The young master of the Chang family and other martial arts men look at Chen Mo in a puzzled way. They don't know what he wants to do.

"He didn't want to break the ban himself, did he?"


"Ha ha, you think highly of him. How can he break the prohibition on his own? Just now, so many of us have joined hands and failed to succeed. How can we rely on him? "

"I can't help myself!"

"Young master Chang, the boy is so arrogant that he doesn't even pay attention to you. It's better to kill him!" Those who want to flatter Chang's family whispered in his ear.

Young master Chang shakes his head. He has been killing Chen Mo for a long time. However, in front of so many people, he is not good at it, so as not to affect his image in front of the public.

"We are all in the same way. How can we kill innocent people indiscriminately? Since he thinks that the prohibition can be broken by his own efforts, we might as well wait and see. If he can't break the ban, he will retreat! " What the young master of the Chang family said is magnificent.

In fact, young master Chang is secretly cursing Chen Mo: "damn boy, don't give me face several times. Later, if you are stunned by prohibition, you will die!"

All people's eyes are focused on Chen Mo alone, watching Chen Mo approach the ice tower step by step, three meters, two meters, one meter

"Ah! He didn't trigger the ban! How could that be possible! "

"There must be some secret in this boy! Maybe he has the keepsake of the icehouse

"I have also heard that the predecessors who entered the icehouse once obtained some keepsakes from here, and gave them to their descendants to wait for them to enter the icehouse again. This boy must have a keepsake on him!"

"Doesn't that mean that the boy is here and can go in and out at will! He was the first to get any treasure

"No, it's not fair!"

The crowd looked at Chen Mo with anger on their faces.

Lin Yun's three men follow Chen Mo and walk to the stone gate of the ice tower.

"We broke the ban!" Lin Yun looks at Chen Mo and says excitedly.

Chen Mo said faintly, "it's thanks to your jade pendant."

"I see!" Lin Yun suddenly didn't expect that jade pendant was the key here.

"Let's go in." Chen Mo finished and pushed the stone door open in front of everyone.

"Everybody, the boy has gone in. Let's join hands to break the prohibition, or the good things in it will be robbed by the boy!" Cried one of the fighters.

"Yes, let's do it together!"

The young master of the Chang family said in a loud voice, "don't worry, listen to my command, and gather our strength together, or we may not be able to break the prohibition!"

"Well, please ask young master Chang to give me the command."

Young master Chang is also very anxious. There are restrictions and guards here. There must be a lot of good things in it. But once Chen Mojie steps in first, they won't get anything.

"One, two, three, let's go!"

At the command of the young master of Chang's family, a group of warriors launched an attack on the prohibition.


All the strength of the martial arts, but still unable to break the ban, that powerful ban on the contrary, a large number of warriors were shocked to fly out.

The crowd stood up and looked at the ice tower in shock. Their faces were unbelievable.

"No way! With the strength of all people, we can't break the prohibition here! What kind of existence is the person who arranges the prohibition? "

"Can the prohibition be opened only with a key?" Someone asked in doubt.

"It should be, otherwise the strength of so many people can't be broken. It seems that the prohibition can't be lifted by force."

"What about that? The boy has the key, but he's already in. Can't we just do it here? "

Looking at the opened door, young master Chang was furious and scolded in his heart: "this boy, you are really lucky, but even if you get the treasure inside, what can you do? I don't believe you can take it in public

Chen Mo and Lin Yun enter the ice tower.

There is nothing in the hall on the first floor, but there are some corpses. It should be the warrior who once entered the ice tower.

However, from the overturned wooden cabinets, we can see that many things should have been put here, but they were taken away.

"It seems that we are not the only ones in here!" Lin Yun said with some disappointment.

"Go up and have a look." Chen Mo is also a little disappointed, but he thinks that since Lin Yun's family members can bring the keepsake from the ice palace, it can be seen that someone must have entered the ice palace.

Several people went to the second floor, but the second floor was similar to the first floor. It was empty and had already been moved empty.

"I'm afraid there is nothing left here!" Lin Yun is completely disappointed.

"Keep going up!" Chen Mo said faintly, and went straight to the third floor.

This time, as soon as he got to the third floor, Chen Mo felt a ban.However, Chen Mo is a little surprised. Since there is a prohibition on the third floor, it means that no one should have gone in.

Chen Mo takes out the jade pendant and tries to open the ban, but Chen Mo is rebounded by a powerful force.

"It seems that the prohibition here is different from that outside!"

Lin Yun was surprised and asked, "master, can't the prohibition be opened here?"

Chen Mo nodded: "the prohibition here is separate and different from the outside, so this jade pendant can't be opened!"

"What about that?" Lin Yun is a little depressed. He thought that he could get some useful things when he came here, but he didn't expect that he would be the first to get here.

Just at the time of disillusionment, I found that there was a ban on the third floor, which should not have been swept away.

However, the prohibition was separate and kept them out.

Chen Mo said faintly, "don't worry, I'll open it!"

"Master..." Lin Yun is surprised and looks at Chen Mo with some doubts. She can see clearly the power of prohibition outside. It is impossible to open it by one person.

However, seeing Chen Mo's confident appearance, Lin Yun can only choose to believe Chen mo.

"You go back!" Chen said in a voice.

"Yes Lin Yun's three men retreat directly to the second floor and look at Chen mo.

Chen Mo quietly felt the power of the ban, and was a little excited: "although the prohibition has been changed a little, it still bears the traces of xuandaozong. It seems that even if the master here is not a little younger martial sister, it is definitely related to the younger martial sister."

Chen Mo stretched out his hand, slowly and slowly. The prohibition was immediately touched, sending out a circle of transparent power, trying to rebound Chen Mo out.

However, Chen Mo's hand suddenly entered the forbidden zone with an indescribable mysterious track.

With a gentle handshake, the transparent energy, like a bubble, broke with a crack.

"So simple?" Lin Yun's three people are stunned to see below. They gather the prohibitions that everyone can't break. Chen Mo opens it with a wave!

Is this prohibition too weak or Chen Mo's strength too strong?

Chen Mo turned his head and looked at Lin Yun and said, "come here!"


Three people have no mind to think of anything else. They run up in a hurry, excited in their hearts. They don't know what the third floor will have? , the fastest update of the webnovel!