Hearing Chen Yue's words, Chen Guoliang was even more angry: "no wonder you people dare to do this kind of killing and occupying other people's Mountain Gate in broad daylight. It turns out that all of you are a group of lawless people. Today, I will punish you on behalf of the Chinese authorities!"

"Old man, I think you are impatient to live!" "Give it to me!" the young man in white roared


Dozens of fighters immediately went up and surrounded Chen Guoliang and Chen Yue.

"Second grandfather, be careful!" Chen Yue said worried.

"Moon, follow me and see how I teach these maniacs today!" Chen Guoliang thundered.

Although Chen Guoliang was a little flustered when he fought against people for the first time, his anger diluted his fear.

"Kill them!" The young master of Yu's family, Yu Junmo, gave a big drink.

"Go on

More than a dozen fighters rushed to attack Chen Guoliang and Chen Yue.

These warriors are all from the inner world. Some of them are at the top of the inner world. If Chen Guoliang had just arrived there, he would have been besieged by so many people, perhaps in a hurry.

But fortunately, after the trial of the three men, Chen Guoliang also had some practical experience. When fighting these people, he was much more relaxed.

Although there is only one realm between the master and Neijing, their strength is very different. Even if Chen Guoliang lacks actual combat experience, he is not able to overcome them.

Soon, all of them were knocked down by Chen Guoliang, lying on the ground and howling.

Chen Guoliang's face was a little red. After all, for the first time he fought with so many people, the consumption of genuine Qi in his body was a little fierce.

However, Chen Guoliang felt unprecedented pleasure, compared with his old body, now this pair of body, do not know how much better!

Looking at the soldiers lying on the ground and howling, Chen Guoliang said coldly: "this time I will give you some lessons. If you dare to do evil in the future, I will send you all to prison!"

Yu Jun Mo Qi's face is iron green, looking at those on the ground, cold drink a way: "a group of rubbish! I can't beat an old thing. What can I do with you? "

"Old man, don't be wild, I'll meet you!" Yu Junmo drinks a lot and punches Chen Guoliang.

Yu Junmo was also a great master, but he entered the realm earlier than Chen Guoliang, and his strength was stronger than Chen Guoliang.

Moreover, Yu Junmo grew up in the ancient Wu Kingdom. He was a genius trained by the Yu family at the expense of countless resources. Otherwise, he would not have become a master of Huajing because of his age.

Although Chen Guoliang can draw with him in a short period of time, he is bound to be defeated after a long time.

Chen Yue sees this clearly, in the heart secretly anxious, but she also has no way, can only do to watch.

Yu Junmo naturally understood this point. He was so determined in his heart that he laughed: "old man, today I will cut you under the sword!"

Yu Junmo draws out a soft sword from his waist. The body of the sword is cold and shining. It is not ordinary.

Chen Guoliang has no weapons at all. Just now, both of them fought with fists. He can still fight with Yu Junmo. Now Yu Junmo takes out his long sword and uses his exquisite sword moves. Chen Guoliang is immediately overwhelmed and defeated.

Chen Guoliang was cut back by Yu Junmo's sword and looked at Yu Junmo in shock: "good boy, you are so powerful. I lost today!"

"But don't be complacent. When I go back to find a weapon, I'll fight you again!" Chen Guoliang said solemnly.

Chen Yue was speechless. The old man thought it was a contest of martial arts. If he lost, he wanted to leave. Also have to ask others to answer or not!

Yu Jun Mo looked up and laughed: "ha ha, old man, do you think this is your home? Come and go if you want. Since you lose, leave your life! "

Chen Yue saw that Yu Junmo was killed. She quickly pulled Chen Guoliang, who was still sluggish, and left. She drank in her mouth: "second grandfather, go quickly!"

Chen Guoliang's reaction was slower, but he understood the situation and knew that Yu Junmo wanted to kill him.

At present, Chen Guoliang did not dare to be careless, but ran away with Chen Yue.

As he ran, Mr. Chen complained: "these people in the ancient martial arts world are too much. I didn't kill one of them. He wanted to kill me. How unreasonable!"

Chen Yue listens to the foot of a stagger, almost a head fell. Chen Yue decided to give the old man some ideas about martial arts and Taoism after he went back.

Yu Junmo chased after him for a while, but Chen Guoliang still had the power to fight again. During the pursuit, he hit Chen Guoliang again, but he was still escaped by Chen Guoliang.

Yu Junmo did not continue to chase, he worried that Chen Guoliang still had help.

Looking at the fleeing Chen Guoliang two people, Yu Junmo a face unwilling: "if the elders do not go back to deliver the letter, you must not run today!"

Chen Guoliang, who fled back to the Chen family, spat out a mouthful of blood directly at the door of his home.

Chen Yue supported Chen Guoliang nervously and exclaimed, "second grandfather, do you want to be tight?"Chen Guoliang shook his hand and said, "I'm ok. It's just that I was hit by that boy, and my Qi and blood are a little tumbling. In addition, it's better for us to vomit blood all the way."

"By the way, the boy didn't come after him, did he?"

Chen Yue said: "grandfather, don't worry, he didn't come after him!"

"OK, help me in. By the way, you should inform Xiao Mo and ask him to come and help. These people are really cruel." Chen Guoliang could not let go of the style of killing people if they didn't agree with the ancient martial arts world.

"How can such a group of lunatic people come out of China's civilized and courteous country? Alas... " Chen Guoliang sighed in his heart.

Chen Mo knows nothing about what happened to the Chen family. So when Chen Mo receives a call from his uncle, Chen Dongshun, and hears that Chen Guoliang has been injured, his first instinct is that the people of the ancient Wu Kingdom are going to attack his family.

A cold killing intention is like nine you ice, which covers all the objects around Chen Mo with a layer of white frost.

"Gu, Wu, Jie!"

Chen Mo clenched his teeth and said these three words one word at a time.

"Don't worry, uncle. I'll go to Chen's house right away." Chen Mo tells his uncle, Chen Dongshun, not to act rashly. Everything should wait until he arrives at Chen's house.

Chen Mo called Yan Qingcheng and told him, "I have refined several pills and put them in several boxes. When Chen Songzi and the dragon group wake up, they will take them respectively."

Yan Qingcheng bowed and said, "yes!"

"During my absence, you will stay here for the time being, and the mountain protection formation has been repaired by me. Even if those people come back again, it will not be so easy to break the formation."

"What's more, after this battle, it's a good thing for your cultivation. Now that you and Chen Songzi have reached the realm of God, I am going to send you another one for practicing martial arts and another for Chen Songzi. When he wakes up, you will give it to him in person. "

With that, Chen Mo points out to Yan Qingcheng's smooth forehead.

The two real immortal cultivation techniques were printed into Yan Qingcheng's mind.

Feeling the power of Chen Mo's new skills, Yan Qingcheng knelt down to Chen Mo and said, "thank you, master."

"You're welcome. You deserve it." Chen Mo said with some relief.

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