Chen Donghua's mouth was half open and could not be closed for a long time.

"What is the situation? The Yan family didn't come to trouble Chen Mo, but to discuss marriage. How could it be? "

"Although Chen Mo won the championship in the family test, it seems that the Yan family doesn't care about the money!"

"Besides, what else is there in Chen Mo's body that deserves the Yan Family leader to come all the way to discuss marriage?"

Chen Donghua can't think of it. He can't think of breaking his head.

Chen Jiaqi and others are also shocked, feeling this thing is very incredible. Even Chen Jingye looked at Yan Manchuan with a dull face. He couldn't believe it was true.

Chen Kuang looks at Chen Mo, and in addition to shock, the rest is full of resentment: "how can this be possible! What is Chen Mo's ability? Why even the owner of the Yan family looks at him with great respect! Is it because of the family test that you won a champion? "

"I admit that he is very capable. Before he leaves school, he has made a fortune that ordinary people can't get for a few years. But in the eyes of the Yan family, I'm afraid it's not worth mentioning. What does the Yan family really like about him?"

The arrogant look on Chen Li's face gradually faded, and the look at Chen Mo was full of fear.

"I thought he was just lucky to take the champion in the family test. I didn't expect that now even the Yan family are so fond of him. What is hidden in him?"

The confidence on Chen Lei's face disappeared, and those younger brothers behind him also kept silent. Even ye fei'er was surprised and couldn't say a word.

At present, Chen Lei's only dependence on Chen Mo is ye fei'er. However, in front of Yan Qingcheng, he has no advantage at all. Yan Qingcheng has completely crushed ye fei'er in terms of appearance, family background and other aspects.

"Brother Lei, how can this happen? What do the Yans think? " Chen Qi said with a gloomy face.

Chen Lei's face was expressionless, but there was a deep reluctance in his eyes: "Chen Mo, you are lucky!"

The rest of the Chen family, who are waiting to see Chen Mo punished by the Yan family, are also stunned. The plot is almost completely reversed.

Instead of asking Chen Mo Hsing for a crime, the Yan family gave Chen Mo a big gift.

After a brief period of astonishment, Chen Guoliang looked at Yan Manchuan and asked, "brother Yan, are you sure you want to continue this engagement?"

Yan Manchuan said with a smile: "old Chen, marriage matters, how can we play games? On behalf of the Yan family, I'm here to discuss with Mr. Chen seriously and solemnly. "

Chen Guoliang nodded: "well, in that case, let's listen to what the parties say. After all, today's children are not the same as they were in those days. In the past, marriage was decided by their parents and the media. Now, we should listen to their opinions. "

Yan Manchuan's face did not change, but there was a flicker of hesitation in his eyes. Looking at Yan Qingcheng beside him, Yan Manchuan said with a smile: "Qingcheng, what do you think? Let's show your grandfather Chen."

Yan Qingcheng looked at her father, indifferent and alienated. He stood up and gave a female ceremony to Chen Guoliang. His voice was cold: "grandfather Chen, since there is an engagement, Qingcheng should obey it. However, since I have recognized Chen Mo as my teacher, I dare not have any other thoughts. It's up to granddad Chen to decide everything


"She said she had recognized Chen Mo as her teacher! I heard you right

Chen family almost choked by this sentence.

"The first beauty of Yanjing is Chen Mo's teacher? God, are you kidding us

This time, even Chen Tong was stupid.

Yan Manchuan frowned. Although he had already known that Yan Qingcheng had worshipped Chen Mo as his teacher, he did not expect her to say it in public.

Chen Guoliang looked stunned. He was also confused by the master Yan Qingcheng.

"Yan family girl, what do you mean by that sentence just now? Why did Chen Mo become your master

Yan Qingcheng looks at Chen Mo and finds that Chen Mo is still keeping his eyes closed and slightly depressed. He bows his head and replies, "Mr. Chen, you'd better ask Chen Mo about this in person. I'm sorry that Qingcheng has no comment."

Chen Guoliang nodded and looked at Chen mo. he found that Chen Mo was sitting on a chair, leisurely and contented. Chen Guoliang laughed angrily.

"This boy, we are here for his big event broke heart, he is good, can be so leisurely."

Yan Manchuan with a smile said: "such a heart, is really rare, congratulations to the old Chen, Chen family has such a young hero, the future of the Chen family will be straight up!"

"Ha ha, I'm flattered." With a smile and a modest voice, Chen Guoliang called to Chen Mo: "Xiao Mo, come here!"

Chen Jingye turned back and pushed Chen Mo's arm and whispered, "Xiao Mo, your grandfather called you."

"Dad, I know all about it." Chen Mo opens his eyes and smiles at Chen Jingye. He stands up slowly and goes to Chen Guoliang.

"Grandfather Chen Mo bowed and saluted, then looked at Yan Manchuan and said faintly, "master of Yan family."

Chen Tong frowned: "this boy, my grandfather should be courteous to the master of Yan family. He is so cold."What's the angry smile of Chen Donghua

Chen Guodong drank softly: "Chen Mo, don't be rude!"

Chen Mo looks at Chen Guodong and says with a faint smile, "third grandfather, where am I being rude?"

"Master Yan, did you say I was rude to you?" Chen Mo looks at Yan Manchuan and asks with a smile.

Yan Manchuan quickly accompanied with a smile: "no, no, Mr. Chen is very polite!"

Chen Guoliang and Chen Guodong look at each other. Yan Manchuan's attitude towards Chen Mo is so sorry!

It's not normal.

What are the things they don't know?

Chen Mo said faintly, "that's good."

"Grandfather, what can I do for you?" Chen Mo looks at Chen Guoliang and says with a smile.

Chen Guoliang took a look at Chen Mo, hid his suspicions, and said with a smile, "Xiao Mo, you should know about the engagement. Now the head of the Yan family is here in person. I want to hear what you mean? What's more, how can you become the master of Yan's girl? What's going on here? "

In the hall, all the people stare big eyes, stretch their necks, erect their ears, waiting for Chen Mo's answer.

They, too, are curious about what happened today.

Chen Mo takes a look at Yan Qingcheng and says, "in fact, it's nothing. It's just that she taught her some things, and then she matches her master."

Chen Guoliang nodded: "so it is. What do you think of the marriage? "

Yan Manchuan suddenly took a breath, his eyes fixed on Chen Mo, as if he cared about Chen Mo's answer.

Everyone in the Chen family is also looking at Chen Mo, but they are not very interested in Chen Mo's answer. If Chen Mo refuses to accept this kind of good thing, unless Chen Mo is stupid.

Chen Lei sighed, his eyes showed a touch of jealousy: "this boy, luck is not generally good."

Chen Kuang hen's teeth itch: "hateful, Chen Mo, why does God always want to favor you?"

Chen Kexin looks gloomy and looks at Chen Mo and clenches his fist secretly: "Chen Mo, why are you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!