Sitting in the lower position, Cai Yingqin looks at Chen Mo, and his face is shocked.

At the wedding, he always felt Chen Mo was very arrogant, even Cai family is not in the eyes.

Now Chen Mo is more arrogant than he was at the wedding when he was in front of the whole Cai family!

"It seems that his performance at the wedding has been very low-key!" Cai Yingqin has a little bit of a bitter smile in his heart.

Cai Yingwen would like to drive Chen Mo out directly, but he knows Chen Mo is not an ordinary person. Even master Jiang Ji was killed by him. No one in Cai family is his opponent at all.

"It seems that you must ask the real jade dragon to take the hand!" This is also Cai family last dependence.

Looking at Chen Mo, caiyingwen said quietly: "master Chen, your conditions are really harsh. I am afraid I can't live with it. I need to ask the master to decide whether to agree or not."

Chen Mo said in a face that it doesn't matter: "yes."

"OK, please go to the room for a rest first. I'll ask the master of my family what he means." Cai Yingwen said.

"Yes!" Chen Mo said.

Some of Cai family have some doubts, don't understand what the owner means. Cai family affairs, he can be the leader alone, do not need to consult with the old owner.

But, people who can stand here are not fools, and naturally they will not expose Cai Yingwen's lies.

"Housekeeper, take master Chen to the room for a rest!" Cai Yingwen said.

"No, I'm here at this time tomorrow. If you haven't answered me, I'll take my pills." Chen Mo has no expression and a flat voice, but his words make Cai family life without a doubt.

They believe that if Chen Mo does not give Chen Mo a reply tomorrow, he will really take the old man's life away.

"Rest assured, I will give you a reply tomorrow!" Caiyingwen, with a face of iron and green, was forced to this for the first time.

After Chen Mo left, Cai family looked at the owner in a puzzled way.

"Why don't you just get that kid out of here, master?" Asked the senior.

Cai Yingwen had a little helpless way: "if that kid is just a normal person, I have driven him out long ago, but don't forget that even master Jiang Ji has been killed by him. Are there any of us in Cai family who are his rivals?"

Hear the words, everyone is silent.

They saw Chen Mo young, they all actively ignored Chen Mo's strength, was reminded by caiyingwen, suddenly raised a fear in his heart, if just now and Chen Mo face, they are no one is Chen Mo opponent.

"You don't provoke him first, wait for me to consult with the old man and see how to deal with him!" Cai Yingwen explained seriously.

"Yes!" The people gave their hand to promise.

Cai Yingwen left the hall and went directly to the room of cailaozi.

Hearing the story of caiyingwen, Cai's father's face was heavy.

"Although my life was saved by him, I would not have promised to threaten Cai's family under this pretext."

"You go to visit the real jade dragon, and say the man who killed his apprentice has come." Cailaozi's face was cold.

"Yes!" Cai Yingwen turns and leaves.

After Chen Mo left Cai's house, he wandered around the harbor. But, not long, he realized that someone was following him.

Chen Mo ignored and found a hotel to stay.

The men followed the hotel door and watched Chen Mo enter the hotel before leaving.

That night, several young people quietly came to chenmo's Hotel, hotel security and service staff saw several people, one attitude respectfully, let them enter the hotel.

Chen Mo is in the room closed his eyes, aware of the arrival of people, immediately open his eyes.

The door was opened directly from the outside with the key.

With the room lights on, four young people and a middle-aged appeared in chenmo's view.

"Please don't come in. What do you want to do?" Chen silently looked at several people, asked softly.

The young man, the first, sneered and said, "boy, you are in my caijiayao and you are brave in the daytime. What do you think we want to do?"

Then the young man laughed at the bad face.

The young people behind him also followed the bad smile, and Chen Mo's eyes were full of happiness.

"Your Lord certainly did not know you came to me!" Chen Mo said.

The young man thought Chen Mo threatened him with his family leader, and immediately sneered: "the master of the family is afraid of CAI's reputation and doesn't know you well. But we are all young people. What happens between them is not about the family. "

"You said it right?" The young man smiled proudly, as if he was complacent of his wit.

Chen Mo nodded: "you are right. The things of young people are really not related to the family. So if I kill you, Cai won't say anything, right? "

That year, his face changed, and he said in a rage, "boy, you are not a normal madman!"

Then he suddenly smiled strangely, "boy, I know you are probably a martial, but do you think I am not ready?""Mr. Qin, please help me!" The young man bowed his hand to the middle-aged man around him with a respectful attitude.

"You don't need to be polite, Mr. Cai. It seems that such a maniac should be taught a lesson to correct the atmosphere of our martial arts and Taoism." The middle-aged man said with a dignified face.

Chen Mo glanced at him and said coldly, "you are just a warrior who has just entered the inner world. Do you also deserve to represent the martial arts world? Who gives you courage! "

Hearing Chen Mo's statement of his accomplishments, Mr. Qin was slightly surprised. However, he thinks that Chen Mo is at most 18 years old. At this age, it is considered a genius to be able to cultivate to the top of the world. He does not believe that Chen Mo's strength can be better than him?

"Boy, although I can't represent the martial arts world, it should not be a problem to deal with you. Let me see what you can do Mr. Qin gave a cold smile.

Chen Mo faintly spits out a word: "go away!"

The voice was like thunder, rolling, shaking several people's eardrums were broken.

Mr. Qin was the first to bear the brunt, and his seven orifices were bleeding and kneeling on the ground with a plop.

"Master! You are the master Mr. Qin's face was frightened and his voice trembled.

The young people were scared to retreat directly to the door, leaving the leader standing in the room.

"You, you are so good!" The young man spat and said in shock.

Chen Mo looked at him with a look of killing in his eyes: "you just said that things between young people have nothing to do with the family, right?"

Cai Zhengqi is scared. He feels that Chen Mo will kill him.

"Master Chen, I was just joking. Don't take it seriously!" As he spoke, Cai Zhengqi stepped back to escape.

"Make fun of me. Do you deserve it?" With a wave of Chen Mo's hand, Cai Zhengqi was killed on the spot.

"Ah Several young people hiding in the door screamed with fear.

"He killed Cai Zhengqi. Run quickly and report to the owner of the house."

These young members of the Cai family were scared out of their wits by Chen mo.

Mr. Qin looks at Chen Mo with deep horror in his eyes. I'm afraid that only the strong masters dare to kill people.

After all, a master should not be disgraced.

However, Chen Mo did not kill ordinary people, but a senior son of the Cai family.

"Master, Cai Zhengqi is a real power man in the Cai family. If you kill him, you will completely infuriate the Cai family." Mr. Qin's face was flattering. , the fastest update of the webnovel!