Late at night, when most people fall asleep.

Yanguihu villa, Wuzhou, Hanyang province.

The whole luoyanpo and Yangui lake are shrouded in a light mist of aura all day long. From the outside, it looks like a fairyland on earth.

A gust of wind blows, the shadow of two foreign men is exposed in a remote grove below Luoyan slope.

One was wearing a red tights, his hair was dyed red, and he was wearing glasses made of special materials. He was carrying a rocket launcher about one meter long on his shoulder.

Another man, wearing the same style of blue tights and a windbreak mirror close to his face, stood beside the man in red, with a playful smile on his face and said, "red wolf, I remember you have a more powerful home work. Why didn't you bring it here?"

Red wolf's face showed a trace of anger, cursing: "Damn, don't mention, Huaxia this ghost place, the security check is too strict, this guy, or I through other ways to get in."

"Qingpi, after finishing this task, I won't come back to China after killing me!" Red wolf's very serious assurance.

Qingpi said with a smile: "how else to say that the Commission for this task is several times higher than that of the highest S-level? Huaxia, what a mysterious country

Red wolf urged: "don't sigh, hurry to finish this vote, let's leave quickly. I don't want to be watched by those annoying Chinese agents."

Qingpi looks at Yangui Lake Villa, which is located at the top of luoyanpo mountain, frowns slightly and asks, "red wolf, are you sure that the things you bring can successfully destroy the target?"

The red wolf looked confident: "don't worry, these are all specially transformed by me, and their power is ten times greater than before. Even if the whole mountain is razed to the ground, it will not be a problem at all!"

"That's good!"

"Let's go!"


After a simple debugging, a specially modified high-power rocket with a long firelight flew into the villa of Yangui lake on the top of the mountain.


An earth shaking explosion sounded, a small mushroom cloud burst in the sky of Yangui Lake Villa.

The whole Luoyan slope trembled violently, just like the earthquake precursor.



Red wolf and green skin look proud, immediately pack up the guy ready to retreat.

But they didn't see that yanguihu villa was intact. The powerful rocket was blocked by a transparent light shield, and it never broke through the defense of the inverted five element array.

"Red wolf, although I think you are not very useful sometimes, I have to admit that these things you have transformed really make me look different from each other!" Green skin felt the power of the explosion, heartfelt praise.

"Dear Qingpi, do you know that I hate to cooperate with you too!" The red wolf glared at Qingpi with a fierce look on his face. He packed up the things and was ready to leave.

Qingpi shrugged, and with a helpless smile, he left with the red wolf.

"Who are you?"

At this time, a cold and pleasant voice through the woods, clear ring.

"No, get out!" Green skin's face changed wildly. The most taboo of killers is to be found, especially their long-range hot weapon killers.

A figure in white fell from the sky and landed steadily on the treetop in front of them.

"Oh, MAIGA, angel!" Looking at the visitors, the red wolf exclaimed with surprise.

Green skin looked at the woman in front of her, and she was also full of admiration. It was so beautiful.

Even though their aesthetic views are different from those of the Chinese people, they are surprisingly consistent in this woman.

Because of her beauty, has broken through the surface, directly let the soul resonate.

Yan Qingcheng looks at the two people coldly. When he sees the rocket launcher box behind the red wolf, his eyes suddenly raise a touch of killing intention.

"You made that shell just now?"

The red wolf stepped forward and said with a smile, "beautiful oriental girl, please listen to my great bomb research expert, Mike Jefferson."

"We thought it was empty. If we knew there was such a beautiful lady living in it, even if we were given more money, we would not do it!"

With that, the red wolf winked at Yan Qingcheng and thought he was very handsome.

Red wolf used to rely on this pair of leather bags, but he successfully captured the hearts of many Southeast Asian women. He thought that the Chinese women also liked his tall and handsome Western leather bags just like the Southeast Asian women he had met before.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qingcheng peerless face suddenly a cold: "as expected, you do, suffer death!"

Yan Qingcheng drinks coldly, pours down from the tree, and pats to the red wolf with one palm.

"Oh, God, help!" Red wolf was scared to roll on the spot and hid behind green skin.

Green skin gushed out a green awn, his speed suddenly burst out, a punch to Yan Qingcheng to meet.Bang!

Green skin rubbed back a few steps, Yan Qingcheng was standing in place, his face appeared a touch of curiosity.

"Are you also a warrior?" Looking at the blue light on the green skin, Yan Qingcheng asked.

Green skin strange smile: "warrior? Oh, no, I'm not a warrior in China. To be specific, I'm a psychic! "

Green skin raised his fist, and the blue light on it flashed: "I am a power master of wind element. According to the strength of your Chinese people, I'm probably equivalent to one of your Chinese masters

Yan Qingcheng sneered: "master? You deserve it

Qingpi was furious and glared at Yan Qingcheng: "woman, your words make me feel very unhappy. I will let you know the end of offending me!"

"Wind element wandering in the world, please listen to my call, wind blade attack!"

Qingpi is a power who can control the elements of wind, similar to the master of Chinese arts. However, his melee attack is also very strong, the comprehensive strength is better than the same level of Chinese martial arts.

The strength of Qingpi is equivalent to the warrior at the top of the inner world, but the comprehensive strength is stronger than that at the top of the inner world. When he took over the task before, he killed a Chinese warrior at the top of the inner world. Therefore, he felt that his strength should be superior to that at the top of the inner world.

On the top of the inner world is the master. However, he has never met a master and naturally he does not know his strength.

However, Qingpi has always claimed to be a master outside.

The wind elements in the sky and the earth quickly gathered together, forming a series of wind blades with a length of six or seven inches around the green skin, which looked terrible.

Green skin complacent sneer, to Yan Qingcheng hand out a finger: "woman, I said, you will pay for this. Go

"Green skin, don't hurt her!" cried the red wolf

Green skin scolded: "red wolf, you are such a cowardly bastard! If we don't kill her, we'll all die! "

Yan Qingcheng sneered: "small skills, dare to speak out loud!"

"I will show you the true power of Chinese martial arts."

Yan Qingcheng plain hand a Yang, a light Ming suddenly sounded, Fengming sword across a cold light, appeared in Yan Qingcheng jade hand.

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