Mayor Zhao sat down beside Chen Dongshun, looked at Chen Dongshun and said, "I heard that brother Dongshun has been promoted again recently. Today, I come to congratulate you."

Chen Dongshun said modestly, "it's just a small step forward. It's not worth going there in person. You're too polite!"

Mayor Zhao said: "yes, it's a small step for brother Dongshun, but in the eyes of many people, it's almost a step up. And I'm here today, and there's another thing. "

"Oh, what else can I do for you, brother Zhao?" Chen Dongshun said curiously.

Mayor Zhao's eyes swept through the crowd for a week. Seeing murongke and others, Mayor Zhao just swept by without even calling.

It is not that Mayor Zhao does not know murongke and others, but that he is a member of the Zhao family in Lingnan and is now the mayor of Hangcheng, the capital of the southern Soviet Union. There is no limit to the future.

Although murongke and others have a high status, they are more or less connected with the underground world. The mayor of Zhao is a little disdainful to take the initiative to talk to murongke and others.

Mayor Zhao withdrew his eyes, looked at Chen Dongshun and asked, "I heard there is a Mr. Chen in the Chen family. I don't know which one is?"

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of all the people in the hall of Chen's family suddenly all focused on Mayor Zhao.

Chen Dongshun didn't understand what Mayor Zhao wanted. He couldn't help looking at Chen Guoliang, who was in the first place.

Chen Guoliang's face was calm and did not seem to see Chen Dongshun's eyes.

Chen Dongshun frowned slightly, looked at the mayor of Zhao with a smile and asked, "where did Zhao hear about this Mr. Chen?"

Mayor Zhao said with a smile: "ha ha, as the mayor of Hangzhou City, if I don't even have this information channel, then I will be in vain!"

Chen Dongshun nodded. He knew that Mayor Zhao's words were correct. As a mayor of a city, if he didn't even have this information channel, it showed that the mayor was not competent at all.

However, listening to Mayor Zhao's tone, it seems that Chen Mo is Mr. Chen.

Chen Dongshun's thoughts suddenly changed. He secretly guessed the purpose of Mayor Zhao. He thought whether to tell him Chen Mo's identity.

Chen Mo stops talking to Murong Yan'er and squints at Mayor Zhao. He can't see what he thinks.

Murong Ke and others, quietly drinking tea, face with a faint smile, looking at Mayor Zhao, seems to be thinking about Mayor Zhao's intention.

All the people in the hall were secretly thinking about Mayor Zhao's intention, even Chen Guoliang was no exception.

At this time, Chen Donghua suddenly stood up and arched his hand and said, "Mayor Zhao, the Mr. Chen you mentioned should be the three generations of our Chen family, Chen Mo!"

With that, Chen Donghua's finger points to Chen Mo behind Chen Jingye.

People were stunned at the same time. They didn't know why Chen Donghua suddenly jumped out and told Mayor Zhao about Chen Mo's identity. Maybe Chen Donghua was simply trying to please Mayor Zhao, but it was too obvious to do so, which would make many people dissatisfied.

Chen Guoliang frowned slightly, took a deep look at Chen Donghua, and then turned to look at Chen Guodong, the meaning is self-evident.

Chen Guodong's face was a little gloomy. He looked at Chen Donghua and snorted coldly. Now Chen Donghua has told the news to Mayor Zhao. Even if he is blamed now, it will not help but make outsiders laugh at him.

Mayor Zhao smiles and bows to Chen Donghua: "thank you very much, brother Donghua."

Chen Donghua said with a smile: "Mayor Zhao, you are welcome."

Chen Dongyue and Chen Donghua had a good relationship. When Chen Donghua returned, he quietly asked, "Donghua, if you do this, many people will be dissatisfied."

With a faint smile, Chen Donghua said, "you may as well do something. I have my own discretion."

