Chen Mo breaks through the layers of genuine Qi barrier blocked by the cloud with one punch, and takes the cloud empty body directly.


Cloud sky whole person is hit fly upside down, half air blood spurts wildly, its shape is appalling!

Chen Mo carries his hands on his back and his face is flat, as if he didn't hit the fist just now.

"Old man!" One by one, the cloud family were worried and exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha ha, OK, happy!" Cloud sky a roar of laughter, jumped from the ground, again standing in the air.

If he had been hit twice by Chen Mo with all his strength, he would have been killed on the spot!

However, yunkong still has the power to fight again, which is worthy of being a genius of the cloud family who has been famous for decades.

Chen Mo takes a cold look at yunkong. He doesn't stop. He opens and closes his hand and holds the sky with one fist!

"The third move of Tianxuan Shenquan is to control heaven and earth!"

With one punch, it seems that the heaven and earth are changing color, and the air flow in the hall becomes violent and rampant.

The strength of this punch has not yet taken shape, and there is a clue.

"Is this, this still human?" All of us are crying out.

"How can a man be so strong?"

Yunkong's whole face is full of red light, and his whole body is agitated. He can feel the power of Chen Mo's fist.

But, instead of retreating, he turned to death.

"Good! It's worthwhile for me to see this amazing martial art in my life! This life is worth living! Ha ha... "

"Boy, can you tell me the name and origin of your boxing?" Yunkong asked in a loud voice: "as a warrior, if you don't know what kind of martial arts you're defeated in, I will die in peace."

Chen Mo said lightly: "this is not martial art, but immortal method!"

"Immortal method?" Cloud Kong Leng for a moment, and then a face suddenly burst out laughing: "yes, this kind of martial arts can only be described by immortal method, the name of ordinary martial arts is not worthy of its powerful!"

Chen Mo knows that yunkong has misunderstood him, but Chen Mo does not intend to explain. Even if yunkong is powerful, his vision can only be limited to the earth's martial arts world. How can he understand the power of Xiuxian and wanzu in the starry sky?

"Even though I know I can't stop this blow, I will try my best!"

Cloud Kong a face solemn and solemn, cold drink a way: "Jue long hand!"

Two flashes of lightning flashed across the night sky, showing the shape of a dragon, like two dragons snatching pearls, rushing to Chen mo.

Yunshan was excited: "this is the shape of a dragon! The highest level of Jue long hand, master, he has finally achieved it

Yunkong was also excited to look up at the sky and laugh wildly: "it's worth it. I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I'll finally practice Jue Long's hand to the peak! It's a pity that I didn't meet you earlier, otherwise the God state can be expected


The whole hotel trembled, the lights flickered, the chandeliers on the roof and the decorations on the surrounding walls were scattered and smashed on the ground.

With a wave of Chen Mo's hand, an invisible protective cover appears on the top of people's heads to prevent ordinary people from being injured.

And the cloud empty figure, has disappeared, is completely disappeared.

Although yunkong at the last moment, under the stimulation of Chen Mo, he cultivated Jue long hand to the peak.

However, how can the martial arts of the secular world compare with the Tianxuan Shenquan improved by countless generations of talents of xuandaozong?

What's more, in order to show his respect for yunkong, Chen Mo, for the first time, without reservation, used all his accomplishments to make a record of the universe.

"Old man!" The cloud family looked around in a daze, but they could no longer see the figure of yunkong.

This genius, who has sheltered the cloud family for decades and built it into the first martial arts family in China, has completed his brilliant life.

"What about the old man? Where's the old man? " Yuntianling looks dull and murmurs in his wheelchair. Yunkong is his last hope for revenge. Now, even the last hope is shattered.

"Master, I'm defeated!" Cloud thunder heavily lowers his head, a face decadent.

A sense of despair pervaded the hearts of the whole cloud family. It was as powerful as the cloud and the sky was defeated. Who else in the cloud family could deal with the young man like the God of heaven?

"Yunkong is defeated!"

At the same time, a voice rang out in the hearts of many martial Taoist families such as Yu manguan and Wang Jiazhu.

"Defeated, the old man of the cloud family is also defeated!" All of us raised the idea at the same time.

After a short period of astonishment, the people who came back to God looked at Chen Mo with awe on their faces.

Li Qingcang looks at Chen Muping's plain appearance, as well as the figure that can't be found in the ordinary crowd. At this moment, the hero who has been in the middle sea for decades, seems to have knocked over the seasoning box and mixed with five flavors.

"One blow defeats Yunshan and three punches cuts yunkong. Hehe, even if you look at the whole China, how many people can match it?"

"However, I turned such a person out by myself, and chose a disabled member of the cloud family. I was so infamous and cold to my daughter's heart!"

"I was really brilliant and confused for a while!""If I can get help from him, I will be one of the super aristocratic families."

"But I offended him."

Strong Qingcang full of regret, chagrin, the whole person seems to be ten years old in an instant.

Column such as the wind is the face is red, eager to find a place to drill in.

Looking at Chen Mo's calm look and thinking that he actually said that on the campus of South China University, Chen Mo was as fierce as the wind, and his face was hot.

"Ha ha, how can you look up to my strong family? It's ridiculous that I should say that he is close to fire just to covet the wealth of my strong family

"It's ridiculous. He must have been laughing at me at that time!"

The strong family father and son, one by one regret, but they are very clear that some people once missed, it is impossible to retrieve, even if they try to make up, also can not play a big role.

To miss once is a lifetime.

Looking at Chen Mo like fire, she is shocked with a trace of shame.

Remembering that she had looked down on Chen Mo many times, saying that Chen Mo could not change anything, and more than once told Chen Mo how strong the strong family and the cloud family were.

Now I think of it, it's as fierce as fire. I want to find a crack to get in.

"At that time, when I said those words, he didn't refute it. This villain was just trying to make me look ugly!"

She glared at Chen Mo with hatred.

Jiang Xue is so dull that she can't believe it. Chen Mo even defeated yunkong.

"He, how did he suddenly become so powerful? He, he... " Jiang Xue couldn't say a word. At the thought of her attack on Chen Mo, Jiang Xue was shaking. If Chen Mo wanted to revenge her, no one could save her.

Yu looked at Chen Mo with deep awe in his eyes: "one blow defeats Yunshan, three punches cuts yunkong. I'm afraid he is the only one who can teach an apprentice like Chen Laodao

"Do you still remember what Chen Laodao said before?" said Wang

Yu Wanguan looks at the king's master, a little puzzled.

The king said, "Chen Laodao said that he had only practiced for a few months, but we didn't believe it. Even yunkong was laughing at Laodao Chen and was not ashamed of himself!"

Yu nodded at the Grand Slam: "I remember that he said this, and I refuted him at that time."

Suddenly, Yu was surprised at the Grand Slam: "do you mean what he said is true?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!