When someone took the lead, there was a second and a third. More and more warriors rushed into the stone tower.

Li Ze looked at his master, and his face was a little anxious: "shall we go in?"

"Wait, don't worry!" Master Li Ze said lightly.

Nie Xiaoqian is also a little anxious. She looks at Chen Mo and asks, "shall we not go in?"

"Looking." Chen Mo's voice was flat and he was not worried at all.

Chen Mo's eyes are fixed on the stone tower in front of him. He can feel the powerful spiritual power fluctuation in the stone tower.

However, that kind of spiritual power fluctuation is not from powerful magic weapons or miraculous elixir and other treasures. Because in the wave of spiritual power, Chen Mo felt dead.

Combined with those masters' puppets just now, if Chen Mo is right, this pagoda is not used to hide treasures, but a spiritual pagoda dedicated to the dead.

If it is on earth, such a stupa will not be dangerous. However, in such a place with abundant aura, coupled with the fact that it does not know how long it will last, evil spirits are likely to appear in such a stupa.

Sure enough, the stone tower suddenly sounded a howling sound. Then, the soldiers came out.

Of the dozens of fighters who had just entered, only a dozen escaped.

"What's the matter? What's going on in there Someone asked curiously.

"Ghost, there is a ghost in it!" A master level warrior, scared, stammered.

"How could it be!" The questioner obviously didn't believe it. They thought that the so-called ghost theory was actually the fear of some ordinary people for the unknown.

He doesn't believe it, but Chen Mo believes: "as expected, evil spirits have appeared. It seems that this stone tower is very old."

"When did this place exist?" Chen Mo frowns and thinks. Some ideas gradually take shape in his mind, but suffering from no evidence, they can only be regarded as speculation.

"Hum, I never believe in ghosts. I'll go and have a look." An old man, a master of body protection, strides into the stone tower.

Everyone looked at the old man, waiting for the result.

There was a fight in the stone tower, and then with a bang, the old man was shot out of the window of the stone tower.

The old man vomited out a mouthful of blood, his face full of panic: "what a powerful ghost!"

There's a ghost!

After the verification of the old man, all the warriors believed it.

Some timid warriors quietly moved back, as if to stay away from the stone tower.

Some of the younger generation in the school begged the master to go back.

Many of the young warriors are already scared.

At the time when everyone started to play the retreat drum, Chen Mo said to Nie Xiaoqian faintly: "let's go in and have a look."

"Ah Nie Xiaoqian is startled, stupefied for a moment, and then gives a sound, carefully following Chen mo.

Li Ze's face was gloomy and looked at Chen Mo with a sneer in his heart: "hum, are you so fond of showing off? You'd better die in it, so that I don't have the stigma of killing relatives in the future

Yang Mingyu also looked at Chen Mo's figure with a bloody smile: "boy, you'd better die in it!"

A group of warriors look at Chen Mo, their faces are stunned. They don't know what Chen Mo thinks. It's too late for others to escape. Instead, he takes the initiative to enter.

"Ha ha, how brave! I will accompany you The old man laughed and followed Chen Mo into the stone tower.

"I'll go in and have a look. You stay here!" An old man said to his disciples.

"Yes, master!" The disciples were relieved as long as they were not allowed in.

Several powerful warriors follow Chen Mo and enter the stone tower successively.

A layer of stone tower, messy, the ground fell a thick layer of dust, there are messy footprints.

Vaguely, there are wooden frames that have not yet been completely decomposed, and some rusty metal utensils.

Chen Mo said to Nie Xiaoqian, "this should be the place to put some sacrificial articles. It's a pity that these things have been completely rotten for a long time. Otherwise, we can see the age of this place! "

Nie Xiaoqian looked at the small half of the black iron on the ground, and asked in some doubt: "how long does it take to decay the metal products with spiritual power into this way? Ten thousand years? Or 100000 years? "

Chen Mo didn't answer because he didn't know.

"Go up and have a look." Chen Mo said softly.

Chen Mo's front foot just walked up the stone ladder, and several old people followed him in, just in time to see Chen Mo's figure before he disappeared.

"He has gone up. Let's follow him." Said an old man.

"Go Several people immediately ran after them.

The stone tower is divided into three layers. Chen Mo and Chen Mo come to the second floor. The whole second floor was empty and clean and spotless.

"Why is there nothing here?" Nie Xiaoqian asked in doubt.

Chen Mo knows that the evil spirit should be here, because most of the screams of the warriors come from here, and the old man is also beaten out from here.There is only one possibility that evil spirits can not come out, that is, evil spirits already have their senses. As long as the visitors do not touch its bottom line, they will not come out to hurt people.

I just don't know what the bottom line of this evil spirit is?

"Since there is nothing here, let's go up there." As Chen Mo says, he moves lightly to get ready for the third floor.


A burst of Yin wind suddenly appeared out of thin air, let Nie Xiaoqian can't help but fight a shiver.

"Where is the strange wind?" Nie Xiaoqian was extremely sensitive, and even almost to the point of being attacked by all kinds of trees and grass. Any bit of wind and grass will arouse her vigilance.

Chen Mo suddenly stops, looks at the empty room and says, "come out, don't hide and hide."


Another strange wind answered Chen mo.

Nie Xiaoqian is scared and moves to Chen Mo's side. The whole person is about to stick to Chen mo.

The old men also catch up with him, standing at the entrance of the stone ladder and watching Chen Mo closely.

Chen Mo ignored several people in the rear, but said again to the empty room: "since you don't want to show up on your own initiative, I'll force you out!"

With that, Chen Mo goes directly to the stone ladder leading to the third floor.

Nie Xiaoqian shivers all over her body. She quickly follows Chen Mo and does not leave.


A dull voice, suddenly sounded out of thin air, in the original empty room, appears very strange.

Then, a translucent figure appeared at the entrance of the stone ladder.

"You are finally willing to come out." Chen Mo's face is expressionless and his voice is indifferent.

"There are ghosts!" Nie Xiaoqian feels her legs are trembling, closely following Chen Mo, pale.

The translucent figure, far higher than normal people, five views are more fuzzy, can not see what long.

The old people behind them are also serious and slightly nervous. They have never seen such ghosts after practicing martial arts for so long.

The evil spirit breathed a breath at Chen Mo, its voice was very dull, as if it was sent out through the coffin.

"You're not like them. Are you a survivor of that war?"

Chen Mo did not deny or admit it. Instead, he looked at the evil spirit and continued to gather useful information: "how long has the war passed?"

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