When you enter the campus, you will see the reception desk of the exchange meeting.

Professor Shen takes Chen Mo and his party to go.

"South China University, to participate in this biological science exchange meeting." Professor Shen said lightly.

At the back of the table, two students in charge of reception looked up at the crowd. Although they did not show anything, they were keenly aware that there was a flash of contempt in their eyes.

"Register." One of them said without expression.

Professor Shen took up his pen and wrote the name of South China University in the register book.

"Go straight down the road and you'll see the reception room at the end." The student said.

Thank you Professor Shen said politely and took Chen Mo and others along the direction pointed by the student.

There are signs all the way, and at the end of the road is the gymnasium, which is also a temporary reception room.

Entering the reception room, there are already a lot of people in it.

At the gate, there are students from Qinghua University who are responsible for reception, and point out the location for Professor Shen and others.

Professor Shen took Chen Mo and his party to the table with the sign of South China University and sat down.

"You wait here, and I'll see if I have any procedures." Professor Shen said to several people.


Chen Mo nodded and watched Professor Shen leave.

As soon as Professor Shen left, several students were immediately relieved.

Zhang Yi, a sophomore, glanced around and said in dismay, "although Professor Shen is best at biological science, the situation is still not optimistic. Who do you think come from those famous schools?"

Several people have noticed that except Chen Mo, these six people have attended one or two exchange meetings, and they know a lot about the people from famous schools.

"That seems to be Professor Lu from MIT. The University of Massachusetts Institute of technology has invited him here! " The fourth year's Royal City exclaimed.

"Is that the top five Professor Lu in the field of biological science? He is more famous than Professor Shen! " Zhang Xinmeng, a junior, exclaimed.

"You're looking at the old man with a long beard at Yanda. If I'm not wrong, he should be Mr. Yang zining." Wang Cheng said solemnly.

Zhang Xinmeng exclaimed: "Professor Yang zining, who has won an international prize? Yes, I have seen him on the central news, that's him

"I didn't expect that Yanda even invited him here. It seems that we must win this exchange meeting!"

Zhang Yidao: "it's not just them. The people from every famous school are different. Even if Professor Shen is compared with them, he can only rank in the middle."

"The strength of our South China University is still not good." The king sighed.

Every time they said something, their faces became gloomy. At the end of the day, they hung their heads. Before the battle began, they had all given in.

Zhang Yi suddenly gave a sneer and said, "what's more, Professor Shen is only an assistant in this exchange meeting. Maybe he doesn't attend at all. Let's wait for a disgrace."

The six students immediately look at Chen Mo and find that Chen Mo is lying on the chair and asleep.

Chen Mo participated in the exchange meeting for the first time. He didn't know anyone. He didn't want to listen to a few people complaining about themselves. He simply lay down in his chair and closed his eyes.

Zhang Xinmeng's face changed and she couldn't help humming: "I don't know what Professor Shen thinks of him. He even asked him to attend the exchange meeting instead of himself. In this way, he just came to South China University to shame him!"

Wang Cheng also sneered: "in this way, I heard that Professor Shen almost gave up this exchange meeting for his sake."

"What a disappointment Zhang Xinmeng shakes her head and looks disappointed.

Listening to the complaints of several people, Chen Mo didn't even open his eyes. If it hadn't been for the headmaster and Professor Shen, he would not have come to the exchange meeting.

Suddenly, a sarcastic voice sounded from the side: "Oh, isn't this South China University? What a shame this year

On the side of South China University, several young students came along. The first one, with a split head and a black mole on the corner of his mouth, was looking at several students in South China University with a sneer on his face.

Zhang Xinmeng, who was a bit impatient, suddenly snorted at the boy: "Han Tong, you Dongming university is only a little better than South China. You are also the last ten schools. What are you proud of? And the face to laugh at us

Han Tong said with a proud sneer: "even if it is better than you, it is better than you. You can surpass us."

After Han Tong, several students from Dongming University cooperated with Han Tong and gave a scornful laugh.

Around several other schools, see Dongming University and South China University dispute, immediately sneer coldly.

"Dongming University and South China University, the two last ten schools, still have the face to quarrel here, and they are not afraid to lose face!"

"The worse the score is, the higher the score is. Yanda and Qinghua never argue with others. They only use practical actions to prove themselves! "Six people from South China University glared at Han Tong angrily. Although Han Tong was very arrogant, it was undeniable that what he said was true, and several people in South China could not refute it.

Wang Cheng, with a cold face, glared at Han Tong and said in a deep voice, "Han Tong, don't be complacent. We will certainly surpass you this time!"

Han Tong sneered: "I know that you are relying on Professor Shen. He really has extraordinary attainments in the field of biological science. But do you think we're gone? "

"To tell you the truth, we have invited Professor Huo this time. You should have heard about it?" Han Tong looks proud.

"Professor Huo, who once beat Professor Shen in his academic papers!" The king was shocked.

Zhang Xinmeng was also surprised and asked, "is that Professor Shen's senior brother?"

Han Tong was more proud and said with a smile: "it seems that you have some knowledge. Professor Huo is not only Professor Shen's senior brother, but also Professor Shen's biggest enemy from university to now."

"If you meet him, Professor Shen will surely lose!"

"This time, you in South China will still be trampled on by our Dongming!" Han Tong looks arrogant, and seems to be winning.

Wang Cheng and Zhang Xinmeng were silent, including several others, all with a look of surprise and anger. The reason why Wang Cheng has the confidence and Han Tong to challenge him is that there is Professor Shen in South China University.

However, some students in South China did not expect that Professor Huo was invited to Dongming University. Compared with Professor Huo, Professor Shen has no chance of winning.

Han Tong looked at the people who did not dare to speak. He was more proud and exclaimed, "didn't you say you will surpass us this time? Why don't we make a bet? Let's see if Professor Shen wins or Professor Huo wins! "

Several people in Wangcheng still dare not say anything. They have long lost their morale. Even if Professor Shen and Professor Huo are of equal strength, they still dare not take risks.

"Why don't you talk? Are you afraid? " Han Tong continued to ask, looking at several students in South China University, his face became more arrogant.

"I'll bet with you."

At this time, a indifferent voice rings. Chen Mo opens his eyes and looks at Han Tong without expression.

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