In the hall, once again.

All the people looked at the scene, half open mouth, and were speechless.

Even Chen Mo can't help but open his eyes and look at Mo Tingting, whose face is red and resolute.

Chen Guoliang did not know what to say. He could only watch and let the situation go on.

"This..." Mo Tingting's father looks at old master Mo and doesn't know what to do.

He understood what Mr. Mo meant. He wanted to marry the Chen family again, but Mo Tingting did not want to marry Chen Tong. Instead, she chose Chen mo. This is not against the meaning of old master Mo, and Chen Mo is obviously better than Chen Tong.

Master Mo was also thinking: "if you can marry master Chen, it will be better. But will master Chen be willing to marry Mo Tingting?"

The answer of old master Mo's heart has been very clear, which is absolutely impossible. Master Chen will not choose Mo Tingting Ting, so if he wants to marry the Chen family, Mo Tingting Ting can only marry Chen Tong.

Moreover, old master Mo takes the deceased old master of the Chen family as an excuse. If Chen Tong is replaced by Chen Mo, this excuse will naturally lose its effect.

Therefore, master Mo can't let such things happen.

"Nonsense! Since ancient times, marriage is the order of parents and the words of matchmaker. How can you make your own decisions? It's settled! " Old master Mo yelled angrily, showing very angry.

However, Mo Tingting openly objected: "that's all the rules of feudal society. Now my marriage affairs are decided by myself, and no one has the right to interfere."

Mo Tingting looks at Chen Mo and says, "I once swore that what I want to marry is a real strong man. Therefore, if you want me to marry Chen, you can only let me marry him! "

The old master Mo was so angry that he lay down on the chair. The people of the Mo family even exclaimed: "old master, are you ok?"

Old master Mo looked at Mo Tingting angrily: "I'm so angry, I'm so angry, you're such a bad descendant!"

"Don't be angry, old man!" Mo Tingting's father hastily comforts old master Mo, and also gives Mo Tingting a wink, hoping that Mo Tingting can change her mind.

However, Mo Tingting is also iron heart, pretending not to see, looked up, a face determined.

At this time, Chen Tong, who had never spoken, suddenly came out and stood in the middle of the hall.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by Chen Tong.

Chen Tongxian bowed to Chen Guoliang and Mr. Mo, and said, "grandfather, Mr. