Han Tianfang continued to say those high sounding words on the stage, but the discussion below gradually rose.

Finally, Han Tian looks out a bit of displeasure and stops talking.

"Do you have any opinion of what I have said Han Tianfang's eyes swept over the crowd, and all of them were silent.

Finally, Han Tianfang's eyes rested on Jia Wangchuan and asked with a smile, "brother Wangchuan, what do you think of my words?"

All people's eyes immediately focused on Jia Wangchuan. He is the biggest opponent of the Han family, and also the most prestigious of those who oppose the Han family.

Whether it is the opponents of the Han family, or those who depend on the Han family, they all want to know what kind of attitude Jia Wangchuan has towards the Han family.

"Dad Jia Junsi stepped forward and stood behind Jia Wangchuan. Looking at Han Tianfang with a smile on his face, he said in a low voice, "is Han family going to start making trouble?"

Jia Wangchuan calmly, looking at Han Tianfang on the stage, said with a smile: "Han laodi is very reasonable."

With that, Jia Wangchuan stopped.

In the hall, people look different. Those who are attached to the Han family are complacent. And those who want to resist the Han family, their faces turn ugly. If there is no Jia family to lead, then there is no one in the scene can fight with the Han family.

"But..." Jia Wangchuan stopped and immediately continued to say, "Han's words are good, but don't you think it's too hypocritical?"

Han Tian flashed a chill in his eyes, but he was still on his face. He laughed and said, "what do you think I should do to avoid hypocrisy?"

Jia Wangchuan ha ha ha a smile, way: "this depends on Han elder brother you how to choose, how can others control?"

People's eyes, from Jia Wangchuan's body, to Han Tianfang's body. Jia Wangchuan means to see how the Han family will do it.

"Let me choose?" Han Tian lowered his head. No one could see the smile on his lips, full of sarcasm.

Suddenly, Han Tianfang raised his head, looked at Jia Wangchuan, and said with a smile, "since brother Jia let me choose, I'll tell you the truth."

Han Tianfang's eyes swept the crowd, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. Instead, his face was serious: "our liaozhou has been a loose sand for so many years. In order not to be bullied, I think it's time to have a unified organization."

Jia Junsi's face sneered in a low voice: "the fox's tail is exposed."

The hall becomes very quiet. Those who are attached to the Han family smile. If the Han family can control the city of liaozhou, they will be popular in the future.

Jia Wangchuan suddenly burst out laughing, especially in the quiet Hall: "joke, when were we bullied when we had no organization?"

"Han Tianfang, you don't need to be hypocritical. Your ambition has been revealed clearly!"

Han Tianfang was exposed by Jia Wangchuan in public. He looked at Jia Junsi and said with a sneer, "brother Jia, it seems that you can't understand my pains."

Han Tianfang glanced at the crowd again and said in a deep voice, "in that case, I will make it clear today. Those who are willing to follow my family will stand behind me. I don't want to. I don't want to. However, I will definitely not allow this liaozhou to have a second voice! "

This is to understand, but it is forcing people to start standing in line.

Those who had planned to rely on the Han family immediately stood behind Han Tianfang.

However, more than half of the people did not move. They were watching. After all, no one wants to be subordinate.

Han Tianfang's eyes flashed a chill: "it seems that you don't see the coffin and don't cry. Mr. Pei, please come out!"

All of a sudden, they were surprised!

They had been informed for a long time that the Han family had been helped by a martial arts master. At first, they were still skeptical. Now they heard Han Tianfang call out the name of that martial arts master in public, and no one doubted it.

Jia Junsi worried in a low voice: "Dad, it seems that Han Tianfang this old fox is ready to start here!"

Jia Wangchuan's face was dignified and he said in a deep voice, "watch the change!"

Chen Muruo felt something and looked at the direction of the corner of the hall. He could feel that a warrior in the master's realm was coming slowly.

And it seems to have reached the master of protecting body environment.

"Who is not satisfied?"

As soon as the master entered the hall, he gave a cold drink. The heroic voice reverberated in the hall, which shocked everyone!

Those who had remained neutral immediately went behind Han Tianfang. In front of the master, they were ants.

However, there are still half of the people, did not choose to join Han Tianfang, they are waiting, waiting for Jia Wangchuan's choice.

Han Tianfang bowed to the middle-aged man and said, "Mr. Pei!"

Pei Shihao nodded and his gloomy eyes swept over Jia Wangchuan's people, which made people feel as if they were being watched by a ferocious beast, which made their hair stand upright."Who is not satisfied?"

Pei Shihao looked at Jia Wangchuan, and suddenly he had a big drink, which was even louder than the one just now, and added real Qi.

These people are basically ordinary people. How can they stand the pressure of a martial arts master?

Some will not firm people, scared legs a soft, quickly walked to Han Tianfang behind.

Even Jia Wangchuan's face turned white and his fists clenched. It was obvious that the master's authority made him very uncomfortable.

This time, only a small number of people are still close to Jia Wangchuan, gritting teeth and struggling.

Pei Shihao's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect that he would use his true Qi to put pressure on these ordinary people, but there were still so many people who dared to resist him.

It made him feel bad.

"Who is not satisfied?" Pei Shihao was drinking again, shaking the whole hall.

Chen Mo's face changed. This degree of pressure is enough to shock these ordinary people.

Sure enough, Jia Junsi snorted, a trace of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Chen Mo gently waves his hand, and an invisible force envelops the people around the Jia family. Looking at the furious Pei Shihao, a faint voice rings: "I don't accept it!"

Then Chen Mo slowly steps forward and stands in front of Jia Wangchuan and others, facing Pei Shihao.


Pei Shihao and others all focus on Chen mo.

"Whose child is this? How dare you offend the master? I'm tired of living! " It's cold.

"Does Jia Wangchuan expect this child to confront Mr. Han? It seems that Jia Wangchuan is living more and more back! " Some people laugh at it.

Jia Wangchuan suddenly turned his head and looked at Jia Junsi and asked anxiously in a low voice: "what's going on? You're such an ignorant student

Jia Junsi frowned. He didn't tell Jia Wangchuan about Chen mo.

But it's not too late to explain.

"Dad, don't worry. Chen Mo is not an ordinary person. He is also a martial arts man. This time he came all the way to me to help me! " Jia Jun hissed and said.

However, Jia Wangchuan did not believe: "nonsense, how old is he? Even if he is also a warrior, how can he be the opponent of Pei Shihao? Isn't this death? Call him back

Being scolded by his father, Jia Junsi had forgotten Chen Mo's words and said in a hurry: "Chen Mo, come back!"

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