Arthur said, "how do you change it first?"

Chen Mo said: "one animal core for ten energy stones."

Arthur thought for a moment and said, "no, one pit for five energy stones. We don't have many. You don't want a lion to talk

Chen Mo nodded: "OK, you can change it as you say!"

After that, Chen Mo makes a crash and draws a pile of black animal cores from the storage ring, which may be dozens of them.

Arthur glared at Chen Mo and said, "God, how many strange animals have you killed? To get so many cores! "

Chen Mo doesn't pay attention to him. He has already started counting.

"A total of 31. When you get them, you will be the first. Of course, you need to give me 155 energy stones. " Chen Mo said.

Arthur has a little pain in his flesh. They brought 150 energy stones together, which are used to replenish strength at critical moments.

Chen Mo would take 155 of them with his mouth open, and Arthur would definitely not do it.

"No, we don't have that many energy stones at all." Arthur shook his head.

Chen Mo said: "how much can you take out? These are all my extra kernels. If you can't eat them, I'll find someone else to replace the rest! But I'm afraid your first place is going to be ruined. "

Arthur's head is black.

If Chen Mo is asked to replace it with someone else, they will be busy in vain.

Arthur thought in his mind that if he ate all these animal cores, Chen Mo would not be able to take out the extra cores to exchange with others.

Although Chen Mo still has animal nuclei in his hand, if he gets these 31 animal cores, he can surpass Huaxia by five. If he continues to hunt and kill exotic animals, he will not be able to compete with Huaxia for the first place.

It will be a great honor to think of the first place.

Arthur bit his teeth and said, "OK, I'll take all of them."

Chen Mo directly turned Arthur and his family upside down. In the end, Arthur only got 150 energy stones.

Arthur said, "there are still five energy stones left. We can't bring them out. If you don't leave here, I'll make you double.". Is that all right with you? "

Chen Mo looked at the pile of spirit stones, almost drooling.

He was born again for such a long time and saw such abundant resources for the first time. With these spirit stones, he would not have to practice frugally in the future.

Chen Mo is very generous once. He puts those spirit stones into the storage ring. He waves his hand generously and says, "no, these are OK."

With that, Chen Mo's mouth showed a profound smile, which made Arthur feel like falling into the pit.

"Good luck to you!" Chen Mo finished and turned away.

Arthur looked at the cores left by Chen Mo, and showed a brilliant smile: "in fact, I think the Chinese people are also good, at least the transaction is very straightforward, much better than those guys in the United States!"

Arthur put all those animal cores into the counter, and the national team's ranking immediately rose to the first, and Arthur's personal ranking also surpassed Chen mo.

Arthur is going crazy.

"If only we had champagne, we need to celebrate this moment!"

The U.S. team is struggling to kill a foreign animal, the results of a foreign animal, Oman di mezzi input counter.

However, when he saw the hair country team's ranking, suddenly stunned.

"How could it be? Did Arthur get some kind of adventure The first thing Amandi thought of was Chen mo.

"No, Arthur must have had the same adventure as Chen Mo, otherwise he would never have added so many animal cores at once!"

Amandi was a little anxious. He was determined to win the first prize. He even promised the president before leaving. But now not only is the first place hopeless, even the second place also can't keep.

"How can this be done? Go to Arthur and ask him where he got so many cores!"

Amandi was about to take people to find Arthur when Chen Mo's figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Amandi was startled and immediately cried, "defend!"

And he himself, immediately disappeared in place.

Chen Mo has seen Amandi's invisibility function. If he doesn't use magic, he can't even find the divine sense.

But Chen Mo is not here to fight.

"Wait a minute. Don't get excited. I just want to make a deal with you."

Fortunately, one of the remaining three knew Chinese and immediately translated it to Amandi.

Amandi didn't show up, but his voice rang out in all directions, and finally asked the man to translate it to Chen mo.

"Our captain said," what do you want to trade with us? "

Chen Mo knows that if you don't show some sincerity, these Americans won't believe it.

So, Chen Mo as the method of processing, crash, is a large number of core appear on the ground.

"God!" Those Americans were surprised, and even Amandi showed up.Chen Mo said slowly, "do you want to be the first

Amandi frowned with a trace of greed in his eyes, but he knew that Chen Mo would not give it to him.

Amandi looked at Chen Mo and asked, "what do you want? Did you give Arthur's core? "

Chen Mo nodded: "yes, if you want to surpass him and get the first place, I can help you! But you need to give me the energy stone, the more the better

Amandi cursed: "damn Arthur, have you forgotten the honor of your knights? I made a deal with the devil

However, after scolding, Amandi looks at the pit under Chen Mo's feet, and his eyes are hot again.

But Amandi was very careful. He asked his men to translate his words: "Mr. Chen Mo, if we exchange with you, can you guarantee that your core is not exchanged with others?"

Chen Mo won't promise him anything. If he doesn't change, he can only be the third place. Chen Mo is sure that he will change.

Without Chen Mo's reply, Amandi is very depressed, but Amandi has his own way.

"Mr. Chen Mo, how many animal cores do you have? How are you going to exchange them? "

Chen Mo said: "one animal core, 15 energy stones!"

"No, ten!" Amandi and chenmo bargain.

Chen Mo Shuang quickly agreed: "deal!"

Amandi has more energy stones in his hands than those in Arthur's hands. After eating Chen Mo's core, Amandi continued to ask his subordinates, "Mr. Chen Mo, if you still have extra cores in your hand, we are going to exchange them with you!"

Chen Mo laughs in his heart: "Amandi is very cunning. He is afraid that I will ask others to raise the price and want to directly monopolize the core in my hands."

Chen Mo is not stupid. He has his own ideas, and the animals are only a drop in the ocean.

"Sorry, I don't have any more." Chen Mo said with regret.

Amandi, of course, didn't believe it. He asked his men to say to Chen Mo, "we are willing to give 15 energy stones for a core."

Chen Mo is shocked. There are a lot of energy stones in the hands of these Americans!

Maybe it's made in America.

With 15 energy stones, Chen Mo doesn't resist the temptation and takes out another 30 animal cores to exchange with Amandi.

Now, Amandi is basically wiped out.

After the deal was successful, Amandi and Chen Mo looked at each other and laughed like a fox. , the fastest update of the webnovel!