
Several magnates are dissatisfied with Chen Songzi's arrogant attitude.

Strong Qingcang's face was gloomy. Although he didn't show it, he was also very dissatisfied. He didn't expect Chen Songzi to be so strong that he completely disrupted his rhythm.

"Mr. Chen, we Chinese merchants have always been harmonious and pay attention to harmony and wealth. But since your Mojia chamber of Commerce moved into China, it has made enemies everywhere and occupied other people's interests. Do you want to give us an explanation? " Strong Qing Cang road.

Chen Songzi sneered: "ridiculous! How can I talk about encroaching on the interests of others? Is this Zhonghai your own

"If you say so, your excellency, you will not obey the rules?" Strong Qing Cang frowned.

"Rules?" Chen Songzi smiles: "that's your rule. Why should I abide by it? I only keep the law of China

Lu Jianhui, a real estate giant, said angrily, "brother lie, you don't have to talk nonsense with him. You can ask him directly whether he will quit Zhonghai."

Before strong Qing Cang had time to ask, Chen Songzi said in a cold voice: "don't dream. My goal is to become the top business leader in China shipping. You can use all your abilities."

"Brother lie, you hear me. He's going to replace your family!" The louder Wang Kai was.

Strong Qingcang's face is gloomy to the extreme. Chen Songzi wants to be the top leader in the business circles of China and the sea. Where does he put his strong family?

"Chen Daochang, it seems that we can't get along with each other peacefully." Strong Qing Cang sighs, seems to be very sorry.

Chen Songzi sneered: "you are going to drive me out of Zhonghai. Do you still expect me to live in peace with you?"


Li Qingcang said solemnly, "Chen Daochang, I'm asking you one last time. If you are willing to quit Zhonghai, we don't care about your interests in Zhonghai and are willing to compensate you for your losses. Do you think about it clearly?"

"Don't think about it. You can't afford to pay for my loss!" Chen Songzi is tough and has no room for discussion.

"How arrogant, brother lie, what are you waiting for?" Lu Jianhui couldn't help standing up and yelling angrily.

Strong Qing Cang helpless shout: "Mr. Yan, come out!"

Yan Fu, with a proud face, came out slowly and looked at Chen Songzi. His face was full of disdain.

"Brother lie!" Yan Fu slightly arched his hand to the strong Qingcang.

"Please have a seat, Mr. Yan!" Strong Qing Cang reached out and put out a gesture of please.

Yan Fu sat opposite Chen Songzi, his eyes full of disdain.

Chen Songzi looked at Yan Fu and had a bad first impression of this guy.

"Mr. Chen, do you know Mr. Yan?" Strong Qing Cang light asks a way, facial expression is a little complacent.

Chen Songzi sneered: "do I need to know him?"

"Hum, it's crazy. I don't even know Mr. Yan. I don't know where your life spirit comes from?" Lu Jianhui sneered.

"Hey, it's OK. After that, he won't get the spirit liquid of life, so he will know Mr. Yan." Wang Kaiyue said with a smile of schadenfreude.

From what they said, Chen Songzi understood the identity of Mr. Yan, who should be the person in charge of the spirit of life in Zhonghai.

Suddenly, Chen Songzi also understood the dependence of these people.

Can't help, Chen Songzi laughed, there is a kind of burst of laughter impulse.

Strong Qing Cang way: "Chen Daochang is too busy, don't know Mr. Yan is also very normal, I'll give Chen Daochang a detailed introduction."

Chen Songzi is silent, quietly watching the strong Qingcang performance.

"Chen Daochang's Mojia chamber of commerce also has the business of life spirit liquid? And that's a lot of it, right? " Strong Qing Cang a face strange ask a way.

Chen Songzi nodded: "yes, the spirit of life is one of the pillars of our chamber of Commerce. If there was no spirit liquid of life, my chamber of Commerce would have been expelled by you."

Strong Qingcang was very satisfied: "this Mr. Yan is the person in charge of Zhonghai life spirit liquid. The life spirit liquid sold by Zhonghai is purchased from Mr. Yan here."

"Now, you understand Mr. Yan's identity."

Hearing Li Qingcang's introduction so solemnly, Yan Fu's face swept Chen Songzi with pride, which was a bit of a demonstration.

"I think Mojia chamber of Commerce has a bit more market share of life spirit liquid. I will immediately suspend the supply of life spirit liquid to Mojia chamber of Commerce after I go back." Yan Fu said with a high face.

A few tycoons immediately ecstatic, looking at Chen Songzi with a look of schadenfreude.

"Without the supply channel of life spirit liquid, Mojia chamber of Commerce will die this time!"

Strong Qing Cang is also proud of looking at Chen Songzi, he felt that Chen Songzi's face must be very ugly now.

But they were disappointed.

Chen Songzi's look is still plain, just like listening to an unimportant thing.

"Hum, this guy is still pretending to be on the verge of death. When Mr. Yan really cuts off the supply of his life spirit liquid, can he still be so calm?" Lu Jianhui sneered.

Strong Qingcang looks at Chen Songzi, thinking of Chen Songzi's martial identity, strong Qingcang doesn't want to offend Chen Songzi too hard."Mr. Chen, if you are willing to withdraw from China shipping, my proposal is still valid."

Chen Songzi laughed: "no, if I want the spirit of life, I don't need to go through anyone. I'll wave it!"

"Do you think that by relying on this waste, you can cut off the source of life spirit liquid of Mojia chamber of Commerce?"

"I don't know!"

People looked at Yan Fu in disbelief. Did Chen Songzi have a way to get over Yan Fu and get the spirit of life?

Yan Fu understood the mood of the crowd and immediately exclaimed, "no way!"

"The management of life spirit liquid has a very strict system. No one can take goods directly from other places without going through the local agent. He is lying!"

"And my uncle is the general agent of the whole Jianghai province's life spirit liquid. He is absolutely impossible to provide any company in Zhonghai city with supplies beyond me."

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Songzi laughed, laughing with disdain: "this trip did not come in vain, did not expect to be able to clean out two moths in the agent of life spirit liquid."

"What are you talking about?" Yan Fu said angrily.

Chen Songzi ignored him, but took out his mobile phone and called Chu Wenxiong.

"Mr. Chen, can I help you?" When the phone is connected, Chu Wenxiong's voice is flattering.

Chu Wenxiong was appointed by Chen Mo as the general manager of the national sales of life spirit liquid. However, in front of Chen Songzi, his attitude was extremely humble.

"Who is the person in charge of Jianghai province Chen Songzi said coldly.

Chu Wenxiong immediately heard that something was wrong and asked in a hurry, "Chen Daochang, what's the matter? Where are you now? "

Chen Songzi said: "when I am in Zhonghai, I need you to tell me the person in charge of the life spirit liquid in Jianghai province immediately."

Chu Wenxiong said, "don't worry, Chen. I'll talk about things in Zhonghai now. You tell me the location, I will take the person in charge of Jianghai province to see you immediately! "

Chen Songzi originally intended to say no, but with a look of arrogant Yan Fu, he said, "I'm in zhonghailie's house. You'll come here right away."


Hang up the phone, Chen Songzi looked at Yan Fu and said coldly, "your uncle will come in person later. You are ready to explain to him!"

Yan Fu was afraid, but he didn't believe that Chen Songzi was really capable.

"Pretend, do you think I'm scared? I'll see how you make a fool of yourself , the fastest update of the webnovel!