Mayor Zhao looked at Chen Mo and said in a loud voice: "I never thought that the famous Mr. Chen should be so young! Disrespect, disrespect

Although Mayor Zhao said compliments, the attitude on his face was clearly somewhat contemptuous, and anyone could see it.

Chen Mo is calm and does not move. Instead, he talks to Mayor Zhao and laughs with Murong Yan'er.

Mayor Zhao's face did not change, but a trace of haze flashed through his eyes.

Xiao Wu, Secretary of Mayor Zhao's side, looked ugly and snorted coldly: "when the mayor talks to you, you don't pay any attention to it. Is that what the Chen family teaches?"

In the hall, the atmosphere suddenly became a little oppressive.

The Secretary's words clearly meant to blame the Chen family, but everyone knew that he was only targeting Chen mo.

Therefore, most of the Chen family chose to watch the change.

Murongke and others looked at Mayor Zhao with a sneer in their eyes. They knew that Xiao Wu was just a gun, and Mayor Zhao was the owner of the gun.

Moreover, for Xiao Wu's words, Mayor Zhao did not open his mouth to stop it, which is equivalent to tacit is his meaning.

Chen Guoliang winked at Chen Dongshun. Chen Dongshun hugged his fist and said, "OK, Mayor Zhao, children are not sensible. Don't worry about him. Here, I'd like to propose a toast to you

With that, Chen Dongshun picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp: "first, do it for respect."

Chen Dongshun's face, Mayor Zhao had to give, who let his position lower than Chen Dongshun?But it's just a matter of face. Let alone Chen Dongshun, even if it's the whole Chen family in the southern Soviet Union, what's his fear of Zhao Guangde?

"If brother Dongshun says anything, how can I argue with a child?" Zhao mayor PI xiaorou did not smile, said a word, picked up the wine glass to drink.

Mayor Zhao put down his glass and said with a smile, "the so-called Mr. Chen is just so! It's better to be famous than to meet! "

The Chen family looked at each other, and some people secretly commented: "Chen Mo, after all, is too young. He thinks that with so many big men supporting him, he can ignore Mayor Zhao."

"He doesn't know the identity of Mayor Zhao at all. Although murongke's people are famous, they are afraid that it will be difficult to advance in the future, but there is no limit to the future of Mayor Zhao. If you offend Mayor Zhao, you will undoubtedly set up a strong enemy for yourself

Chen Dongyue quietly said to Chen Donghua, "Donghua, you've already agreed that Chen Mo will offend Mayor Zhao, right? That's why you took the initiative to tell Mayor Zhao about Chen Mo's identity. You want Mayor Zhao to suppress Chen Mo's spirit! "

Chen Donghua said with a smile: "elder brother, you think too much. How can I know that Chen Mo is so arrogant that he even offends Mayor Zhao!"

Seeing that someone can hold Chen Mo down, Chen Lei and Chen Kuang, a group of young people who are jealous of Chen Mo, begin to feel proud again.

"Chen Mo, Chen Mo, offended Mayor Zhao. I'm afraid you can't move in Hangzhou in the future." Chen Lei with a sneer, originally a little depressed mood suddenly good, cuddle around the flowers of the South Jiangsu, he felt that Chen Mo is just like this.

Chen Tong's face was a little gloomy, but there was some pity in his eyes when he looked at Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, Chen Mo, I admit you are excellent, but when can you change your arrogance? It's not wise to offend Mayor Zhao! "

Chen Kuang looks at Chen Mo with a touch of excitement in his eyes: "Chen Mo, I admit I can't help you, but you have offended Mayor Zhao. In the future, someone will take care of you for me. How long can you be arrogant?"

Even Chen Jingye frowned deeply and looked at Chen Mo and said, "Xiao Mo, you are too rude. Mayor Zhao is your elder. Please apologize to Mayor Zhao. Mayor Zhao will not see you all the same!"

Just after Chen Jingye finished this sentence, another announcement came out: "Mr. Jiang Heshan is here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!