Seeing so many people persuading himself, Chen Mo didn't want to disappoint everyone. He said faintly, "OK, I'll listen to you."

"By the way, where is Gu Linfeng? I'll go and see him!"

"He didn't want to come to the hospital. He rented a house outside and wanted to heal himself." Jia Jun Si Dao.

"Take me to see him." Chen Mo Tao.

"I'll take you!" Hao Jian volunteered.

"Yes." Chen Mo nods, then goes to the bedside of Jita Jiudu, takes out a pill and puts it directly into Jita Jiudu's mouth.


Jitata Jiudu coughed because of Chen Mo's rude behavior.

"Chen Mu Mu, what did you give me to eat? You want to poison me Jitata Jiudu complained.

Chen Mo doesn't pay attention to him. He turns to Hao Jian and says, "let's go."

After leaving the hospital, Hao Jian takes Chen Mo into a taxi and comes to an old community.

It's quiet here and it's perfect for healing.

As he got out of the car, Hao Jian led the way and said, "Lao Gu said his injury didn't matter. The other side didn't kill him!"

Without saying a word, Chen Mo quietly follows Hao Jian up a six story building.

Up to the fourth floor, Hao Jian said, "this is it."

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

Hao Jian knocks at the door.

"Who?" There came some feeble voice of Gu Linfeng.

"It's me! Chen Mo is back. Come and see you. Let's open the door Hao Jiandao.

After a while, the door was opened. Gu Linfeng looks pale and looks at Chen Mo and Chen Mo at the door. It seems that the simple act of opening the door has consumed all his strength.

Hao Jian seemed to see something wrong with Gu Linfeng. He was worried and asked, "Lao Gu, are you ok?"

Gu Linfeng smile: "I'm ok!"

Chen Mo suddenly steps out and grabs Gu Linfeng's wrist, which makes Hao Jian and Hao Jian slightly surprised.

"What a wicked means! If I come back two days late, you'll be dead! " Chen Mo's face is cold and his voice is colder.

"Ah, so serious!" Hao Jian looked at Gu Linfeng in shock: "Lao Gu, didn't you say it was ok? You lied to us about our feelings. You knew you were hurt badly, didn't you? "

Gu Linfeng did not answer, but the calm expression has explained everything.

"Come in, I'll cure you first!" Chen Mo releases Gu Linfeng and goes straight into the room.

Seeing Chen Mo's return, Gu Linfeng seemed relieved. His legs softened and he almost collapsed on the ground. Thanks to Hao Jian standing close to him and holding him.

"Lao Gu, you are too serious. Thanks to Chen Mo's timely return!" Hao Jian said angrily.

Gu Linfeng apologized with a smile: "let the brothers worry, my fault!"

"Don't say anything. Let Chen Mo cure you first!" Hao Jian said in a hurry.


Hao Jian holds Gu Linfeng and sits on the bed. Chen Mo stands beside Gu Linfeng and takes a pill for him.

"The meridians in your body are disordered and destroyed constantly. It is obvious that someone has done it intentionally. That person should be waiting for me to come back to cure you and consume my accomplishments." Chen Mo Tao.

"It's a pity that he doesn't know that I'm not an ordinary warrior. His plot is of no use to me at all

Gu Linfeng sighed: "I just see this, so I want to hide and heal myself, but I overestimate myself, and finally I have to trouble you!"

Chen Mo said: "we don't have to be so outspoken between us. I'll dredge the meridians for you first, and then you'll be fine after a few days of slow recuperation. "


Gu Linfeng's injury is not simple. The man intentionally interrupted the meridians of Gu Linfeng, but he did not completely disconnect, leaving a trace of hope for restoration. However, it takes a lot of energy to dredge meridians for ancient Linfeng.

Even the martial arts in the master's realm can't do this. Even if the Shenjing warrior wants to completely cure Gu Linfeng's injury, it is estimated that it will cost half of his accomplishments.

If Chen Mo's strength had not reached Qizhong, it would have taken a lot of time to dredge the meridians for Gu Linfeng. However, after reaching the Qichong level, Chen Mo's strength has made a qualitative leap, which can save a lot of essence and time in treating Gu Linfeng's injury.

After dredging meridians for ancient Linfeng, it immediately began to regulate breath. Chen Mo calls Hao Jian aside and begins to ask who is responsible for the attack on Gu Linfeng.

Hao Jian tells the truth under Chen Mo's questioning.

"At first, a man named Han Tong humiliated you. Naturally, people in our school couldn't see it. Chubby toot came forward to argue with them. Then the two sides did not give in, and the quarrel was vexed. "

"Some things are not easy to solve in school, so we agreed to go outside the school to single out. How much trouble do we think these outsiders can make? And we still have the old town, so we don't care too much about it. We go straight to the appointment. "

"However, I didn't expect that they had a premeditation. A large group of people surrounded us. If it wasn't for chubby to cover us, we would all be planted there.""And among them, there is a master. The middle-aged man who wounded Gu Gu is a man who can fly on the eaves and walk on the wall. It seems that he is offering something from the Shen family of Haixi!"

"Tokyo University is on the west side of the Strait. They must be a big family in the west side of the Straits!"

After listening to Hao Jian's narration, Chen Mo finally remembered who the man was.

Han Tong was the one who gambled with him when he attended the exchange meeting in Yanjing.

Because of him, Tokyo University was permanently disqualified from participating in the exchange meeting. Chen Mo didn't ask him to fulfill the gambling contract at that time. Instead of thanking him, he went to South China University in the name of communication to retaliate!

Chen Mo's face is cold. This kind of person has touched Chen Mo's bottom line.

"You're here to watch him until he wakes up." Chen Mo says, stand up and leave.

Hao Jian seems to have guessed what Chen Mo is going to do. He worries and says, "Chen Mo, be careful!"

"Yes Chen Mo nods and opens the door to leave.

Since the other side deliberately left Gu Linfeng to consume his strength, he would certainly wait for himself in the west coast of the Straits.

Although he only knew the one-sided information of Shen Gong family, Chen Mo believed it was not difficult to find it.

Haixi, the coastal area, has not grasped the development opportunity. Compared with Haidong, its economy and status are much worse.

However, this place has beautiful scenery, many mysterious historic sites and some primitive landforms. It is a very suitable place for practice.

Chen Mo comes to Haixi and inquires a little about it, and finds out where the Shengong family is. The Shengong family is a big family between Haixi and Shen.

Yujin garden is the manor of Haixi Shengong family.

In Haixi, there is always a saying: Yujin garden, 8000 meters, can't fit the Haixi Shengong family.

From a single sentence, we can see the wealth and status of the Shen family. We can also see the ambition of the Shen family.

Chen Mo remembers that the boss of Haixi should be Shen Qisheng, the head of the Shen family.

It seems that Shen Qisheng has become a little lazy after he is subject to the rule. Since ancient times, the side of the road's couch has not allowed others to sleep soundly. The Shen family is so arrogant that the Shen family can be indifferent. It can be seen that the Shen family has no intention of competing for hegemony. , the fastest update of the webnovel!