Looking at Chen Mo, he said, "Chen Mo, do you have anything to say?"

Chen Mo sat on the chair, his face cool, leisurely playing with the delicate tea cup lid on the table next to him, and casually said, "I said, I'll do as you like, as long as Donglin clan dares to accept me. By the way, I forgot to tell you that when I came back, it was the real patriarch of gongnan family, who was in Donglin clan, and some senior members of Donglin clan. They drove me to the airport together and sent me back by special plane. "


The crowd glared with disbelief.

Chen Mo killed Chen Mo in the Donglin clan, and destroyed the gongnan family. The patriarch of the gongnan family, together with the Donglin senior officials, personally sent Chen Mo back to the dragon clan and arranged a special plane!

Who can believe that?

However, all of you are not mediocre. The information released in Chen Mo's words illustrates a problem.

That's the attitude of the Donglin clan!

Chen Mo is not even afraid of intercontinental missiles. What if the top echelons of Donglin clan are really scared?

If you are afraid of being beaten, it is reasonable to send Chen Mo away.

However, if this is really the case, then these suggestions put forward by Li Dongyang will become a joke, a big joke!

Li Dongyang looks ugly, looks at Chen Mo and says in a cold voice, "no words. What evidence do you have to prove that Donglin people dare not fight against the dragon people?"

Chen Mo said arrogantly: "no evidence, even if there is, I will not tell you, because you do not deserve."

"If you can, send me back to the Donglin clan to see if they dare to accept it."

Li Dongyang narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Mo dangerously: "boy, don't rely on your martial arts cultivation, you can underestimate the people in the world. There are more people with higher cultivation than you in the world. Since you say that Donglin people dare not accept you, I will try it! "

With that, Li Dongyang turned to look at the superior position and said in a solemn voice: "superior, I request to call the patriarch of gongnan family now."

The superior thought and nodded: "good."

Jiang Heshan frowned, suddenly stood up, glared at Li Dongyang and said, "I am against it!"

"The leader of the Li family says that for the sake of hundreds of millions of Li people of the Dragon nationality, do you know what these people are thinking?"

Li Dongyang snorted coldly, glared at Jiang Heshan and said: "do you think that what they want is war?"

Jiang Heshan sneered: "then you come and listen to what they say!"

With that, Jiang Heshan took out his mobile phone and yelled to a technician waiting nearby: "come and put the video of the mobile phone on the big screen, so that the owners of the six Super aristocratic families can have a good look!"

Li Dongyang frowns, the other five super aristocratic family owners look suspicious, looking at Jiang Heshan, do not know what he wants to do.

The technician put the video on the big screen on the wall and asked, "do you want to play it?"

Jiang Heshan nodded and said in a loud voice, "play


The video begins to play. This is obviously a video of an interview with the people.

The first interviewees are ordinary people, a middle-aged uncle who is working in the fields. He seems to be in his 40s, and is the main productive force in this society.

"Elder brother, I am a reporter. I want to interview you. Is it convenient for you?" Then, the microphone was handed to the middle-aged uncle.

The middle-aged uncle's skin is a little black, the stubble on his face is very heavy, and he is embarrassed to face the camera: "convenient, we are very convenient. Please ask what you want to ask?"

The reporter continued: "I want to ask Uncle, if someone killed Donglin people, killed a lot of people, and even brought disaster to our dragon Kingdom, what do you think this person should do?"

The uncle threw his hoe to the ground and clapped his hands: "good, good killing. My second grandfather was killed by Donglin people, and one of my father's legs was also broken. Our whole village was burned by them. Who helped us revenge? Hero, that man is a hero

As soon as the picture turns, this is a city street, interviewing a young boy: "this gentleman, I want to interview you, don't know if it's convenient?"

The boy put down his mobile phone and said with a smile, "convenient, can I go to TV?"

"Well, keep it secret." The reporter said with a smile: "I want to ask you a question. If someone kills a lot of people in Donglin clan, do you think this person should be punished?"

The boy thought about it for a while. Obviously, he had a higher education. After a while, he said, "if you look at the law, you must be responsible for killing people. But I think this man is a hero. At least he did what I wanted to do and couldn't do

"Not far from here is the monument to the people's heroes. On it, the blood and spirits of the heroes and martyrs of the previous generations have not yet dried up. They are all looking at their descendants in the sky. If they know there is such a hero, I believe they can all smile with laughter!"

The picture shifts again. This interview is a primary school student with a red scarf fluttering in the wind.However, there is no doubt that everyone supports Chen Mo and the hero of the dragon clan.

This is the warrior. The reaction of the Warriors is more intense. Although the reporter did not name Chen Mo, many warriors have already guessed that the man is Chen mo.

And those warriors even regard Chen Mo as an idol.

Capitol, in the conference hall.

The video stopped playing, and everyone watched the video, thinking nothing.

Jiang Heshan looked at Li Dongyang and snorted: "Master Li, see, this is the real idea of hundreds of millions of people of the Dragon nationality!"

"What's more, Chen Mo didn't kill unarmed people, but two soldiers who committed heinous crimes in the dragon clan, and the Yin and Yang division who assassinated a large number of dragon generals. If the dragon people knew this, how do you think they would choose? "

Li Dongyang's face was ugly, but he refused to admit defeat and said obstinately, "one sided words are not enough for trust."

At this time, the superior Secretary quickly came in: "superior, Donglin high-level letter sent!"

Lin Dong of Xin nationality!

This news makes everybody one Leng, when did Donglin clan high-level unexpectedly write to the dragon clan high-level?

The superior also has some curiosity, said: "bring me to have a look!"

The secretary handed the letter to the superior with both hands.

The superior took over the letter and after reading it for a while, he even laughed.

People have never seen such a gaffe in public. The first thing for those who are on top is to learn to hide their emotions and avoid being easily seen what they think.

No doubt he did a good job on this matter, and his emotions were beyond everyone's consideration. But today, because of a letter from a senior member of Donglin ethnic group, he was in public and lost his position.

"Pass it on and show them all!" The superior said excitedly.

Jiang Heshan was the first to take over the letter. After reading it, he was excited and looked at his superior and laughed: "OK, OK, some people should shut up this time!"

When Li Dongyang and the other five family owners heard this, they couldn't help but sink. Without reading, they could also guess what was written in the letter.

After watching Jiang Heshan, he directly gave it to Li Dongyang: "have a good look, have a look at your so-called war!"

Li Dongyang took the letter and looked at it. His eyes were dark and he almost fainted.

This letter is an apology letter written by Donglin senior officials to Chen mo. the letter is sincere and puts his identity very low. It is written in the tone of the affiliated state of the Dragon nationality.

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