"I think so." The sound was as strong as fire with a sigh.

Think of that let people love and hate the home, as strong as fire, thoughts confused.

In the eyes of ordinary people, she is the daughter of zhonghailie's family. She grew up with a golden key. Everything enjoys the best treatment and is envied by countless people.

However, no one knows that her fate has been doomed from the very beginning of her birth.

She is extremely rich, with wealth that ordinary people can't obtain for several lifetime. But she is also incomparably humble, even the fate that everyone can control does not belong to her.

Chen Mo's mood is a little complicated. He knows the burning pain. He wants to help her change. He doesn't want to wait for a moment.

"If you are not happy, why not fight?"

The fire did not answer, and a wry smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Fight? It's not that she hasn't done it.

But how could she hurt her when she thought of her mother's crying face?

As for the father who regarded the family as more important than everything else, he was no longer hopeful.

She still can't forget the sentence of strong Qingcang: "if the family needs me to die, I will send the whole family together first!"

In front of such a father with supreme family interests, even the life of the whole family can not be wanted, not to mention a mere marriage?

In the eyes of strong Qing Cang, it is not important who his daughter marries, but how much benefit he can bring to the family.

Fierce as fire once fought very hard, but in front of such a father, she had no choice but to admit her life.

"It's no use. Some people's fate has been doomed from birth."

Chen Mo's voice was low: "how do you know that you can't change without trying hard?"

She looked at Chen Mo with a smile of self mockery: "just like you humiliated yuntianling?"

"It's useless. When the strong master of the cloud family comes, everything you have done will not only be restored to the original, but also make yuntianling even worse."

"You still can't change anything!" With a faint irony on his fiery face, it seems that he is laughing at Chen Mo's incapacity.

"Master?" Chen Mo smiles, without explanation.

"I know a girl named Yan Qingcheng. Her experience is very similar to you. She is also controlled by the family. However, her practice is the opposite of yours, she never bow to fate. In order to change her fate, she endured humiliation and suffered hardships, and finally she changed her own destiny as she wished

Chen Mo admires Yan Qingcheng's courage to go to Wuzhou alone to find him.

It was as fierce as fire and sighed. There was no fluctuation in the eyes. Maybe there was a spark in those eyes, but it was completely extinguished by the ruthless reality, and even deeply frozen.

"I know your kindness. Though I didn't resist, I never bowed to them. But don't meddle in the affairs between me and yuntianling. I don't want to implicate you! "

"That would make me feel guilty!"

Fierce as fire looked at the Murong Yan'er not far away: "and also will let those who care about you worry about you."

"Miss Murong is really a very good girl. I hope you can cherish it!"



Chen Mo doesn't say anything. He understands that he can't change his burning thoughts for the time being. Only when she can see with her own eyes that the two giants, the Yunjia and the Liejia, which she thinks are impossible to be defeated, collapse, can make her believe.

Looking at the figure, which is as fierce as fire, Chen Mo's eyes flashed a chill: "don't worry, this day, it won't be too far."

After the party was over, Chen Mo could not help being complained by Jita Jiudu and others, especially Jita Jiudu, who vomited all the bitterness of these days.

It was not until Chen Mo agreed to accept him as an apprentice.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't really accept him as his apprentice. He didn't want to change the fate of jitata Jiudu. He had his own life.

Accompany a few roommates back to the door of the dormitory building, Chen Mo is decisively driven away by several people, all men, that look Chen Mo understand.

Chen Mo sends Murong Yan'er back to the girls' dormitory. On the way, Murong Yan'er is surprisingly quiet. She doesn't say a word, but quietly accompanies Chen mo.

Chen Mo is not used to it.

"Don't you want to ask me where I've been these days?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

Murong Yan'er quietly smile: "I know, you will tell me, should not I know, even if I asked also useless."

Chen Mo feels pity in her heart. In other people's eyes, she may think that Murong Yan'er is really a clever and sensible girl. But what Chen Mo sees is that Murong Yan'er has lost herself in front of him and is so humble as to please him wholeheartedly.

Murong Yan'er in his memory should not be like this.

Sometimes Chen Mo will think about whether he helped Murong Yan'er or harmed her.Although he has made great efforts to control his influence on the people around him, the invisible butterfly effect, like the road in the dark, is beyond his control.

"If you ask, I'll tell you!" Chen Mo said with a smile.

Murong Yan'er smiles and looks at Chen Mo's eyes. She says, "I'm very happy with you!"

"Well, here I am. Go back and have a rest." Murong Yan Er generous smile way.

"Well, you'll have a rest early, too." Chen Mo also smiles at Murong Yan'er.

Seeing Murong Yan'er back to the dormitory, Chen Mo turns away. He doesn't tell Murong Yan'er that he went to destroy the life pursuit organization. He doesn't want Murong Yan'er to know about these things. He thinks that girls like Murong Yan'er should live in the sun.

Back to his rented villa courtyard, Chen Tong, who is well dressed and clean, has been waiting in the courtyard for a long time.

Looking at Chen Tong, Chen Mo frowns slightly.

"Back at last." Chen Tong's face was cold and his voice was trying to suppress his anger.

Chen Mo ignored him, passed by him calmly, and then said, "I don't want to hear from you, and I don't welcome you here. You go!"

Chen Tong's face grew colder.

"Hum, boy, I don't care what you depend on, but I must warn you again. You can't offend the cloud family. As a member of the Chen family, I have the obligation to persuade you to apologize to Yun Tianling and stay away from the fire. Otherwise, even the Chen family will not be able to protect you! "

Chen Mo doesn't stop. Chen Tong's face is gloomy to the extreme.

When he got to the door, Chen Mo stopped and didn't look back. His voice was still and frightening: "I don't need anyone to protect me, and no one can stop me. Yunjia can't do it, yuntianling can't do it, you can't! "

"Come on, you are not welcome here in the future."

With that, Chen Mo goes straight into the room.

Chen Tong's face was livid, and he could not help it any longer. Regardless of his image, he roared at Chen Mo: "boy, do you know that there is a master in the cloud family? Your strength and dependence is a joke in the eyes of a great master

"What are you fighting against the cloud family?"

"You'll take the whole Chen family of South Jiangsu into it!"

Chen Mo still ignored, and a faint voice came out of the room: "when you're finished, go. Don't come back."

Chen Tong has a kind of crazy feeling. As the favored son of Chen family in South Jiangsu, no one dares to ignore him like this.

Chen Tong roared at Chen Mo in the room again: "boy, you should be 18 years old this year. I'm waiting for you at this year's Chen annual meeting."

"As you wish!" Chen Mo Ping's pale voice came out again.

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