Chen Guoliang quickly picked up Chen Mo and said with a happy smile, "silly boy, where to speak? It's not your fault. It's Nangong Yu's insane and disobeys the agreement between the martial arts and the secular world! "

Chen Mo stood up, looked at Chen Guoliang, and said solemnly, "grandfather, don't worry. I promise you that this will never happen again in the future."

After this incident, Chen Mo realized that all the agreements and rules were bullshit. Once he met someone like Nangong Yu who didn't care, those empty words were useless.

If you want to protect the safety of your family, you have to be the most reliable.

Chen Guoliang nodded: "I believe you, but you don't need to blame yourself. No one can predict this matter. All these superiors told me."

Chen Mo nods and doesn't speak. He must have helped him speak. After all, he worked for his country in the battlefield of the five countries, but the official couldn't even protect his family. Presumably, the reason for his guilt was that he was at the top.

Chen Ke'er took Chen Mo's arm affectionately: "brother Chen Mo, I knew you would win!"

Chen Mo rubbed Chen Ke'er's broken hair on her forehead and said with a smile, "thank you, Ke'er. I feel honored to believe me."

Chen Jingye glared at Chen Mo and complained: "Xiao Mo, although this is a dangerous situation, you must tell me everything clearly after you go back. I don't allow you to be kept in the dark by you!"

Chen Guoliang is hard to say anything, but as Chen Mo's father, Chen Jingye still has to give an account to all the Chen family.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll give you a satisfactory account after I go back," Chen said with a smile

"That's about it." Chen Jingye nodded.

In the rear, Chen Donghua and those people were embarrassed again.

"Well, if only I had insisted for a while under the pressure of nangongyu, I don't have to be so embarrassed now!"

Chen Donghua, with a gloomy face, said: "in an emergency, there is nothing wrong with us in choosing to protect our lives. As long as we are justified and confident, we can't say anything about it."

"How can we be justified? I can't do it! " Chen Dongyue sighed.

Chen Chongshan said: "up to now, I have to go and admit my mistake to the owner."

Then he looked at Chen Donghua scornfully and said with a sneer: "if you think you can stand up in front of the owner, you can not admit your mistake, but I have to admit it first!"

Chen Donghua looks ugly and stares at Chen Chongshan, but he can't say anything.

Many people saw Chen Chongshan leave and immediately followed him to Chen Guoliang.

"Nephew Chen Moxian, congratulations on defeating nangongyu and relieving the danger of my Chen family!" Chen Chongshan brazenly hugged Chen Mo and said with a smile.

Chen Mo doesn't even look at him, but it seems to have been expected by Chen Chongshan.

He immediately turned his head and bowed to Chen Guoliang and saluted: "master, congratulations on my Chen family. I almost thought that I would not go back to the Chen family just now!"

With that, Chen Chongshan even squeezed out two tears, which made people feel that he was also a poor man.

Behind Chen Chongshan, those Chen family members who had just knelt down to nangongyu also cried and cried: "master, we just had to do it. Please forgive us!"

Chen Guoliang is soft-hearted, and kneeling on the ground accounts for more than half of the total number of Chen family members. Moreover, under the circumstances just now, he has no right to ask for anything from his people. Some people regard dignity as more important than life, but some people can give up everything in order to protect their life.

In that case, there was nothing wrong with these people's choices. Even if Chen Guoliang is the head of the Chen family, he has no right to ask everyone to give up his life for the sake of Chen family's dignity.

However, the only unforgivable thing for these people is that they slander Chen Mo and insult Chen Jingye when Chen Mo did not rush back.

Because of nangongyu's appearance, they obliterate Chen Mo's contribution to the Chen family, saying that the dragon of the Chen family is the disaster star of the Chen family. He even insulted Chen Jingye, who nearly committed suicide. This is unforgivable.

Chen Guoliang looked at these people, looked at Chen Mo and said, "Xiao Mo, what do you think of these people?"

Chen Jingye was surprised: "father, although they were wrong, but also forced by the situation, the father punished them, that is, how can we listen to the children's opinions?"

Chen Jingye is worried that with Chen Mo's temper, if he says something too harsh, Chen Guoliang can't take it back because his words have already been said. If we deal with it according to Chen Mo's will, the Chen family will be greatly damaged.

Chen Guoliang said with a smile: "Jingye, you are wrong. Nangongyu was defeated by Xiaomo with all his life. If there was no Xiaomo, we would be under nangongyu's command now."

"As Chen's family, they gave in to nangongyu at a critical moment. Now Xiaomo has defeated nangongyu, so they should be handed over to Xiaomo."

Hearing Chen Guoliang's words, Chen Jingye can only sigh and not speak. However, he takes a deep look at Chen Mo, hoping that Chen Mo can take the overall situation into consideration.Chen Chongshan and others were embarrassed. Their original intention was to take advantage of Chen Guoliang's soft heart and hope to obtain Chen Guoliang's forgiveness. Because they know that as long as Chen Guoliang forgives them, Chen Mo and his son will not say anything.

But now Chen Guoliang actually handed them over to Chen Mo for disposal. This is what they did not expect. From this, we can see what kind of height Chen Mo has reached in Chen Guoliang's mind.

Chen Chongshan looks at Chen Mo with some embarrassment. As an elder of Chen Mo, it would be difficult for him to bow his head and plead with Chen mo.

Chen Mo didn't even look at Chen Chongshan and others. He looked at Chen Guoliang and said, "grandfather, you are the master of the Chen family. My grandchildren will obey your arrangement."

Chen Mo's words made Chen Guoliang cry. Looking at Chen Mo, he kept nodding: "OK, OK, very good. Xiao Mo is really grown up!"

In fact, when Chen Guoliang said this, he was also secretly worried about whether Chen Mo would punish Chen Chongshan's people too seriously. As the master of the Chen family, he naturally did not want to see the situation that let the Chen family hurt their vitality.

However, no matter what kind of demands Chen may have, his words have been exported and there is absolutely no reason to withdraw them.

Fortunately, Chen Mo is so modest and polite that he gives back the power of reward and punishment to Chen Guoliang. How can he not let Chen Guoliang be filled with emotion.

Chen Dongshun looked at Chen Mo with a touch of relief in his eyes. He patted Chen Jingye on the shoulder and sighed, "Jingye, you have a good son!"

Chen Jingye is quite satisfied with Chen Mo's performance, but he is always not good to praise his own children. Chen Jingye said to Chen Guoliang, "father, why don't we go back to Chen's house to talk first. This place is not the place to talk after all!"

"Yes, that's right. Brother Jingye is right. It's a bad place!" Chen Chongshan said with a smile.

Chen Guoliang didn't pay attention to him. He looked at Chen Guozhong and Chen Guodong, and they nodded.

Chen Guoliang said, "go back to the Chen family!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!