As it turns out, there is nothing Xiang Chong dare not do.

Xiang Chong arrested Li Sufang, Wen Qing, Chen Songzi and others, and threatened to kill all of them in three days' time, waiting for master Chen in Yangui lake, Wuzhou!

Xiang Chong deliberately passed on his words to the people in the martial arts world. Almost all the people in the martial arts world understood the purpose of Xiang Chong.

"It turns out that his target is master Chen! Why would he kill ordinary people

"His purpose is master Chen. As for those ordinary people, I think it's easy to do it!"

"Although master Chen of Hanyang is in the limelight recently, he is just a new comer. Compared with Yang Dingtian's old strong men, he must be much worse. Why did he only find master Chen?"

"I guess I have a grudge against master Chen, otherwise why don't you look for someone else."

"This man is so powerful, can master Chen be an opponent?"

Overnight, almost all the Chinese martial arts circles were discussing the battle of Yangui lake after three days.

However, everyone is not very optimistic about master Chen. Although master Chen is in the limelight recently, Xiang Chong has forced the whole Chinese martial arts circle to be helpless. Master Chen is much worse than him.

No matter how you guess, almost all the warriors in China are heading for Yangui lake. No one wants to miss this amazing battle!

Even some powerful hermit sects sent people to watch. After all, Xiang Chong destroyed the Huang family, the first martial arts family in Haidong Province, by his own efforts, which shocked the whole Chinese martial arts circle.

All people want to see, which side is Xiang Chong sacred, strength to what level!

Jiang Heshan, who got the news, immediately asked Chen Mo, who is far away from South China University.

Knowing the news, Chen Mo has no choice but to stop refining the deep-sea raw stone again and go to Yangui lake.

On the first night, a large number of warriors arrived, and thousands of them came to Yangui lake.

However, master Chen did not appear.

The next day, more and more warriors came. We waited for a day and a night near Yangui lake, but we still didn't see Master Chen appear.

A lot of martial artists talked about it. Master Chen was afraid of Xiang Chong and didn't dare to fight.

Until the third night, when everyone felt that master Chen did not dare to fight. A man and two women quietly through the crowd, easily into the Yangui Lake maze, never come out.

A few minutes later, the two figures broke through the clouds and met the moonlight and floated above the lake.

Not as many people think, there is an opening speech before the war, but when everyone does not know, the war suddenly begins.

Xiang Chong looks at Chen Mo and looks surprised: "are you master Chen?"

Chen Mo was expressionless: "that's what they call me."

Xiang Chong shook his head and sighed: "if you hadn't blocked me easily just now, I can't believe master Chen is so young!"

"I don't know how you came from this cultivation!" Xiang Chong's eyes show a strong curiosity. A pair of eyes sweep around Chen Mo, as if he wants to see through Chen mo.

"You don't need to know, because you're going to die soon!" Chen Mo's voice is cold, and his face shows no hidden intention to kill.

On the way, Yan Qingcheng calls Chen Mo, and Chen Mo goes to heal Yan Qingcheng first, which delays a day, so he comes on the last day.

After learning that Xiang Chong is the master of Ren Tianyu and sun batian, Chen Mo's intention to kill is more serious, because Xiang Chong is the master of Qinglong hall.

In other words, Xiang Chong was the one who hired a life seeking organization to assassinate Chen mo.

Now that the life seeking organization is destroyed by Chen Mo, Xiang Chong runs to find Chen Mo to avenge himself, and takes Chen Mo's family as a threat to force Chen Mo to come forward.

What Chen Mo hates most is that others threaten him with his relatives. Xiang Chong's taboos are enough to make Chen Mo kill him ten times.

Xiang Chong has been in Southeast Asia for decades. He is also very arrogant. Now he is despised by Chen Mo, and Xiang Chong is furious.

"Boy, I admit you have two sons, but I don't say you can beat me! I will kill you and vent your anger to comfort the spirits of my two disciples in heaven

"Then stop talking nonsense." Chen Mo said in a cold voice, his body flashed and his fist dashed toward his neck.

"Hum!" Xiang Chong did not show any weakness, but welcomed him with a fist.


Xiang Chong retreated ten meters when he was shocked, but Chen Mo stood still. This attack was obviously a loss to Xiang Chong.

"Come again!" Xiang Chong was not convinced and rushed over again.

Chen Mo also welcomed him. You come and I go and fight more than ten fists in a row.

The fierce fists swept away the aura and fog over Yangui lake.

"What strength are these two men? It can fly in the sky A young warrior asked with adoration on his face.

"If you become a master of true Qi realm, you can float in the void for a short time, and become a master of body protection realm, then you can cross into the sky. After fighting in the air for so long, they both have the strength to see the divine realm." The martial master's elder looked awed.Master has been a rare existence in the world of martial arts and Taoism, just like a dragon in the sky. If you look at the master of God's realm, even the master will look forward to it.

They are the symbol of invincibility!

"I didn't expect master Chen to be so strong. It seems that we underestimated the strength of master Chen!"

"Although the event has not fallen behind, it has been beaten by master Chen all the time. It seems that master Chen's strength is not only one notch higher than him!"

"Why is master Chen so powerful when he is young! It's subverting the common sense of martial arts. What's his secret? "

Seeing that Chen Mo's strength was so terrible, some people began to doubt it.

"I think there is a secret about master Chen. In other words, his cultivation skills are far more powerful than those in martial arts and Taoism. Otherwise, even if he started practicing martial arts from his mother's birth, he would not have been so powerful!"

"That's reasonable. If we can get master Chen's cultivation skills, maybe we can be as powerful as him."

These words were originally some conjectures, but they changed the flavor when they were heard by the people who wanted to.

Some of the martial artists who were watching secretly thought of Chen Mo's skill.

In the middle of the air, Chen Mo blows Xiang Chong upside down and flies out. Xiang Chong can't hold on to it. He roars: "eight arm King Kong!"

Xiang Chong's whole body incarnates eight arm Vajra, with eight arms flapping their teeth and claws, just like a tentacle monster.

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Most of the young fighters don't know it.

However, some older martial artists suddenly think of the unique skills that Xiang Chong used when he swept the Chinese martial arts circle.

At that time, the eight armed King Kong was mentioned in the world of martial arts and Taoism, which was the existence of invincible.

"I can't imagine that after 30 years, I can still see this move sweeping the martial arts circle of China again. Thirty years ago, Xiang Chong's eight arm King Kong has already swept the martial arts circle. What kind of terrifying state should the power of this move reach after 30 years?"

Many of the warriors who knew that World War I were in awe of Xiang Chong, the embodiment of eight armed King Kong in mid air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!