Yaowang Valley has been inherited for hundreds of years. In fact, even the people in Yaowang Valley don't know about some secrets, because when the first generation of owners of the Mu family came to Yaowang Valley, everything in Yaowang Valley already existed.

In other words, Mujia is not the real founder of Yaowang Valley, but just a dove in the magpie's nest.

For example, the great array, which has been guarded by the people of the past dynasties in Yaowang Valley, actually does not know who established it.

After reading the contents of the ancient scroll, Chen Mo has a sudden smile on his face.

"I see! It turns out that this is the place where immortal Dan Ding practiced eight hundred years ago. "

Chen Mo looked at the scroll in his hand again and sighed, "a letter from 800 years ago. This real man of Dan Ding is a warm-hearted practitioner."

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly look at Mu Zhixue, with no emotion on his face: "you medicine King Gu has occupied other people's cultivation place for hundreds of years. Today is the time to return it."

Mu Zhixue's face is pale. As the contemporary owner of the wooden family, he still knows some things, such as the real origin of the wooden family.

However, he is not willing to admit that if he admits that Yaowang Valley is not their Mu family's, then Chen Mo can take away everything in Yaowang valley with justice.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand! Our medicine King Valley has been handed down for hundreds of years. It is well known to the world that how has it become a place for people to practice Mu Zhixue sophisticated, but his eyes kept dodging. He didn't dare to look at Chen Mo at all.

Chen Mo snorted coldly and threw the ancient scroll in his hand to Mu Zhixue: "you can see for yourself. What's the use of sophistry?"

Mu Zhixue took the scroll and looked at it immediately.

The more he looked at his face, the more ugly he became. Finally, his hands trembled and his face was full of disbelief and roared: "no, it's impossible! The valley of medicine King belongs to our wooden family. The real man of Dan Ding is talking nonsense

"Since this is his home, even if it's my home, it's not my home! My ancestors of the wooden family didn't take it from him. Why do you say that our wooden family doves occupy the magpie's nest? "

Chen Mo's face turned cold and said coldly, "I said it was. Why should I explain it to you?"

"I'll give you three days to leave Yaowang valley. It's very clear in immortal Dan Ding's will that whoever first finds this will be the master of Yaowang Valley!"

With that, Chen Mo turns away.

"Master Chen, if you dare to occupy our medicine King's Valley, are you not afraid that martial arts and Taoism will attack together?" Mu Zhixue snapped, and he was already a little exhausted.

"Moreover, even those in power in the secular world will not let you do this. The achievements made by our wooden family in the founding of the people's Republic of China are beyond your imagination!"

Chen Mo didn't look back, and his steps didn't stop. He left a sentence: "what's the matter with you? Now this is my territory. I see who dares to come to me and say no to me

Mu Zhixue's face was livid, but in the face of Chen Mo's hegemony, he could not say a word. He could only follow Chen Mo far behind to see how Chen Mo was going to do it.

Chen Mo takes Zhou Lide back to the main hall of Yaowang valley. The wooden families injured by Chen Mo are still sitting in chairs to breathe.

Seeing Chen Mo's return, all of the wood family suddenly changed their faces.

"Where is our master?" A wooden elder asked.

"In the back." Chen Mo said without expression.

With that, Chen Mo slowly walks to the position of the owner of the wooden family and sits down.

A group of wooden family members immediately frowned, some people angrily rebuked: "wantonly, that is my wooden house master's position, is not you an outsider can sit, get up quickly!"

Chen Mo faint smile, did not get up: "tell you a good news, your wooden family can move a new home."

What good news is that?

Wait, what does that mean?

Mu's family is covered. Even Mu Zhengfeng looks at Chen Mo with a puzzled face. Even if the wooden family offended him, it would not occupy the whole wooden family, right?

"What do you mean, boy?" That Mu's parents always asked angrily.

Chen Mo said casually: "let your master tell you! From today on, your wooden family has occupied other people's places for hundreds of years and finally returned them. "

Mu Zhengfeng also came back and looked at Chen Mo in disbelief and said in a trembling voice, "master Chen, do you want to occupy the whole Yaowang Valley?"

Chen Mo's impression of Mu Zhengfeng is not bad. He gives him a light look at him and chuckles: "I just take back my own things."

"Nonsense. Don't listen to his nonsense. He just wants to forcibly occupy our Yaowang valley." Mu Zhixue came in from the outside and roared.

Chen Mo's eyes narrowed slightly and said faintly, "it seems that you don't see the coffin and don't shed tears."

Anger seems to have made Mu Zhixue forget his fear of Chen mo. he glared at Chen Mo and said in a cold voice: "you want to occupy Yaowang Valley, which has been passed down by the Mu family for hundreds of years, just by virtue of a letter you don't know whether it is true or not. Dream!"

With that, Mu Zhixue threw the dead letter of Danding immortal on the ground and spat it fiercely.

Chen Mo's face was gloomy and his voice was cold: "I don't know how to live or die!"Chen Mo waved Mu Zhixue casually, and a huge force directly fanned Mu Zhixue.


Mu Zhixue snorted, sat up from the ground, and still glared at Chen Mo: "master Chen, if you want to occupy my medicine King Valley, step on my body first!"

"Then you can die." Chen Mo's voice is flat, but without a trace of emotion, pointing out to Mu Zhixue.

"Master Chen, be merciful Mu Zhengfeng's face changed dramatically and he called out.

But it's late.

Chen Mo, in a fury, took Mu Zhixue's cultivation into the master's realm at the beginning of his career, which was totally vulnerable to attack.

Mu Zhixue's eyebrow heart, was hit a blood hole by the spirit power, died!

"Master of the house!" A group of wooden family members cried out.

"Master Chen, you killed my wooden master. I will not let you go!" Roared the elder.

Chen Mo snorted coldly: "I have killed Mu Hongdao, the ancestor of your wooden family. I haven't seen how your wooden family treats me? It's up to you, hum, just like ants! "


For mu Hongdao's name, as a member of the wood family, it is like thunder, including those younger generation of wood family, who are also familiar with it.

Since Chen Mo can name Mu Hongdao, the news will not be false.

This time, all wooden family members can not help but quiet down. Even the ancestors of the Mu family were killed by master Chen. They are not very different from mole ants in front of master Chen.

Chen Mo said coldly, "I'll give you three days to move away from Yaowang valley. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"What!" The wooden family's face changed dramatically again.

Mu Zhengfeng also stood up with anger on his face, bowed to Chen Mo, and said with grief: "master Chen, even if there is a mistake in my wooden family, you can't occupy the clan land that our wooden family has inherited for hundreds of years! What's the difference between this and killing our wooden family? "

Chen Mo reaches out his hand, and the ancient scroll on the ground flies towards Mu Zhengfeng.

"Have a look. After reading, come and argue with me. I've always been a reasonable person!" Chen Mo's smile is strange. This is said from his mouth, even he feels a little uncomfortable.

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