"Oh! Oh, my God, look, what's that The commander pointed to Chen Mo and the bloody hand over the island, and exclaimed.

"Boy, how did you find me!" The bloody hand chases for his life. He runs away to the Australian fleet on the sea, and asks Chen Mo, full of panic.

"You don't need to know!" Chen Mo's face is indifferent. With his divine sense, it doesn't take much effort to find the bloody hand hiding on the island.

"Boy, I'll give you all the savings I've accumulated over the years. How about giving me a break?" Chen Mo is afraid of the bloody hand chasing his life. He thinks that the mysterious young man in front of him is a monster, powerful and terrible.

"Kill you, I can also get those things, as for those savings you said, I have taken away!"

When Chen Mo chased the bloody hand for his life, he had collected all the cultivation resources he had accumulated over the years into the storage ring.

After so many years of running the life chasing organization, blood hand has accumulated a lot of good things, including Chen Mo's deep-sea stone for practicing water body.

It is equivalent to the existence of congenital spiritual roots, which contains abundant water attribute element force.

As for his wealth, Mr. Chen did not care.

"My God, I never imagined that someone could fly in the sky!" The commander looks at Chen Mo and his face is shocked.

Those soldiers are also dumbfounded and stare at Chen Mo and Chen Mo one by one.

Hill looked at the blood hand that was rushing towards him and Chen Mo, and his face was dignified and yelled: "look what, fire, stop them, don't let them get close!"

Hill's words awakened the soldiers and remembered the cruel consequences of being approached by those powers. The soldiers panicked and aimed their guns at the two men in the air.



Hundreds of machine guns spewed fire snakes, and the bullets covered half of the sky like raindrops.

"Get out of here The bloody hand chased for his life and was furious. He threw a fist at the soldiers. He was not as fast as Chen Mo, but now these annoying soldiers are still making trouble.

The soldiers were terrified to find that their bullets hit the bloody hands, and they were all bounced away, just like hitting on a transparent protective cover.

But the bloody hand chases the life one punch, blocks in front of more than ten soldiers, directly hits flies. Some of the bodies were smashed, like a small shell exploding.

"That's too much of an exaggeration." The commander's face was full of terror.

Assistant Hill's face was startled and angry. He knew that these two men were more terrible than the powers he had seen before!

"Shell preparation!" Hill gave the order decisively.

The commander took Hill's raised arm and said, "are you crazy, hill? There are hundreds of our soldiers there

Hill shook off the commander, grabbed the commander by the collar and yelled, "if I don't do this, once that terrible guy gets on the ship, we'll all die!"

"As you can see just now, the bullet has no effect on him at all. The only shell that can deal with him is more powerful!"

The commander looked at Hill angrily, and hill looked at him without fear.

"You see, because of your ignorance, I have been prevented from giving orders, and dozens of soldiers have been killed!" Hill roared angrily, pointing to the battlefield ahead.

Looking at the tragic battlefield, every second there will be a soldier died under the attack of the bloody hand. In the end, the commander compromised.

"Well, hill, maybe you're right!"

Hill gave him a cold look: "the battlefield is never a place to accumulate achievements. Every decision you make will affect many people's lives. Dear sir, please tell your uncle what I said when you get back! "

The young commander blushed and bowed his head in shame.

Hill raised his hand decisively again, and roared coldly: "fire!"

Boom! Boom!

Dozens of emplacements aimed at the bloody hands in mid air and fired together.

The soldiers on the island were bombed with flesh and blood, and they dare not resist the shell with their bloody hands. They protected their bodies with their accomplishments and kept avoiding the bombing of shells.

"Asshole, I'll kill you all!" Blood hand pursues his life. The blood in his body is churning. His strength can't resist this kind of powerful shell.

Chen Mo simply stops in the air and looks at the bloody hand chasing his life in Tibet. Although he is not afraid of those shells, he doesn't need to go up to help the bloody hand fight back.

After a volley, the commander and hill looked at the bloody hands on the shore.

"I should be dead now." The commander said with some uncertainty.

However, a figure suddenly rose from the dust, and his clothes were blown into rags.

"Die for me The bloody hand rushed to the deck of two destroyers.

"Oh, hill, what to do? Here he comes The commander was pale and panicked."Who the hell is this?" Hill scolded, took out the pistol from his waist and swore, "it's too close to shoot. Fight with him!"

"Pull out your gun, sir, and fight like a man!" Hill glared at the commander and roared.

When he sees the bloody hand chasing his life to the deck, Chen Mo's speed suddenly speeds up. He knows that the bloody hand is not to kill, but to escape!

Sure enough, the bloody hand just passed by hill and the commander, and then walked away quickly.

After that, Chen Mo pursues the past with a leisurely face. With a flash of golden light, Chen Mo's heart penetrates after chasing his life from the blood hand.

"What is this?" Looking at the flying sword suspended three feet above Chen Mo's head, his eyes are full of wonder, and he is still in his grave.

Looking at the body of the bloody hand chasing his life falling into the sea, Chen Mo's face is flat, but in his heart, he can't help but raise a vigilance.

"I didn't expect that the strength of the realm is so powerful! It seems that I have to reevaluate the strength of the warrior in the divine realm! "

Chen Mo enters the storage ring and looks at the blue stones the size of a basketball. They are the original stones in the deep sea that Chen Mo collected from the nest of his bloody hands.

"If I absorb and refine these deep-sea raw stones, my water body should be able to reach a small level of success!"

Put away his thoughts, Chen Mo did not stay, directly fell on the sea, set foot on the sea.

On the deck of the destroyer, the commander and hill look at Chen Mo, who is walking on the sea. The commander swallows and spits.

"He, he killed the devil

"Doesn't he need to go by boat?"

"Who on earth is he?"

The commander asked three questions in a row, and quickly took a picture of Chen Mo stepping on the sea with his mobile phone.

The commander felt that if the video of Chen Mo Gang fighting the devil and this video of stepping on the sea were published on the Internet, it would certainly cause a sensation.

Hill only answered the commander's last question, his voice was very solemn: "he is Chinese!"

The commander's face showed a sudden look: "Huaxia It's the oldest and most mysterious country in the East

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