"No way! They are three martial artists with the highest level of inner world! "

"The power of one blow is so terrible

"And he doesn't seem to be doing his best at all!"

The warriors around were shocked and looked at Chen Mo like a monster.

Li Ze's pupil shrinks suddenly, in the heart secretly shocked.

"Master, what's the level of that boy's cultivation?" Li Ze asked the old man beside him.

The old man's face was serious: "I can't see through it. That boy's cultivation skills should have the effect of hiding accomplishments."

Li Ze was even more shocked: "his accomplishments can't even see through the master?"

"Don't worry, he should just practice more strange skills, strength should be far worse than me!" According to the old man's judgment, Chen Mo's age, even if he was born and began to practice, can now reach the state of protecting the body, and the master's strength has already reached the realm of peeping God.

Yang Mingyu also slightly narrowed his eyes at the moment, and asked the old man behind him: "elder, what do you think that boy's cultivation has reached?"

The old man shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I can't see that he should have practiced some secret method to hide his strength!"

After a pause, he said, "otherwise, his strength is far superior to mine."

Hearing this, even Yang Mingyu, who had always been deep in his mind, couldn't help but be shocked: "how can it be? At his age, entering the protective body state can be regarded as a monster. If his cultivation surpasses that of the great elder, does it not mean that he has reached the realm of God

The elder shook his head and relaxed his face slightly: "I also think the second possibility is not great. Most of the time, he practiced the secret method of hiding his strength."

However, when they saw that the three men in the rear of the group were nearly shocked by the strength of the three men, they were not shocked by the distance between the three of them.

"Master Chen's strength seems to be stronger than what we saw last time." Long 16 sighed.

Long Shiba was suddenly a little curious. He looked at the silent dragon five beside him. His eyes were shining and asked, "brother Wu, if you are against master Chen, what's your chance of winning?"

Dragon five looked at the slightly skinny figure, showing a strong sense of war in his eyes.

"Never tried, I don't know!"

Among the three, the last one, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, looked at Chen Mo in horror, as if to see a ghost.

Even a great master can hold on for a while as long as the three of them join hands, but this young man, who seems to be only about 18 years old, hit them with one punch, two of them died and one was seriously injured!

This What strength is it!

The man did not dare to imagine that he had already known what identity jade talisman he had robbed, and put his three lives in vain.

Chen Mo ignores the last one. In his eyes, these three people are just dispensable.

"Let's go!" Chen Mo says to Nie Xiaoqian with a flat attitude.

"Yes Nie Xiaoqian is more and more awed by Chen Mo's attitude.

Just as Chen Mo and Nie Xiaoqian are going to go back to the cliff to rest, a blue light suddenly radiates from the Western Valley.

The blue light went straight into the sky and disappeared in a flash, but it was still seen by the warriors who had been waiting for a long time.

"It was The empty mountain appears A young warrior exclaimed in surprise.

All of a sudden, a group of warriors quietly retreat, each toward the direction of the green light issued gallop away.

"Let's go too!" Master Li Ze said in a deep voice, and the two also rushed to the direction of the green light.

Yang Mingyu and the elder followed closely. In a flash, all the warriors left.

Chen Mo looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said faintly, "let's go and have a look. Remember, stay close to me. Don't leave!"

"Yes." Nie Xiaoqian nodded her head cleverly.

When Chen Mo arrives with Nie Xiaoqian, a large number of warriors have already gathered there.

Everyone is looking at the looming hill in front of him, frowning like a hill hidden in the clouds.

"Is this the empty mountain?" Chen Mo is a little curious. It seems that the empty mountain is not like the immortal's cave, but a small world formed naturally.

"It is said that the empty mountain is actually a small world alone. After being discovered by the immortal, it occupied it and then became the immortal's cave!" An old voice suddenly rings behind Chen mo.

Chen Mo turns to look around and finds that the old man appeared again.

"Do you know the origin of xukong mountain?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

The old man said with a smile, "I know a little bit about it!"

Chen Mo asked, "do you know how to get in?"

Looking at Chen Mo, the old man's smile changed a little mysterious: "this needs to wait for an opportunity. As soon as the time comes, the gate of void mountain will open and you can go in naturally."

At this time, the empty mountain suddenly became more and more real, just like a sacred mountain that was about to rise out of the clouds and fog, which was frightening.The old man suddenly gave a strange smile: "the time has come!"

After that, the old man's figure flashed and flew toward the empty mountain, leaving a sentence: "little brother, don't forget our agreement!"

Chen Mo frowned slightly and did not speak. Instead, he looked at the direction of the old man's disappearance and thought in secret.

Other people saw the old man running to the empty mountain, so they did not want to be outdone. They followed the old man's steps and headed for the empty mountain.

This time, the Wukong mountain has attracted a large number of warriors to come. The Wukong mountain is still in the middle of the sky, and the warriors have already started to go crazy.

It's a pity that the warriors went fast and came back faster. Before reaching the empty mountain, a large number of warriors fell to the ground one after another, as if driven back by some force.

However, there are also some warriors who have successfully entered the interior of the Wukong mountain and disappeared.

Nie Xiaoqian curiously asked, "how is this going on?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and said, "maybe it's the status jade symbol."

"Let's go too!" Chen Mo said.

"Yes Nie Xiaoqian follows Chen Mo and starts to fly towards the empty mountain.

Those warriors who were blocked out in front of us immediately responded, and some people began to cry out: "identity jade charm, we don't have identity jade charm, so we can't enter the void mountain!"

"What about that?" Someone yelled anxiously.

"Rob, rob those who come after, they must have the status jade symbol!"

"Yes, grab it!"

All of a sudden, the scene was in chaos, and the warriors who were blocked outside began to block the road leading to the empty mountain and snatched the identity jade talisman.

"Chen Mo, what to do?" Nie Xiaoqian asked urgently.

"Those who stand in my way will die!" Chen Mo Leng drank, and a cold sense of killing came through his body. Some soldiers around him felt a chill from his heart. He couldn't help but shiver, and the whole person was sober.

However, there are also short-sighted warriors who try to stop Chen Mo and are killed by Chen mo.

However, there are also some unfortunate warriors who have been robbed of their identities.

The whole scene was in chaos, with empty mountain front and bodies everywhere.

Chen Mo and Nie Xiaoqian have just arrived 10 meters in front of the empty mountain. Suddenly, he feels an invisible force and pulls them in directly.

Chen Mo didn't resist. He just protected his body with his spiritual power and let it take him to another place.

In front of him is a huge black palace. Like all the others, Chen Mo is now in the square in front of the palace.

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