The old man in gray sportswear said solemnly, "who among us can deal with his flying sword?"

Several old men were all silent. Their single strength was not as good as Xiang Chong. Even Xiang Chong was killed under the flying sword. How dare they deal with that flying sword?

The Taoist robe old man's face sank: "it seems that we are still short of manpower. Everyone is looking for two helpers to come here. We must win with one strike."

"Well." Several elders nodded together.

Chen Mo stands in the void with a full moon behind him, like an immortal.

Under the sword of chopping heaven, Xiang Chong will surely die. Chen Mo takes a light look and turns to leave.

At the bottom, a crowd of soldiers watching the battle, watching Chen Mo leave, burst into a pot one by one.

"What is that golden light? What is the strength of master Chen? God's realm? "

"I don't think master Chen has done his best at all."

"From today on, I'm afraid the ranking of the master list will be updated again."

All the people are talking about it secretly. They don't know the specific standards of the divine realm. They just think that Chen Mo is more powerful than all the martial artists they have seen.

The war was over, but those warriors still did not leave. They gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and their faces were filled with emotion.

Chen Mo returns to yanguihu villa. Yan Qingcheng and Sangsang have rescued Li Sufang who is trapped.

Seeing Chen Mo, Li Sufang was relieved.

"Mo, are you ok? And the man? " Li Sufang asked, looking a little frightened.

Seeing his mother scared like this, Chen Mo felt guilty in his heart. Wen Sheng said, "I'm ok. That man has been killed by me. I'm sorry, mom. I've scared you!"

"It's OK, it's ok if it's OK!" Yu Sufang sighed slightly.

Chen Mo looks at Wen Qing, who is standing quietly behind Li Sufang. A gentle smile appears at the corner of his mouth: "sister Wenqing, didn't you scare you?"

Wen Qing shook her head and said with a happy smile, "I'm not afraid. I know you will solve all the problems."

Chen Mo looked at the glimmer of emotion in Wen Qing's eyes, and felt a little stunned: "I didn't expect that even sister Wenqing was affected. I remember that Wenqing was a strong woman in the previous life. She always regarded her mother as her example. Now I see a trace of reliance in her eyes."

Chen Mo doesn't know whether this change is good or bad, but Wen Qing's age is the most beautiful time for girls. Isn't a girl of this age just lively and capricious, often coquettish to her boyfriend?

Chen Mo thinks that it may be that the pressure of her previous life is too great. Shengsheng obliterates Wen Qing's true feelings and makes her mature ahead of time.

This life, no external pressure, I believe that Wen Qing can also use her most real side to live.

Chen Mo thinks that this change is perhaps what he hopes to see most.

Chen looked at Chen Songzi, who had been standing at the back, and said faintly, "are you hurt?"

Chen Songzi shook his head: "it's all right."

Chen Mo nodded and turned her eyes to Li Sufang: "Mom, let's have a rest here today. Tomorrow you are leaving for Hanyang."

Now I'm afraid it's almost into the morning. Although there are many things to do in Hanyang, I'm not in a hurry for a while.

Li Sufang nodded: "good."

Chen Songzi and Sang Sang cleaned up the mess of the villa. There were enough rooms for several people to live in.

After more than an hour, at the foot of the mountain, the enthusiasm of those warriors finally faded and began to dissipate slowly.

However, there are several figures, but towards the villa of Yangui lake.

"Master Chen, please show up!" An old man in a Taoist robe, standing in the void and floating in the air, roared.

Chen Mo, who is practicing with his eyes closed on the roof, slowly opens his eyes and looks at the old Taoist priest coldly.

"Who are you?" Chen Mo said lightly.

"I want to discuss something with master Chen." The old Taoist priest arched his hand at Chen mo.

"I have nothing to discuss with you." Chen Mo refused.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!" The real dragon sneered.

"Hum, come out, don't hide and hide!" Chen Mo stands up, looks at the woods behind the flying dragon immortal, and snorts coldly.

"Ha ha, as I said, we can't hide from master Chen. Come out!" The flying dragon immortal laughs.

One, two, three

A total of 12 people, all over 50 years old.

Chen Mo was a little surprised that all the accomplishments of the twelve men were peeping into the realm of God.

A master of peeping God realm is a overlord everywhere. There are twelve people in front of me. Is this the whole realm of Chinese martial arts and Taoism?

If you are seen by other martial artists, you will be scared to faint.

You should know that it is very rare for a martial artist in the inner world. The ordinary master is already a dragon like figure in the sky. The master who looks at the divine realm is an old monster sitting on one side.But today, twelve came at a time!

Chen Mo thinks that Chinese martial arts and Taoism are not as simple as they seem.

Take the Li family he met. At that time, when he threatened Li Dongyang, he only felt the breath of two masters. There are several masters in Zhonghai cloud family, and there is a yunkong who looks at the God state.

Yanjing's six Super aristocratic families have stood firm for so many years since the founding of the country. As one of the six Super aristocratic families, the Li family has only two masters. Who can believe it?

Behind this, there must be forces that Chen Mo did not know was supporting them.

There is also the mysterious Tianji Pavilion. Since they can work out a ranking list of all levels of martial arts and prove its strength, all the warriors are convinced. Otherwise, no one will believe the ranking they have made.

And they can make a list of masters to prove that their strength is much higher than that of masters. And no one has seen Tianji Pavilion for so many years? What kind of organization is that? It shows its mystery.

The appearance of twelve martial artists in the divine realm confirmed Chen Mo's previous conjectures. And according to Chen Mo's previous conviction that there was an extremely prosperous Xiuxian civilization on earth, Chen Mo is sure that the world is not as simple as it seems.

Xiang Chong's martial arts is actually the Vajra skill of Buddhists in the starry sky. However, most of his inheritance is missing and his power is weakened countless times.

But to be sure, the so-called martial arts on earth is actually a weakened inheritance of cultivating immortals.

From that flourishing civilization of cultivating immortals, now it can only be reduced to the survival of martial arts practitioners. What happened?

What's more, judging from the number of intelligent life on earth, the earth is definitely not a planet with poor aura. What causes the earth to become such a lifeless and lifeless planet.

Chen Mo is thinking about some problems, but in the eyes of Feilong Zhenren and others, they feel that Chen Mo is stunned by their sudden appearance.

"Master Chen, we old guys are together. You must know our purpose. You're not going to let us go back empty handed Flying dragon immortal laughs.

"Hand over your cultivation skills, and we will not disturb you and your family." The real man Feilong sneers at him with a strong sense of threat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!