The underground base headquarters of life seeking organization is an open and deep hall.

In the dark hall, some of them are gloomy and terrifying. A dozen huge brown stone pillars hold up the whole hall.

Each stone pillar must be surrounded by two people, and there are some animal designs carved on it.

Take a closer look at the four pillars of the kingdom of Chen.

Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, Xuanwu!

"Was this life seeking organization founded by the Chinese warriors?" Chen Mo is puzzled.

"Is the task done?"

A metal voice suddenly sounded, reverberating in the open hall.

Chen Mo's eyes are on the black stone wall with a dragon's design carved in front of the hall. From his practice, we can find that the sound is coming from behind the stone wall.

"It's done!" Chen Mo changed his voice as like as two peas in words.

"Good!" The voice had no emotion, no anger.

"Why didn't the others come back?" The voice asked again.

"They are all dead!" Chen Mo lowered his head and his voice was flat.

"Well?" The voice was puzzled, "then why did you come back?"

Chen Mo lowered his head and said, "I have something to hand over to you when I come back!"

"Oh? What is it? Just put it in front of the stone wall, and I'll take it myself! " The voice was puzzled.

Chen Mo still lowered his head and said, "this is very important. I must give it to you in front of you."

The voice did not answer immediately, as if thinking.

After a while, the voice said, "wait!"

A burst of stone and steel friction sound, that side of the black stone wall slowly rise, out of which came an ordinary looking old man in a red robe.

"What? Give it to me Said the old man in red.

Chen Mo looked at him and shook his head: "this thing can't be given to you. I have to see the pursuer in person before I can hand it in."

The old man's eyes flashed a bit of surprise, and his expression did not change. He said, "Yan Zuo, go out for a trip. Don't you even know me?"

Although the distance is very close, the voice of the old man is still metallic.

Chen Mo looked at him with a strange smile: "if a person at the top of his inner world is the leader of a life hunting organization, I'm very curious about how you control those masters under you!"

"You're not talking left!" The old man exclaimed, "who are you?"

Don't you know who sent me Chen Mo said, step out, the next moment, has come to the old man.

Seeing Chen Mo's movement, the old man immediately turned around and ran back. However, he was not as fast as Chen mo.

Chen Mo stood in front of him and asked, "go ahead, where is your leader?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm the leader of the life hunting organization. I'm the bloody hand chasing life!" The old man looks plain, but the panic in his eyes can be concealed from others, but not from Chen mo.

Chen Mo grabs at the void, and a black loudspeaker falls out of the old man's collar.

His penetrating metallic voice was made through a loudspeaker.

"Now it's time to say it." Chen Mo looks at him, light way.

The old man was found out by Chen Mo, and his face became gloomy: "boy, I advise you that this is not the place you should come to!"

"Noisy!" Chen Mo slaps him in the face.


There was a clear palm print on the old man's face.

A mouthful of blood was swallowed back by the old man.

"You'll be killed by the pursuer!" The old man said angrily.


Another slap, directly hit the old man fly out, hit a huge stone pillar before stopping.

"If you don't say it again, I'll see it myself with soul searching!" Chen Mo's voice is cold and the old man's hair stands on end.

"You, how could you possibly do that evil?" The old man looks at Chen Mo in disbelief.

Chen Mo did not answer him, but frowned slightly and began to walk towards the old man.

"Wait a minute!" After all, the old man was still afraid. Looking at Chen Mo, he bit his teeth and said, "I'll take you."

Chen Mo stops and nods lightly.

"But if you lose your life, don't blame me!" The old man said with hate.

"Lead the way!" Chen Mo spewed out two words without expression.

The old man stood up and led Chen Mo to the back of the stone wall.

Chen Mo finds that there is another world behind the stone wall.

The passage they walk through is a man-made reinforced concrete structure, similar to the tunnel in which a train passes through a cave.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they were suddenly enlightened.

A cave flashing blue light appears in front of Chen mo.The cave is formed naturally. The top of the cave is made of unknown material. It is translucent. The water can be seen flowing from the top. There are some fish swimming slowly from the top.

"The scenery here is very good!"

A man was sitting on the edge of the stone wall, his breath was very weak. He was dressed in a red robe, skinny, and looked like a dried corpse.

"No wonder he wants to find a substitute outside. It turns out that his life is not long. If you can make your cultivation further, you can increase your life span."

Chen Mo and Chen Mo stood beside him for a long time, but he didn't respond.

However, Chen Mo has no doubt about this person's identity.

Although his breath is weak, Chen Mo can feel the body which seems to be on the verge of death, which contains great energy.

"My Lord, shadow, their mission has failed. The target has come to us for revenge." Said the fake old man, bowing down.

At this time, the real bloody hand slowly opened his eyes and looked at Chen Mo with turbid eyes.

"Young man, you are the first to find the prey here!" His voice is very old, it sounds like he is in his twilight years.

"Are you a bloody hand after life?" Chen Mo said lightly.

"When I saw you, I found that I was a little disappointed!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Many people used to say that, but they were all killed by me!" Blood hand pursues life hoarse smile way.

"Tell me, who hired you to kill me? I can give you a good time Chen Mo Tao.

"Keeping the employer's secret is our killer's professional ethics. You don't have to waste your time!" Blood hand after life.

"It doesn't matter. I'll see for myself."

Chen Mo said, the figure has disappeared in place.

The bloody hand chased for life and suddenly opened his eyes. The original thin body suddenly burst out a breath of astonishment. The whole person also disappeared in the same place as a ghost in the blink of an eye.

Chen Mo is slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that the speed of the bloody hand chasing his life is so fast!


The figure of blood hand chasing life suddenly appears behind Chen Mo and punches Chen mo.

Chen Mo didn't look back and hit him straight back.


The body shape of blood hand chasing life suddenly retreats, and Chen Mo's body is also shaken back a step.

"This is the master of peeping God realm!" Chen Mo is a little surprised.

There are three realms of master, namely, the realm of true Qi, the realm of protecting the body, and the realm of divinity.

Blood hand chasing after life is the first master Chen Mo saw. , the fastest update of the webnovel!