
Yunyan went away.

People in the secular world may not have any impression on the master of the cloud family, but the people in the martial arts world all show a look of fear.

"The old man? Is yunkong still alive? " Yu's family owner, who is second only to the cloud family in Zhonghai, exclaimed in the Grand Slam.

"No way! Yunkong said ten years ago that his life was not long. How could he live to this day? " Wang family head retorts.

"In addition to yunkong, who do you think has higher accomplishments than Yunshan?" Shen, who has always been wise, said in a deep voice.

The Yu family, the Wang family and all the people of the martial arts family were silent.

As we all know, there are three talents in the cloud family. One of them is yunkong, who built the cloud family into the first family of Zhonghai fifty years ago.

The second is Yunshan, the current owner of the cloud family, who has carried forward the cloud family on the basis of the existing one.

The third is yuntianling, who is known as the young genius of the cloud family.

The man who can be called a master by Yunshan is no more than yunkong.

The eyes of the crowd were startled.

"If it's really a cloud, it's terrible!" Yu exclaimed.

Some people who want to replace the cloud family are even more frightened.

Yunkong has almost become an invincible myth of the cloud family. Ten years ago, Ju said that he had reached the cultivation of the master of the body protection realm. However, at that time, it was rumored by the Yuns that the old wounds of yunkong recurred and that they would be closed for healing.

Later, I never heard about yunkong. Everyone thought that yunkong might be dead.

But I didn't expect that in today's crisis moment, Yunshan even mentioned the title of "master of the cloud family" again.

If the cloud is really empty, the cloud family is too deep.

Chen Songzi also slightly surprised in his eyes. He had expected that the cloud family might have a card, but he didn't expect it was such an old monster.

Yunshan is not Chen Songzi's opponent. In that war, he did not even use Tianxuan's three fists, and Yunshan was defeated.

However, although Yunshan was not surprised by the defeat, he even offered him conditions, which led to the agreement that as long as Chen Songzi did not use martial arts to cultivate himself, the cloud family would not make a move.

At that time, Chen Songzi felt that the cloud family still had a card, otherwise Yunshan would not have such a strong foundation.

Around those comments, Chen Songzi also heard some, for the cloud old man, also have some understanding.

If it's true that the old man has been in the state of physical protection ten years ago, Chen Songzi may not be an opponent.

However, Chen Songzi wants a war, a happy one.

Since the breakthrough of cultivation, Chen Songzi hasn't had a good fight yet.

"The cloud family really has an unknown card. I'm waiting for him here!" Chen Songzi showed an excited smile, full of fighting spirit.

Yunshan sneered: "I hope you don't regret it then!"

All of us are waiting for the appearance of the master of the cloud family. All of us also understand that this arrogant old way is actually a super master who can't even beat the cloud mountain.

The wedding ceremony master looked at Yunshan awkwardly and asked, "Mr. Yun, will the wedding continue?"

Yunshan looked at Chen Songzi and said in a deep voice, "wait a minute!"

"Yes The emcee was relieved and retreated to one side. He felt that the breath of Chen Songzi and Yunshan had a strong pressure, which made him almost breathless.

Half an hour later, he was old and limping. Yunkong, with a dragon's head and crutches, walked in with the help of Yunyan.

All people's eyes can't help but focus on the cloud.

However, only Chen Songzi's eyes crossed the sky and looked at a young man who was not outstanding in appearance, and his face was happy.

After entering the hall, the young man did not follow yunkong, but found a place nearby and sat down to watch.

Yunshan and a group of cloud family members hurriedly walked by and saluted yunkong: "I've seen the old man!"

Cloud empty voice old said: "don't be too polite."

A group of cloud family members got up and surrounded yunkong.

Yunkong looked at Yunshan, trembling and said: "I have not asked about the world for many years. You have come all the way to pick me up. Why?"

Yunshan bowed and said, "master, I'm sorry for my incompetence. The cloud family has been bullied and humiliated today. It's really helpless for you to come forward!"

"Who bullied my cloud family?" Yunkong's voice is old and has no half prestige. However, when people hear that sentence, they can't help but feel awe for the cloud family from the bottom of their heart.

Even Chen Songzi, also slightly surprised, this old man, not simple!

But he couldn't scare Chen Songzi.

"It's me!" Chen Songzi stepped forward, stood quietly, and looked at yunkong with a plain face.

Yunkong looked at Chen Songzi with blank eyes and said, "you are a Taoist robe. You are not practicing in Taoist temples. Why do you come here to insult my cloud family?"

Chen Songzi sneered: "no him, but see what your cloud family has done, so come here to fight against injustice.""I've been closed for many years. It seems that the reputation of the cloud family is not as good as before!" Yunkong looked at Yunshan with some discontent. Yunshan and others immediately bowed their heads in shame.

Yunkong's eyes turned to Chen Songzi and said in a cold voice: "if you want to fight against injustice in my cloud house, first see if you have that ability."

Yunkong said, leaving the two people who supported him, went straight to Chen Songzi three meters in front of him and stood still.

"It seems that your strength has reached the level of physical protection. I'm afraid it has also taken decades of hard work. What's more, you should understand that it's not easy to practice and cherish it." Yunkong's words are tantamount to persuading Chen Songzi not to be troublesome. It seems that he doesn't want to start with Chen Songzi unless he has to.

Yunshan and other members of the cloud family are shocked. Chen Songzi's strength is so strong that even the old man doesn't want to make a move easily?

Those in the world of martial arts in Zhonghai also heard the implication of yunkong, and looked at Chen Songzi's eyes one by one, which was even more astonishing.

At present, the strength of the old Taoist priest is so powerful!

Chen Songzi heard the speech, but he laughed: "I don't feel how hard it is to cultivate myself. In just a few months, I just wonder what kind of strength I have reached!"

How many months?

Master of body protection?

How could that be possible!

Not only was yunkong stunned, but all the warriors were stunned.

The only thought is that Chen Songzi is lying.

Yunkong sighed: "you want to fight with me to accompany you. Why do you need to say such words to stimulate me? If I had been so easily angered, I would not have achieved the accomplishments of today's self-cultivation. "

"Come on, let me see how much you have and dare to come to my cloud house and make wild use of it!"

Although the body of the clock is still powerful, it is still very powerful.

Chen Songzi obviously felt the pressure, and was shocked in his heart: "this strength, I'm afraid, has reached the peeping God realm! It seems that the cloud family is firmly on the throne of the first martial Taoist family in China. It seems that it is not a fluke. "

But what fear does he have when he looks into the realm of God?

"The cloud family really deserves its reputation. Let me open my eyes today!"

Chen Songzi laughs and punches yunkong.

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