"Let go

Fierce as fire glared at yuntianling, her hand was caught in the hands of yuntianling, several times can not break free, let the fierce such as fire and shame and anger.

Yuntian Lingsi was not moved, and her face was still indifferent: "aren't you going to dance? I'll dance with you

"Who wants to jump with you, let me go!" he said

If it is not for the power of the cloud family, it is as fierce as fire, and would like to slap it in the past.

Yuntianling still did not mean to let go, and slightly forced, a strong as fire from the seat, holding in the arms.

"If I want to dance with you, you must dance!" He is like a tyrannical emperor, does not allow others to have the slightest violation.

"Yuntianling, if you don't let go, don't blame me for being rude!" Fierce as fire, really angry, there is a kind of reckless impulse.

Around a lot of students are looking at them, most of the students are talking in a low voice, very angry at yuntianling's behavior.

Although they don't know the real identity of yuntianling, many people understand that they can't provoke yuntianling.

Therefore, the students just dare not to speak.

Jitata Jiudu and Hao Jian left the two girls and quietly returned to their positions.

"Is this guy too arrogant? I think he is crazier than Chen Mu! " Jitata said with dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of Jita Jiudu, Chen Mo is a complete maniac, but compared with yuntianling, he finds that Chen Mo is much more low-key.

Hao Jian asked in a low voice, "shall we stop him?"

Gu Linfeng flashed a cold light in his eyes, but yuntianling's strength was far superior to that of him, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Jia Junsi scolded seriously: "don't meddle in your business. We can't interfere in his affairs."

"Then you can't let him bully girls like this!" Murong Yan'er, who could not see the past for a long time, walked past with anger on her face.

"Miss Yan'er, don't be impulsive!" Jia Jun Si urgently cheered that even with the strength of Murong family in the south of the Yangtze River, he could not compete with the cloud family.

However, Murong Yan'er didn't pay attention to it. She went directly to the fire and looked at the cloud and sky Ling coldly.

"Don't you think it's a bit excessive to treat a girl in such a rude way?"

Yuntianling released, as fierce as fire, looked at Murong Yan'er, and her voice was cold: "it seems that it's none of your business. I advise you not to meddle in your business. The name of Murong family in the south of the Yangtze River doesn't work here! "

Murong Yan'er angrily said: "I stand here, representing myself, and has nothing to do with Murong family. I just can't stand you bullying girls! "

Yuntianling said in a cold voice, "what if you can't stand it? Don't say it's you. Even if murongke is here, he doesn't dare to tell me what to do

"For the sake of you being a woman, leave by yourself, or don't blame me for being rude!"

She didn't want to hurt Murong Yan'er or even the Murong family because of herself. She said, "Yan'er, thank you for coming forward to speak for me, but this is a matter between me and him. I want to solve it by myself. You go back

Murong Yan'er and lie Ruhuo have no friendship, but she heard about Chen Mo's story that she had been in the forefront for her.

In Murong Yan'er's heart, since she is Chen Mo's guardian, she should take the place of Chen Mo when Chen Mo is not there.

Murong Yan'er's eyes showed a touch of determination, looking at the fierce as fire: "I will not go, unless he leaves first!"

Fierce as fire, slightly a Leng, in Murong Yan'er's body, she saw Chen Mo's shadow.

"How can you be as stubborn as he is!" Strong as fire, she sighed in a low voice. In fact, she was not so? They are the same kind of people, so they come together.

Yuntianling is angry. In his capacity, beautiful women see too many and too many. Naturally, they will not take pity on the beauty of Murong Yan'er.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating or drinking!"

Murong Yan'er raised her small face and glared at yuntianling without any timidity.

Jitata Jiudu looked at the two men who were about to clash and looked at Jia Junsi: "Lao Jia, do we still care?"

Jia Junsi frowns deeply, if it doesn't matter, does that eye look at Murong Yan'er suffer losses?

The friendship between Murong Yan'er and Chen Mo is obvious to all. If they fail to save their lives, how can they explain to Chen Mo when Chen Mo comes back?

"Go After a hard choice, Jia Junsi resolutely stepped forward. Even if he offended the cloud family, he could not watch Murong Yan'er suffer humiliation.

"Just waiting for you to say that!" Jitata Jiudu was very happy.

"Yuntianling, it's too much to treat two girls like this!" Jia Junsi faint voice sounded, 306 dormitory several people, block in front of Murong Yan'er, and yuntianling confrontation.

Shen Junwen, who has been sitting behind yuntianling, has a slight surprise in his eyes. He comes with several younger brothers and stands beside yuntianling.

"What? Chen Mo is not here. Would you take the lead for him? Do you like to show off in 306 dormitory? " Shen Junwen sneered.

Yuntianling glanced at Shen Junwen lightly. He could see that Shen Junwen wanted to please him. He saw many such people. Of course, at this time, he would not refuse. He was happy to have someone come forward for him."Are you?" Cloud day Ling pretends to ask a way.

Shen Junwen quickly bowed down and said, "Shen Junwen of Shen family in Nanhua city has seen Yunshao!"

"Well, Nanhua Shen family, I remember it!" Yuntianling knows how to control his subordinates. His words are enough to make Shen Junwen work for him.

When Gu Linfeng saw Shen Junwen come forward, he immediately snorted: "Shen Junwen, do you like to be a dogleg so much? Jump out in such a hurry

Shen Junwen looks angry, but Gu Linfeng is a member of the martial arts family. He can't help Gu Linfeng.

"Yunshao, this man is from the ancient Nanhua family!" Shen Junwen whispers to yuntianling that he can't help Gu Linfeng, but the cloud family, which is also a martial arts family, is not Gu Linfeng's nemesis?

"Nanhua ancient home?" Yun Tianling's face appeared a touch of scorn: "who are you who sent gifts to my door for three years in a row, but was refused the door?"

In a word, let Gu Linfeng blush to the root of his neck.

Although the ancient family is a martial arts family, it has been declining for many years. The strongest one is Gu Shixun, Gu Linfeng's father.

But Gu Shixun is just the strength of his inner world. In order to prevent being suppressed by his opponents, Gu Shixun wants to climb the tree of Zhonghai cloud family.

However, there are too many people who want to attach themselves to the cloud family. For three years in a row, Gu Shixun went to give gifts to the cloud family every year. All of them were turned away, almost becoming a joke in martial arts circles.

Of course, Gu Shixun will not tell Gu Linfeng about this, but there is no airtight wall in the world. Gu Linfeng has heard something about it, but he doesn't believe his father will be so humble.

Now it is said face to face by yuntianling, but Gu Linfeng doesn't believe it.

For a time, a huge sense of shame filled Gu Linfeng's whole body, making his face hot.

Looking at Gu Linfeng's look, Shen Junwen knew that yuntianling was true. He immediately said with a scornful smile: "it turns out that the ancient family has such a glorious history. It's really eye opening for me."

Gu Linfeng's eyes are red and his teeth are clenched: "the cloud family is deceiving people too much!"

Cloud day Ling light a smile, the face is full of disdain: "then how?"

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