Chen dongran is a great grandfather of Chen Mo, who is honest and generous. After hearing the speech, he just said with a faint smile: "what can I do if I'm not satisfied? Who is to blame for the failure of our children? "

Chen Donghua hehe smile: "don't worry, even if you only earn eight million, that's also earned, it's better than giving up directly!"

In a word, people's eyes immediately focused on Chen Jingye.

Who else, besides Chen Mo, who abstained from voting in Chen Donghua's mouth?

At this time, Chen Dongshun roared: "OK, next, Chen Lu."

Another young man went up and submitted his proof of assets.

After a while, Chen Dongshun lousheng announced: "Chen Lu, start-up capital 10 million, annual profit of 30 million."

Below, those who have a good relationship with Chen Lu begin to applaud Chen Lu.

"Chen Lu is good. It makes 30 million yuan a year, which is already very good."

Even Chen Dongshun, the second generation of the Chen family, also kept nodding. This achievement is indeed good.

Chen Li, sitting in his seat, sneered coldly: "it's only 30 million yuan. What's to be happy about."

With that, he looked at Chen Lei with a touch of provocation in his eyes.

Coincidentally, Chen Lei also looked at him. Their eyes collided in midair, and the two sides were full of fighting spirit.

After Chen Lu's exit, Chen Dongshun continued to read: "next, Chen Li!"

Chen Li took back his eyes and walked up with pride.

Chen Li side of those people, to Chen Li thumbs up: "brother Chen, come on, the champion belongs to you."

Chen Qi, Chen Lei's side, whispered: "brother Chen Lei, Chen Li is too arrogant. This time you must suppress his arrogance."

Chen Lei said with a smile: "don't worry, I will be angry for you this time."

Chen Ke'er, who is close to Chen Mo, whispered: "brother Chen Mo, this Chen Li is said to be one of the most promising candidates to win the championship. Although this guy is very arrogant, it can not be denied that he has an extraordinary talent in business."

Chen Mo lay on the chair, closed his eyes, smell speech, even eyes are not open, light back to Chen Ke'er: "let him be arrogant for a while."

Chen Li's verification ended soon. However, the two persons in charge of the verification were surprised.

When they handed over the verification results to Chen Dongshun, even Chen Dongshun couldn't help looking at Chen Li, his face was a little serious.

Finally, Chen Dongshun handed the verification results to Chen Guoliang.

"No, Chen Li's verification results have startled the three old men! This has not happened for many years. " A young Chen family exclaimed.

"I estimate that Chen Li's annual profit will not be less than 100 million yuan! Otherwise, it will not disturb the three old men. "

"100 million! That's ten times more! This kind of character can be called genius

Chen Qi looked at Chen Lei with some worry and asked, "brother Chen Lei, what's going on? Is Chen Li so good? "

Chen Lei also has some worries in his heart, but he has more confidence in himself.

"It's OK. Watch it."

Chen Donghua and Chen Jingye, the second generation children of the Chen family, are also suspicious.

Chen Donghua's eyes looked at one of the middle-aged men with a somewhat complacent face and asked, "brother Chongshan, Chen Li is your child. How many times can he turn over the starting fund this time?"

Most people also want to know that they are focusing on Chen Chongshan.

Chen Chongshan ha ha smile: "this I also don't know, everybody looks down is."

With that, a touch of pride appeared on his face.

Chen Donghua some dissatisfaction, in the heart secretly murmured: "the confidentiality work is very strict, will announce the result, we all know."

Chen Guoliang three people, after a careful look, returned the verification results to Chen Dongshun.

Chen Guoliang said, "announce the result."

"Yes Chen Dongshun bowed and nodded.

"Chen Li, start up capital 10 million, annual profit, 250 million!"

Chen Dongshun announced the end in a loud voice, and the bottom immediately burst into a pot.

"No, 250 million! It's 25 times as much! This Chen Li is too good Chen Ke'er, half open, said in surprise.

Chen Mo's mouth slightly curved, did not speak, seems to have some disdain.

"Great, my brother!" Chen Qi also has some dementia exclamation.

"Brother Lei, 250 million, can you still win him?" Chen Qi is a little desperate. This achievement is a rare good achievement of the Chen family for so many years.

Coincidentally, at this time, Chen Li's eyes provocatively look at Chen Lei.

Chen Lei was not timid to welcome up, a mysterious smile: "look down."

Chen Donghua's eyes flashed with envy. At that time, his achievements were only 100 million yuan, and Chen Li's achievements were completely crushed by him. If there is no accident, Chen Li will surely become an important figure in the Chen family in the future.

"Brother Chongshan, Congratulations!" Chen Donghua showed a kind smile and congratulated Chen Chongshan, Chen Li's father."Congratulations, brother Chongshan." The rest of the people also saluted Chen Chongshan.

Chen Jingye was a little sour in his heart. When he took part in the family test, he won the championship. But now it's Chen Mo's turn to play

Chen Jingye was embarrassed to think about it.

"Congratulations, brother Chongshan!" Chen Jingye followed the crowd and congratulated Chen Chongshan.

As the host of this family test, Chen Dongshun is also rare to speak.

"Chen Li, good grades."

Chen Li is the same as Chen Guozhong. As Chen Li's grandfather, Chen Guozhong is also a big consolation: "Chen Li boy, good!"

Chen family three old, basic few praise people, can get any one of them praise, that proves that this person's achievement is really good.

Chen Li bowed to Chen Guozhong and said, "thank you for your praise."

Straight up, Chen Li's face is arrogant, a posture of giving up one's own.

Although people are disgusted with Chen Li's arrogance, it is undeniable that he is indeed a genius.

In one year, the principal has been increased by 25 times, which is one of the top six Super families in Yanjing.

Therefore, Chen Li has the capital to be proud.

"Next, Chen Lei!" Chen Dongshun continued.

"Brother Lei, come on!" Chen Lei's younger brother, Chen Qi, thumbs up at Chen Lei and shouts.

Seeing Chen Lei on the stage, Chen Donghua immediately looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to him: "big brother, how sure is your little Lei to win the championship?"

Chen Lei's father, Chen Dongyue, showed a touch of pride on his face: "for this championship, Chen leizhi is sure to win it!"

"That's not necessarily true. Can he still surpass my family's Chen Li?" Chen Chongshan retorted with a sneer.

Chen Dongyue took a look at Chen Chongshan and sneered: "your Chen Li's achievements are really good, but it depends on who he compares with. If it's compared with Chen Lei of my family, he must be a bit worse!"

Chen Chongshan sneered: "I just don't believe it!"

Chen Dongyue said, "let's wait and see."

Chen Ke'er whispered in Chen Mo's ear: "Chen Lei is also a popular candidate to win the championship. Many people in the family predict that the champion of this family test will be born from Chen Lei and Chen Li."

Chen Mo still closed his eyes and remained unmoved. He said faintly, "look down."

When Chen Lei's verification results came out, two people in charge of verification were shocked again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!