"Yes, today is the wedding day. His predecessor ran out in front of the people of the Yun family and the strong family. Didn't he take the initiative to deliver the door to be beaten?" Another girl exclaimed.

"But I appreciate his courage. If a boy can do the same for me, I will be very happy!"

Jiang Xue and several other girls despised her: "flower crazy!"

As fierce as fire, looking at Chen Mo suddenly, his face finally changed.

"Chen Mo, it's your master. What are you doing here?" It's as hot as a fire.

It's as fierce as fire. In any case, Chen Mo has chased him here. Yuntianling hated him deeply. Didn't he come here to seek his own death?

Seeing Chen Mo, yuntianling's face suddenly becomes ferocious. And just now, he clearly felt that he was worried about Chen Mo with his determination to die.

A woman who is about to become his wife is worried about other men. Even if yuntianling doesn't love her, she will definitely not accept it with his arrogant personality.

"Boy, this is heaven. If you don't go, hell has no door. You can break in! This time, I will never let you go out alive! " Yuntianling roared in his heart.

Strong Qingcang also aware of the strong mood fluctuations, and then look at yuntianling want to eat the same face, suddenly understand the identity of Chen mo.

But strong Qing Cang or quietly called strong such as the wind to confirm: "who is this boy? What is it to do with fire? "

Strong as the wind looked at Chen Mo, he did not expect Chen Mo to dare to chase here, but sighed: "he is the boy like fire!"

Strong Qing Cang's face changed, showing a disdain: "a stupid head green, also deserve to pursue my strong Qing Cang's daughter!"

Chen Mo looked at a white wedding dress, as beautiful as a fairy in the painting, as strong as fire, a faint smile: "I am his master ah!"

As Chen Mo's words came out, there was a sudden silence in the hall.

And then, there was an uproar!

"Is he the master of the old way?" Someone exclaimed in disbelief.

"How can it be! He seems to have just turned 18! How can it be that old master! "

"False, it must be fake. This boy is really brave and dare to pretend to be the old master! I think he's tired of living! "

All the people talked about Chen Mo, and none of them believed Chen Mo, because he was too young.

Pharmaceutical giant Wang Kai said with a sneer: "where is this kid from? Are you not afraid to die? "

Lu Jianhui said with a smile: "now the child, in order to get out of the limelight, even if the cloud family and the strong family don't embarrass him, Taoist priest Chen will not spare him!"

Strong Qing Cang's angry shake hands, glared at the fierce as the wind: "on this kind of ignorant boy, such as fire, which spot on him?"

As strong as the wind, Chen Mo came and pretended to be another master. This, this is not looking for death?

Jiang Xue and several girls are also secretly surprised.

"How dare he pretend to be someone else's master! That old Taoist is so powerful that he can't be beaten to death with one slap A girl was worried.

Jiang Xue said coldly: "this kind of maniac is not worthy of sympathy even if he dies!"

"Yes, arrogance comes at a price." The other girls laughed.

Everyone in the cloud family also laughs with ridicule. Chen Mo pretends to be Chen Songzi's master, which is tantamount to humiliating Chen Songzi. Naturally, they are willing to watch jokes.

Yunkong and Yunshan are also wearing a sneer, quietly looking at Chen Songzi's reaction.

"Chen Mo, you don't want to make a fool of yourself. I said I would not let you take care of my affairs. Why don't you just listen to me?" he said

"You go, I told you last time that we are strangers. Don't disturb my life again!"

Now, as long as you are not a fool, almost everyone knows the relationship between Chen Mo and fire.

"It turns out that this boy is a kind of love! How dare you rush to get married

"If you want to marry someone, why would he pretend to be someone else's master? This is not to offend both sides. "

The cloud family can no longer maintain the attitude of watching the play. Yunyan snorts coldly: "dare to run here to rob marriage, this boy can't find death!"

Yunlei's face was complicated, and he reminded him in a low voice: "I think maybe he is really Chen Laodao's master!"

That night, the power of Chen Mo's fist has not been forgotten by Yun Lei. He can't help but feel chilly when he thinks about it.

"Yunlei, you are crazy! How could he be the master of Chen Laodao? That's the age. It's almost the same to be a grandson of Chen Laodao! " Yunyan retorted.

Yunlei snorted coldly: "if you know that I can't even stop his fist, do you still think so?"

"What! He is the one who beat you with one blow Yunyan was shocked.

Yunlei was defeated by a mysterious expert with one punch. This matter has been spread all over the high-level of the cloud family. Therefore, the cloud family has not taken the initiative to mention the hatred of yuntianling's broken leg.However, no one will associate the person who defeated Yunlei with Chen Mo, who is only 18 years old.

Now, everyone in the cloud family is serious, including Yunshan and yunkong. There is a trace of solemnity in Chen Mo's eyes.

Chen Mo still did not stop. Looking at the anxious fire, Chen Mo said faintly, "I didn't make any mischief. I really am his master. I don't believe that I can prove it to you."

Chen Songzi still kept the posture of bowing and saluting. He didn't get angry and beat Chen Mo as expected.

Under everyone's gaze, Chen Mo calmly walks to Chen Songzi and says faintly, "get up!"

Chen Songzi did not get up, but repented and said, "if the disciple is defeated, it is a disgrace to the school. Please punish the master!"

The audience is dead!

"He is such an old master! How could that be possible? Is it the wrong way I open the door today? " A rich second generation is full of dementia and unbelievable.

"Can it be that this man looks very young, in fact, he is very old, but because he has practiced that strange Kung Fu, he has returned to his youth?" There's a brain opening.

"You read a lot of novels. Didn't you hear the young lady of the strong family say that the boy is her classmate? Do you think those old monsters are bored enough to go to college

Strong Qing Cang a face stunned, looking to the side of the strong as the wind, want to strong as the wind to give him an explanation.

But to see strong as the wind is also a face of consternation, strong Qing Cang had to take back the eyes, face doubt.

She looks at Chen Mo like fire and covers her mouth in surprise. She always thought Chen Mo was arrogant, and now she finally understood the reason.

His apprentice has forced the first generation family of the secular world and the martial arts world to join hands, and even invited yunkong, who has been closed for many years, to win. Then how strong should Chen Mo be?

"He is such an old master!" The girl beside Jiang Xue exclaimed in amazement.

Jiang xuemu was stunned. She even forgot to close her mouth. In the past, she looked down on Chen Mo and thought that Chen Mo was a glib and naughty man who specially coaxed girls to be happy.

Moreover, he is arrogant and arrogant. He has shortcomings all over his body. Compared with Shen Junwen and yuntianling, Chen Mo is a thousand miles away.

But now she realized that Chen Mo was not arrogant at all. If Chen Mo's identity was followed, his style of conduct was too low-key.

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