Murong Yan'er spat out her tongue at the strange man with a snake in his neck: "hum, you want to be beautiful. I don't want to be a daughter-in-law for your son!"

The strange man laughed: "interesting, you are not afraid of me! When you kill this boy, I will take you away. "

Finish saying, turn head to two companion say: "say good first, you can't rob with me!"

The Oriental man snorted coldly: "moad, don't talk nonsense. Kill him quickly. Do you forget those annoying agents in Huaxia?"

"Oh, yes, finish the task first."

Chen Mo looked at several people coldly, and finally fixed his eyes on the man in the long shirt and holding the ancient books: "did you send out the art of controlling the soil just now?"

The man was stunned and said in surprise, "do you know the technique? Are you the same skill? "

Chen Mo disdains a smile: "you that also deserve to call the technique? In my eyes, it's just a kid's game. "

"Ha ha, old crane, he said that your skills are for children to play with. I think you'd better go back and Practice for decades and come out, so as not to be disgraced here!" Moad, who plays with snakes, laughs loudly.

Master crane was furious: "boy, how dare you underestimate my skill! I will take your life

With that, master crane pointed to Chengjian and suddenly pointed it on the ancient book.

"Rock puppet!"

There was a big bang, and the earth shook violently. One by one, the stone giants crawled out of the ground, a total of six.

This man's skill is very similar to the one that Chen Mo killed in Jingjue's tomb, but he seems to be better than that man.

Moreover, the ancient book in his hand seems to be more powerful than that man's book of earth and earth.

"Crane old ghost is angry, ha ha, all of a sudden six puppets, boy, this has you to see!"

Master crane seemed to be very confident in his own skills, and said to them, "don't interfere. I'll take care of him myself. Do you dare to underestimate my skill?"

Chen Mo faint smile: "don't ink, you go together!"

"Boy, you are crazy! Like when I was young! " Moad said with a smile.

Master crane pointed to Chen Mo: "crush this arrogant boy!"

The six giant stone giants immediately stepped forward and rolled over Chen mo.

"Ah, Chen Mo, can you cope with these big men?" Murong Yan'er exclaimed.

"Don't worry. It's just a pile of waste soil. It's not hard for me." Chen Mo said with a faint smile.

At the moment, behind the woods, three young men in black were lying on the grass, looking at the battle situation ahead.

These three people are the special agents of Huaxia to deal with those with extraordinary ability, Huaxia dragon group.

Dragon 11, dragon 16, dragon 18.

Dragon group only code, no name, go out to carry out the task, code to the former as the leader.

"Eleven, shall we help him?" Long 16 asked.

"Wait and see. Since the boy can be called master Chen, he should have some skills."

"But that's a pair of three. These three guys should be the four S-level killers in the pursuit organization. Except for one shadow, almost all the top-notch killers are out."

"If according to the strength of the martial arts, they all have the strength above the master. Even if he is master Chen, he may not be able to deal with it." Long Shiba is not optimistic about Chen mo.

Long Xi looked at Chen Mo, whose face was flat in the field, and said, "wait a minute. We are taking action when he is in danger. Now let's find a way to isolate the battlefield from ordinary people. "

Finish saying, dragon 11 takes out a gray bead from the body.

"Eleven, you actually brought the" Jiezhu ". The chief executive is really willing to do it Dragon 16 looks at the gray beads in his hands and marvels.

"Stop talking nonsense, gather our strength and launch Jiezhu

"Yes They both nodded at the same time.

A circle of wave that can't be seen by the naked eye quickly sends out from the boundary bead and covers the whole battlefield in an instant.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a little surprise, and he was surprised: "I didn't expect that there was a enchantment artifact on earth. However, compared with the real enchantment, this kind of magic weapon is so weak that it can be ignored!"

"But it's enough as a cover up for ordinary people!"

In this way, Chen Mo will be able to give up.

Six huge stone men rumble toward Chen mo.

The sole of each stone giant is bigger than that of an adult. Six stone giants stand together like six hills.

Chen Mo is as small as an ant in front of them. It seems that any stone giant can easily crush Chen Mo with a foot.

Master crane laughed triumphantly: "boy, dare to underestimate my skill, I will trample you to death!"

With that, the six stone giants raised their feet to Chen mo."Chen Mo, be careful!" Murong Yan'er, standing behind Chen Mo, does not step back and looks at death as if she were home.

Chen Mo, with his hands on his back, is facing the stone giant who has been pressed down like six hills.

When the foot of the stone giant covered the sky, and the shadow shrouded him and Murong Yan'er, Chen Mo held out a hand to them and faintly spat out a word: "no!"

A circle of invisible energy waves, centered on Chen Mo's palm, spread rapidly in all directions.

The power of the rules between heaven and earth has been changed, and the elements of the five elements within a hundred meters of the square are banned.

After entering the six levels of condensed gas, Chen Mo's time of exerting the five elements forbidden mantra has almost reached the realm of his will.

Just when master crane was so excited that he was about to step on Chen Mo, the six stone giants suddenly stopped in mid air.

"What's the matter? Step on him Master crane kept exerting magic power, but the six stone giants seemed to have lost contact with him, and there was no response.

Then, in the eyes of the people, the six stone giants roared into dust.

Without the support of the force of the five elements, these stone giants could not hold on for a few minutes.

Moreover, Chen Mo has already had experience in dealing with this technique, and it is easier to do it than the previous two times.

"No!" Looking at the six stone giants turned to dust, master crane was full of grief. These puppets are not the kind that can be called out at will.

The stone made by the giant is more powerful than that made by ordinary giant.

And in order to refine these six special stone giants, master crane even sacrificed the right to call on those ordinary stone giants.

In other words, he can only summon the six stone giants in his whole life.

But now Chen Mo pointed it out, but it was destroyed by him.

After the smoke and dust are gone, Chen Mo's figure is standing in the same place, not even a trace of dust on his body.

The crane's eyes were so angry that he roared: "boy, you dare to destroy my rock puppet. You and I are irreconcilable!"

Moad put up the smile on his face, turned his head and looked at the Oriental man around him and said, "Yan Zuo, it seems that this boy is not easy to deal with, let's fight together!"

Yan Zuo Leng hum: "should have been so long ago!"

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