Chen Mo didn't look back and said, "actually, from the moment I came in, I already found out. If you still don't repent, you will live in the shadow of the past

"You do it yourself!"

Ann KeYue sneered: "I don't need you to teach me a lesson. To tell you the truth, I'm living well now. Thanks to you, I am now with the eldest young master of the Ming family in Yanjing! "

"Do you know the Ming family in Yanjing? It's more than ten times stronger than Zheng Yuanhao's family. It's no less than Han Yang Jin's family, which has been taking care of you. I really should thank you! "

Ann KeYue is a little tired, like a madman.

Chen Mo doesn't stop at all and leaves quickly. In his opinion, an KeYue has no remedy. As for the so-called Ming family

Even the Li family, one of Yanjing's six Super aristocratic families, is a mole ant in Chen Mo's eyes, let alone the Ming family?

An KeYue still doesn't understand how big the gap between her and Chen Mo is!

The next day, at 8 a.m., Chen Mo and his party arrived at Qinghua college on time.

The bioscience exchange, as usual, was attended by 30 universities.

According to the level of South China University, it was originally not eligible to participate, but because of the headmaster's relentless struggle regardless of his status, he won a place.

Many schools with higher reputation than South China University are dissatisfied with this.

But all the dissatisfaction was rejected by the president of South China University.

"If you can be as bold as I am, I will give you this place."

If you can become the president of a university, you can imagine your status. Who will give up your dignity for a place like the president of South China University.

The president of South China University said this on purpose just because he was sure that these people would not lose face.

However, although the voice of doubt was gone, the subsequent jeers never stopped.

South China University finally won a place. Unexpectedly, it became a mockery of South China University.

No matter what subject, South China University has been hovering in the bottom three of the 18th exchange conference, which has become the laughingstock of many people.

Therefore, the president of South China University has always hoped that South China University can show his face at the exchange meeting, even once.

In fact, the exchange meeting is the representative of each school to give a speech in front of the public. Of course, if it is accompanied by practice, it would be better.

There are ten highly respected professional judges in the exchange meeting. The more convincing the judges are, the higher the score will be.

The exchange meeting is divided into two groups, the first one is the tutor level exchange among universities. Then, it is the communication between students.

It is said that the exchange meeting, in fact, has become a competition for a long time. How can there be any meaning of communication?

However, the game seems to let everyone go all out, so people acquiesce in this change.

In the spacious auditorium of Qinghua University, there are representatives from 30 famous universities.

However, the auditorium, which is large enough to accommodate 2000 people, is not crowded at all, but rather empty.

The expected time of this exchange meeting is three days, but the specific time will be determined according to the actual situation.

Yesterday, the schools had drawn lots to decide the order. South China University ranked 18th, while Dongming University ranked 17th. It seems that even heaven is creating opportunities for these two schools.

The seats in the rear are not idle. Many students from Qinghua University come to watch, but the auditorium is still very spacious.

Today, an KeYue asked for leave and came to the auditorium to watch the exchange meeting with his new boyfriend.

She knew that Chen Mo's force was amazing, but she did not believe that Chen Mo could make any amazing achievements in the field of biological science. She specially watched Chen Mo make a fool of himself.

At 8:30 a.m., the exchange meeting officially began.

This session of the exchange meeting was held in Qinghua University, the host is the vice president of Qinghua University.

As the vice president of Qinghua University, one of the top universities in China, his speech and knowledge are not ordinary.

A paragraph should be the same opening remarks, students Leng is he said laughing.

In a burst of warm applause, the vice president of Qinghua University announced that the exchange meeting had officially begun.

The first speaker was a tutor from Yangcheng University.

This tutor is a talented person in the field of microbiology. With some theory and some practice, he speaks clearly and vividly. The students applaud constantly.

However, this tutor is talking about some previous research, no innovation, although the professional knowledge is skilled, but there is no such amazing feeling.

So the grades are just average.

Next came the second, a professor of plant biology.

The professor was obviously well prepared and brought a pot of orchids that he had cultivated by himself.

His speech was obviously better than the first prize, and there were some innovations of his own, which won a lot of applause. Even the highly respected judges nodded.Professor Lu from the University of Massachusetts and technology ranked tenth. As soon as he appeared, he immediately caused a small-scale sensation on the scene. Even several judges nodded to say hello, which shows the identity and status of Professor Lu in the field of biological science.

Professor Lu is also carefully prepared, and has produced the research results for many years. He has won a lot of applause. He is one of the top ten most powerful.

Yang zining of Yanda ranked 15th.

When old Yang with white hair came to the stage, there was no applause below. It was very quiet.

However, all of them stood up and bowed slightly to yang to show their respect.

Even the ten highly respected judges, without exception, stood up and bowed slightly to Yang like the students.

Professor Lu and Professor Shen are no exception.

Yang zining just to the public, slightly nodded, as a return gift.

However, there was no dissatisfaction. It can be seen that the status of Yang zining in the field of biological science is to what extent.

Although Yang zining has a high status, he is just an ordinary member in the exchange meeting, just like other competitors.

However, Yang's molecular biology research has shocked everyone.

It can be said that this is a brand-new theory, and it is a mature theory. In order to convince everyone, Yang zining made experiments in the field.

This research achievement is enough to win many international awards. People estimate that Yang zining should have studied it for a long time. Today, on this occasion, for the first time.

When Yang zining slowly stepped down from the stage, the applause lasted for a long time, and everyone stood up again to watch Mr. Yang step down.

The first 15 finished, and the time was close to 12 o'clock. According to the prior arrangement, the speech of the last 15 was given in the afternoon.

So, the host announced the end of the morning speech and arranged lunch for everyone in the canteen. Of course, if you have something you don't want, you can eat it out.

Chen Mo didn't go to the canteen with Professor Shen. With his current accomplishments, he didn't have any problems without eating for a year. He didn't want to go to such a lively occasion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!