, what kind of prestige does she have in front of the students?

"Chen Mo, what about you? Do you hear me? Bring the chair Li Qingyi had a big drink again.

Other students looked at Chen Mo with some worry. They could see that Li Qingyi was angry.

However, Chen Mo still sips the water leisurely, without looking at Li Qingyi.

"You..." Li Qingyi's face is red, pointing to Chen Mo, trying to find an excuse to teach Chen Mo a lesson. However, she had no reason to blame Chen mo.

That you said for a long time, Leng is not connected to the following words.

However, in other people's eyes, Li Qingyi seems to be confused by anger, and can't speak.

Jitata nine all looked at Li Qingyi, some worried that the ugly woman would not be able to pick up at one breath, so burp fart.

"I'll do it. I'll do it for Chen Mo!" He did not think it necessary to offend a woman because of such a trifle, and he was still an ugly woman.

Chen Mo looks at Jita Jiudu lightly and doesn't speak.

Li Qingyi's face softened when she saw that Jita Jiudu was soft. She glared at Chen Mo with hatred and ignored Chen mo.

In fact, she also knows that if Chen Mo doesn't cooperate, she has no way to take Chen mo.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the party officially starts.

In this new year's party, senior students from sophomores to seniors perform to welcome new students. But also from those new freshmen, selected a few special characters as representatives to perform on stage.Even those senior students from sophomore to senior year, who can be selected to perform on stage, are the best in each class. As for the selected freshmen, they are of extraordinary significance.

At least, people like Shen Junwen are not eligible to be elected.

We can imagine the identity and background of the selected freshmen.

On the open playground, the colorful lights are flashing with charming colors. On the temporary stage in front of us, a senior girl in a white dress is giving a speech before the opening of the party.

Chen Mo and several roommates sit quietly in front of Chen Mo in a red dress.

After the meeting, the host began to report and the party officially began.

The first program is a classical dance performed by eight junior students. All of them are from the dance department. They have different figures and looks. As soon as they appear on the stage, the boys below will howl incessantly, pushing the party to a climax.

Chen Mo is sitting quietly, his face is flat, and he has an air of detachment.

After five programs in a row, each of them was wonderful, and the atmosphere was more and more warm. However, they were all group programs, so it was difficult to remember any of them.

Before the sixth program started, the hostess in a white dress began to create a mysterious atmosphere.

"Dear students, the first few programs are brought by senior students. However, the following program is performed by one of our new comers. Are you looking forward to it? "

Hearing that she was a freshman, and that she was acting alone, the wolf friends immediately brightened their eyes.

"Look forward to it!" Countless wolves howl, so that everyone can feel their enthusiasm.

"By the way, this new student is still very beautiful?" Finally, the host did not forget to add a sentence, this, the wolf friends more boiling.

Chen Mo withdraws his mind and turns his eyes to the stage. Maybe the secret of why the school suddenly held this new year's party will be revealed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!