Chen Mo glanced at several people and said, "I'm in South China University. What else do you want to ask?"

South China University?

People were stunned for a moment, and then whispered, as if to ask where South China University is?

All of a sudden, a classmate sneered and said, "after a long time, it turns out to be a second rate University! I thought that Chen Mo, who was transferred to Wuzhou No.1 high school, would definitely be admitted to a famous school like Yanda Qinghua? It seems that Wuzhou No.1 high school is no more than that! "

Hearing that Chen Mo actually went to a second-class University, many students showed a trace of scorn on their faces and looked at Chen Mo with a touch of irony.

Tan Qiusheng looked at these people with a slight disdain on his face and sneered in his heart: "a group of snobbish villains, if you know Chen Mo's current strength, you will be scared to death!"

Zhang Zijian pretended: "in fact, South China University is also very good. I heard that at the biological science exchange meeting in Yanjing, it was South China University's human resources that won the championship over Yanda Qinghua. Therefore, we must not underestimate the potential of a second rate University! "

"Yes, yes, Zijian is right. Since ancient times, master has led me to practice. The school is not good or bad. The key lies in people. This is gold, no matter where you go, it will shine. It's sand. Even if you give him a layer of gold, it will soon show its true shape. Are you right The most active boy in front of Zhang Zijian, insinuated.

People naturally understand the meaning of his words, which is to ridicule Chen mo. even if he is transferred to Wuzhou No. 1 high school, the sand will eventually show its original shape.

This can be seen from the fact that Chen Mo was only admitted to the second class University of South China University.

"It's reasonable. It's a great talent in our class." Zhang Zijian said with a smile.

"Here, great talent, I'd like to propose a toast to you!" A classmate raised his glass and said to the boy.

Tan Qiusheng couldn't see it. He snorted coldly: "I'll give you some color. You really intend to open a dyeing house. If you tell Chen Mo's real strength, you will be scared to death!"

Xu Zihao looked at Tan Qiusheng and shook his head.

Chen Mo also stares at Tan Qiusheng and tells him not to worry.

Suddenly, a female student sitting in the corner suddenly stood up and pointed to Chen Mo, her excited fingers were shaking.

"You, you, I know you!" The girl with acne on her face screamed with excitement.

The crowd looked at the girl with a silly look on her face.

"Li Ying, aren't you nonsense? Everyone is a classmate. It's strange that you don't recognize him! "

The girl named Li Ying quickly shook her head and explained, "no, I don't mean that. I remember that the student who helped South China University to win the championship in the biological science exchange meeting was Chen Mo! "

"No way! Li Ying, have you drunk too much The boy said with a look of disbelief.

Li Ying shook her head and said firmly, "I didn't drink much. I also attended the exchange meeting. When I saw Chen Mo on the stage, I felt a little familiar. However, after many years, I didn't expect that the man was Chen mo. It was not until Zhang Zijian mentioned the biological science exchange meeting that I remembered. Now when I look at it, I finally confirm that Chen Mo is the freshman who has won the applause and won the praise of Yang zining and other leading figures in the academic circles! "

Looking at Li Ying's excited appearance, people are skeptical.

Even tan Qiusheng and Xu Zihao looked at Chen Mo suspiciously: "Chen Mo, is there such a thing?"

Chen Mo glanced at them and said, "it's just an exchange meeting. It's no big deal. I didn't tell you."

Hearing Chen Mo's own admission, Tan Qiusheng burst out laughing. He looked at Zhang Zijian and the boy who had just taunted Chen Mo, and said with pride: "some students are right. Gold will shine when they get there. Even in the second-class schools like South China University, they are able to pull the tide and crush the so-called famous students. "

Zhang Zijian's face was ugly, and he snorted coldly. He never dreamed that the student he mentioned casually would be Chen mo.

I wanted to hit Chen Mo with that student, but I didn't expect to lift a stone and hit him in the foot. Zhang Zijian's heart is green now.

Many of them are college students. Naturally, I have heard of the exchange meeting which has been publicized for half a year. Naturally, I have long yearned for a classmate who has been praised by a senior professor like Yang zining for a long time.

They have never been able to meet, but they did not expect that the freshman whom they regard as idols is actually their junior high school classmate Chen Mo!

Under this, many students immediately asked about Chen Mo, and Chen Mo became the focus of attention.

Zhang Zijian and other popular faces were livid, looking at Chen Mo surrounded by his classmates, his teeth itching with hate.

At this time, the box door was opened, Populus euphratica with a half gray hair man came in.

Suddenly, some students exclaimed, "Miss Yang!"

"It's really miss yang. Why are you here?" A group of students have stood up, affectionately pulling teacher Yang into the seat.Many people are like this, when they are still under the strict management of the teacher, they will secretly scold the teacher in the heart, but also give the teacher a variety of nicknames.

However, when they left school and began to enter the society, they knew how lucky they were to meet a strict teacher.

At this time, they will remember their teachers, just like the students like Chen Mo now.

Those students who have been admitted to famous universities will thank their teachers for their strict teaching. Those who did not rely on good students, will understand the teacher's a pain, chagrin at the beginning did not listen to the teacher's words, good study.

However, for whatever reason, students already know how to thank their teachers, just like now.

Mr. Yang saw so many of the students he had taught. He was also very excited and said with a smile, "wait, don't talk first. Let me see if I can call your name."

The students all looked at Mr. Yang with a smile. They also wanted to know whether the teacher could remember the name of the bad student after so many years.

Mr. Yang has been teaching for decades. It is really difficult for him to remember the students in every field. If he can remember, it shows that this student has an unusual position in the teacher's mind.

Yang pointed to a boy beside him and said, "you are Zhao Kai!"

The boy immediately exclaimed, "Miss Yang, you still remember me!"

"Of course, at that time, you were often distracted in class, secretly dug a small hole in the desk and read novels in class. I also confiscated two copies? Have you scolded me behind my back Teacher Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Kai's face turned red, scratched his head and said with a smile, "it was all ignorant before. If I had listened to the teacher earlier, I would have been admitted to a famous university now."

"Ha ha, it's not too late to understand that the prodigal son will not change his money when he turns back. When he really enters the society, it will be too late to regret." Teacher Yang said with a smile.

"Miss Yang, look at me. How about me?" A girl pointed to her nose and looked forward to teacher Yang.

Teacher Yang pretended to think for a while, ah, a voice: "people ah, this old, bad memory, I forgot your name." , the fastest update of the webnovel!