"My topic today is ecological balance."

Without self introduction and any unnecessary words, Chen Mo comes straight to the point and seems to have great confidence in himself.

However, when he heard that Chen Mo was going to talk about ecology, almost everyone's faces showed a touch of irony.

Han Tong sneered: "the boy picked the most useless one. He will surely lose."

Mingzhe Xuan is also secretly relieved. Chen Mo's choice of ecology has basically lost half.

In biological science, ecology is far less concerned than molecular biology of Yang zining, even plant biology, and its practicability is not high.

Ecology belongs to the super cold. It is very difficult to innovate. If there is no innovation, it will not be recognized by everyone. Chen Mo will surely lose.

Even Professor Shen's heart sank and his face changed greatly: "why doesn't he talk about life science? If he moves his remarks in the classroom that day to here, even Yang zining will look at him with a new look."

"But why did he choose ecology? I remember I never taught him. " Professor Shen has been confused. The reason why he highly praises Chen Mo is because of Chen Mo's remarks on life science that day. But now Chen Mo has changed to ecology. This is something that Professor Shen did not expect.

"It's young and frivolous, after all." Professor Shen's face was helpless with a bitter smile: "headmaster, maybe I've lost my sight. I'm sorry for you

Chen Mo didn't care about other people's opinions, and said it to himself.

At the beginning of hearing about ecological balance, almost all people felt disdain and lost interest.

However, when Chen Mo began to speak, they found that Chen Mo's ecological balance was not the same as what they knew.

It can be said that Chen Mo's content is not found in the books they have contacted before, just like a new subject.

However, they can not deny any of Chen Mo's views, because even without proof, they can feel that Chen Mo's views are completely correct.

"Is he talking about ecology? Have I been in College for four years? Never heard a word A senior majoring in biological science asked in a confused circle.

Around the students are also a bitter smile: "you ask me, I ask who to go! Don't you see that even the professor looks dull! "

"You can see that Professor Lu of Magong, even he can't close his mouth in surprise. Obviously, even Professor Lu has never heard of Chen Mo's knowledge."

Not only Professor Lu, but also Yang zining looked at Chen Mo, who was chatting on the stage with some astonishment.

Professor Shen, who was already ready to accept the disaster, suddenly got excited. If it wasn't for such a serious occasion, he would jump up and give Chen Mo a big hand and yell three times!

"Good boy, I told you how he changed suddenly. It turned out that he was really professional. His understanding of ecology is much higher than that of life science. Even I have never heard what he said. It should be based on the original ecology and open up new ideas and new research! "

Professor Shen's evaluation of Chen Mo is extremely high, and Chen Mo is indeed worthy of such evaluation. Because Chen Mo is not talking about the simple ecology on earth, but the ecological science research results of a science and technology planet that he met in his previous life, which is ten million times more advanced than Earth Science and technology.

Chen Mo only talked about the simple ecology on that planet, but it was enough to shock everyone on earth.

It is not too much to open a new discipline alone. If the ecology mentioned by Chen Mo is implemented, it will be a great contribution to the earth's ecology and to the whole mankind.

Compared with Chen Mo's, Yang's molecular biology is somewhat inferior to Chen Mo's.

A professor of ecology, who also studied ecology, looked at Chen Mo who was talking on the platform with shock and muttered: "is this really just a freshman? Why has his understanding of ecology reached such a high level? Compared with him, my research in recent decades is a joke

The scene and the professor have the same mind, not a few people, even Yang zining is also shocked.

"Has the boy reached this level in ecology? This can be regarded as a new subject to study. Compared with what he said, the original ecology is as bright as the stars! "

"It's no wonder that Professor Shen preferred to put down the qualification that South China University won so hard to win, but also highly praised him! Not to mention anything else, his speech today alone will be enough to win the highest prize in the world if it is put into the international arena. "

Professor Huo was shocked. He was in the same mood as Yang zining, but he was not reconciled.

He has worked hard for decades to bring out the results of his painstaking research for decades, in order to suppress his younger brother, Professor Shen, in one fell swoop.

But now professor Shen sent a student, and he was directly Ko, and it was a crushing Ko. How can Professor Huo accept it?

"No, I don't believe that, at his age, how could he have such a high attainments in ecology? It must be fake. "Professor Huo suddenly stood up and shouted, "I'm against your point of view!"

"All of your ideas are new and must be demonstrated!"

Professor Huo's voice interrupted the thoughts of the public, and many people were dissatisfied because they were imagining the ideal environment Chen Mo told.

"Hum, although these views are novel, they are all traceable and need not be proved at all. It seems that someone is beginning to envy! "

"The Qing Dynasty, Chen Mo can speak of such a wonderful ecology, naturally in private has carried out countless arguments, but also afraid he can not!"

Chen Mo's speech has made some ecology loving people his iron powder.

In fact, everyone knows what is going on, but the rules of the exchange meeting are there. As long as someone has objections, the speaker must prove his own opinions in person and can not refute it with any excuse.

If you can't prove your point of view, it's a failed speech.

Professor Huo is gambling. Chen Mo can't prove his opinion. He doesn't lose any money after losing.

Chen Mo stopped his speech and looked at Professor Huo, his face was flat: "you want to prove, then I will demonstrate with you on the spot!"

After that, Chen Mo's eyes suddenly appeared a terrible scene of the collapse of the sky and annihilation of the stars.

All of a sudden, they have entered a new world.

This is chenmo's ecological image of the high-tech life planet he has seen. He shows all the content in front of the public through ecological images.

It is a mature image, giving people a feeling like coming to the ideal ecological environment that Chen Mo tells us.

Everything in front of us is so real that everyone is shocked.

Chen Mo, according to his theory, kept demonstrating in front of the public and verifying all theories.

After a while, Chen Mo stood at the stage, looking at the people with dementia below, and slowly received the image.

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