Chen family all returned to the room, saw Chen Guoliang suddenly vigorous stand up, the whole person's spirit is good, do not know how much!

Chen Jingye looked at Chen Mo excitedly and asked excitedly, "Xiao Mo, what have you done to your grandfather? Why does your grandfather look so much better! "

Chen Mo said with a smile: "I just talked about some interesting things with my grandfather. When my grandfather is happy, he will be in a good mood, and this person will naturally be energetic."

Of course, no one will believe Chen Mo's lies, but Chen Guoliang must remember what Chen Mo told him. No matter how many people ask, he just doesn't say anything and laughs at him.

Seeing the owner is unwilling to say, although the Chen family are extremely curious, they can not continue to ask.

Moreover, this time, Chen Guoliang did not mention passing on the position of master to Chen mo. People are full of doubts and wonder what Chen Mo has done to Chen Guoliang.

Chen family affairs, Chen Jingye and his family lived in the Chen family for two days. Chen Moshun also instructed Chen Guoliang to practice.

After the Lantern Festival, Chen Jingye has to go to work. So he said goodbye to Chen Guoliang, and his family returned to Fengshan county.

To Chen Mo's surprise, Chen Guoliang has successfully induced Qi in just a few days.

We should know that when Chen Mo began to practice, he did not use such a short time to successfully draw Qi into his body. After all, Chen Guoliang was so old, and he was even faster than Chen Mo, who was in his prime of life. This proves that Chen Guoliang has the ability to cultivate Immortals.

Knowing this news, Chen Mo is naturally happy, and Chen Guoliang has a good aptitude, so the time to enter the divine realm will be short, and the probability of saving his life will be greater.

However, when Chen Mo returned to Fengshan, he also taught Chen Jingye and Li Sufang the skills of cultivating immortals. Compared with Chen Guoliang, they were far worse.

Chen Mo estimates that because Chen Guoliang has experienced many tests of life and death, his mood is transparent, so he is in line with the state of mind of the cultivator of immortals, so he will be proficient in practice.

Chen Jingye and Li Sufang, after all, have too much obsession. They can't let go of their obsession for many years, so they can't calm down to practice. Naturally, they can't compare with Chen Guoliang.

After returning to Fengshan for two days, Li Sufang immediately returned to Hanyang to take charge of the work.

Chen Jingye also began to work, these two people are workaholics, once put into work, unless the sky falls, no one can disturb them.

Chen Mo has been used to it, so it's no wonder.

Seeing that Chen Mo is about to start school, Chen Songzi suddenly calls.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

Chen Songzi said: "master, recently Tianji pavilion has published a new ranking list, God list. You are the only one on it. Have you heard about it?"

Chen Mo said, "I don't know about this kind of thing? I'll ask someone when I have time

Chen Songzi said: "what's more, recently I found that the number of warriors in Hanyang has increased. Many warriors who have never seen before appear in Hanyang, and their strength is not weak."

Chen Mo moved in his heart and asked, "when did it appear?"

Chen Songzi thought for a while and replied, "maybe it's after the war between you and nangongyu that you didn't find out before."

"Well, I see. You can continue to observe and ignore the rest. Just protect my mother and their safety." Chen Mo said.

"Yes Chen Songzi responded respectfully.

At the end of the conversation with Chen Songzi, Chen Mo secretly thinks: "what kind of organization is this Tianji pavilion? Why do people trust its list? "

If the ranking list is not made by a very convincing organization, no one will believe it, but Tianji pavilion has done it.

It can be seen that Tianji Pavilion in the martial arts and Taoism circles must have super high authority.

However, Chen Mo has never heard of anyone from Tianji Pavilion.

"The list of gods is definitely a list for those who are strong in the divine realm! In the past, the master list and the inner realm list were all corresponding to the level of martial arts

"But I'm the only one in the list. What's that? Did Tianji Pavilion make a list for me

"Or is there a conspiracy

Chen Mo can't think of it for the time being. When he is free, he wants to find the Tianji Pavilion and see what kind of organization it is.

All of a sudden, Chen Mo's mobile phone rings. After a look, it's Tan Qiusheng calling.

"Hello, Qiusheng." Chen Mo said lightly.

Tan Qiusheng's voice was loud on the phone: "Xiao Mo, where are you? Have you returned to Fengshan? "

Chen Mo nodded: "yes!"

"You don't mean enough. When you go back to Fengshan, you don't come to me or Zihao. If you don't even call us, do you want to beat me up?" Tan Qiusheng's tongue is a little big. I think he drank some wine.

"OK, OK, OK, I'm wrong. Where are you? I'll buy you a drink at night to make amends?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"No, you wait at home. Zihao and I will go to see you now." Cried Tan Qiusheng.Chen Mo said with a smile, "do you know where I am? You come to me? "

Tan Qiusheng said with a smile: "test me, right? Where else can you be if you don't stay at home? "

"It seems that you know me well. I'll wait for you at home. Come here!" Chen Mo said.

"OK, wait, we'll be there in ten minutes!" Tan Qiusheng seems to be beating his chest.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo can't help but smile when he thinks of his childhood friends.

Although now all grew up, but this easy has not changed, rare, rare.

Soon, a car stopped at the door of Chen Mo's house, and Tan Qiusheng's big horn voice immediately exploded: "Chen Mo, get out of here!"

Chen Mo opens the door and looks at Tan Qiusheng, who is waving at him, and Xu Zihao, who is gesticulating to him. He grins: "come on in, don't stand out there!"

Tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao get out of the car and enter the house together.

As soon as he entered the room, Tan Qiusheng immediately punched Chen Mo: "you boy, you didn't even make a phone call for so long. You finally came back, and you were still sneaking around. Are you so afraid to see us?"

Chen Mo said with a wry smile, "where have I been furtive? Can you speak with some credibility?"

"You don't go to us or call us. If we hadn't met Uncle Chen, we wouldn't have known you were back. You're not sneaking. What is it? Do you want to quibble? " Tan Qiusheng exclaimed.

Xu Zihao said with a smile, "OK, stop making trouble and get down to business."

Tan Qiusheng let Chen Mo go, and a look of seriousness appeared on his face: "well, do you still remember Populus euphratica rain?"

Poplar rain

Chen Mo suddenly falls into the memory. I don't know how long the name has been buried. Chen Mo has even forgotten her for a long time. However, when she mentions it, she still finds that she can't help but feel a surge in her mind.

Hu Yangyu, a junior high school classmate of Chen Mo, unfortunately left on the first day of junior high school. No one knows why she left and where she went?

Even in his previous life, Chen Mo didn't know where the rain of Populus euphratica had gone. Later, the whole person seemed to have evaporated from the world!

However, it was just the first year of junior high school that the girl left an indelible impression in Chen Mo's heart.

Not only Chen Mo, but also many people, including Tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao.

"Of course, but didn't she leave after the first day of junior high school? Did you meet her again Chen Mo asks casually. He remembers that Hu Yangyu didn't show up after he left the previous life. Tan Qiusheng should not have met her.

"She's back!" This time, it was Xu Zihao who spoke. , the fastest update of the webnovel!