"How could it be!"

Most of the wooden family were shocked.

"How can there be such a magic technique in the world?"

Most of the wooden family don't believe it.

Mu Zhixue didn't believe it, but now he was gloomy.

Because now he felt that most of the contents recorded in the Dan prescription could not be remembered.

At first, Mu Zhixue thought that his memory was not deep. Now after Chen Mo said that, he couldn't believe it.

"Oh, my master, I have forgotten all the contents of the pill now!" A wooden family high-level panic calls.

"I forgot too!" Another yelled.

Even Mu Zhengfeng also looked stunned, frowned and thought hard about the Dan Fang just now, but he couldn't remember a word.

Mu Zhengfeng looks at Mu Zhixue in a hurry, and Mu Zhixue is also looking at him with the meaning of inquiry in his eyes.

"I forget it too!" Mu Zhengfeng sighed.

Mu Zhengfeng is the one who has been in contact with Dan prescription for the longest time, and personally leads the refining of pills. It is absolutely impossible to forget all the pills just mentioned. The only explanation is that what Chen Mo said is true.

"Wait a minute!" Mu Zhixue stops Chen Mo who is about to leave.

He made a look at the three elders, and immediately left quietly to check whether the copy of the copy was still there.

If Chen Mo's technique can affect people's memory, but it is absolutely impossible to erase the copied words. As long as the words are still there, they need not be afraid.

Chen Mo knew that the wood family would stop him, so he walked very slowly. Moreover, he didn't really want to leave. After all, the medicine had not been obtained.

"Master mu, what else can I do for you?" Chen Mo looks at a gloomy Mu Zhixue and asks lightly.

"Mr. Mo Chen, maybe we made mistakes in refining pills just now, so we can't become pills. It's not your Dan prescription problem." Mu Zhixue said with an embarrassed face.

At this time, the three elders were shocked and rushed back, lying in the ear of Mu Zhixue and whispering something.

Mu Zhixue's face is startled, and his eyes are full of complexity when he looks at Chen mo.

Now, even Zhou Lide can see that there is something wrong with the wooden family.

Chen Mo looked at Mu Zhixue with a faint smile, and said with disdain: "master mu, did you find the copy you copied, and the handwriting on it disappeared?"

wood learns to learn to be broken by Chen Mochuo, the old face is red, but he certainly can't admit: "Your Excellency thinks more, my Mu family how can do this kind of thing!"

"However, your Dan Fang is of limited value. If you want to exchange medicinal materials from us, I'm afraid you need to add something!"

Chen Mo smiles and asks, "what else can I add?"

Mu Zhixue thought for a moment and said, "at least we should add a prescription of elixir."

Chen Mo suddenly laughs, which makes the wooden family members puzzled.

"What are you laughing at?" Mu Zhixue asked with a gloomy face.

Chen Mo restrained his smile and said in a cold voice, "I laugh at your insatiable greed."

"If it wasn't for my forgetting worry technique on that pill, now that pill has been stolen by you."

"Although that Dan Fang is not worth mentioning to me, it can't be cheap for you shameless people!"

The wood family can't dream of it. It turns out that Chen Mo has kept his hand for a long time.

"Bold, you dare to humiliate my medicine King Valley! If you don't give me an account of Yaowang valley today, you don't have to go! " Mu Zhixue roared.

Their plot has been discovered by Chen Mo, who is now worried that he has no excuse to stay. Unexpectedly, Chen Mo has created an opportunity for him.

The rest of the wood family immediately understood the intention of Mu Zhi's study, and then cried out angrily: "yes, this boy dares to humiliate our medicine King Valley. He must give us an account!"

Chen Mo sneered: "what do you want to explain?"

"Hand over all your Dan Fang! Or don't want to leave! " The three elders said.

"That's what you really want Chen Mo sneered.

"But if you want something from me, I'm afraid you're not qualified." Chen Mo's eyes show a hint of killing.

As a matter of fact, with Chen Mo's strength, he can directly take the medicine from Yaowang valley. However, Chen Mo doesn't bully others. Instead, he exchanges things with Yaowang valley. In any case, any Dan prescription can make people in Yaowang Valley regard it as a treasure.

But unexpectedly, the people in Yaowang valley were greedy, and instead they made up his mind. How can Chen Mo give up?

"Boy, no one dares to humiliate our medicine King Valley in the whole Chinese martial arts circle. You are so arrogant. It seems that you are toasting and not eating and punishing wine!" Mu Zhixue stood up and said angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have more Dan Fang. As long as you have the ability to let me hand it over, I will give it to you!" Chen Mo said coldly.

"Arrogant!" The wooden family yelled.

Mu Zhixue said coldly: "come on, take down this arrogant boy who insults my medicine King Valley!""Hold on!" The angry Mu Zhengfeng finally can't help but stand in front of Mu Zhixue.

Mu Zhixue's face changed and he said in a cold voice, "the wind, get out of the way!"

Mu Zhengfeng bowed down and said, "master, the reason why our medicine King Valley has become the first family in the alchemy world is not because of the incomparable elixir and elixir that no one can compare with, but the reputation accumulated by our ancient sages of Yaowang valley. I hope you can keep your heart and not be blinded by greed

When Mu Zhixue heard this advice, Chen Mo himself admitted that he had a lot of elixirs on his body. What's more, Mu Zhixue, like many Mu family members, has red eyes.

"Zhengfeng, get out of the way! This boy insults our medicine King Valley. If I don't give him some lessons, how can I be worthy of the sages of all ages! " Mu Zhengfeng avoids the heavy and takes the light, and does not mention his greedy pursuit of Chen Mo's elixir.

Mu Zhengfeng said with deep pain: "master, if you really do this, you will be sorry for the sages of all ages!"

Wood Zhi Xue Qi's face was iron green, and he said angrily, "Mu Zheng Feng, you are not a member of my wooden family!"

"If you still admit that you are a member of my wooden family, get out of my way! I command you as the master of the house Mu Zhixue was angry and almost ran away.

Mu Zhengfeng's position in the Mu family is second only to Mu Zhixue, and Mu Zhixue often uses Mu Zhengfeng to help. Therefore, the two people quarrel, and the rest dare not interrupt.

However, under the attraction of those elixirs, Mu's family had already been blinded by greed and couldn't listen to Mu Zhengfeng's advice.

The three elders advised, "Zhengfeng, how can you face the outsider? Listen to the master and get out of the way

Mu Zhengfeng looks up to the sky and sighs: "Alas, my wooden house will be destroyed by your hand sooner or later!"

Finish saying, Mu Zhengfeng a face helplessly return to the chair.

Mu Zhixue still looks ugly. If Mu Zhengfeng's alchemy was not the highest in his family, he would not allow him to be so presumptuous.

"Boy, are you going to take it yourself or let us do it?" Mu Zhixue looks at Chen Mo and says coldly.

"I don't have the habit of getting caught with my hands tied. Let me see how strong your wooden family is!" Chen Mo lightly finish saying, remove the spiritual power from his face, and immediately restore his original appearance.

He was sitting in a chair with a face of dejected Mu Zhengfeng. His face suddenly changed and he exclaimed, "you are master Chen!"

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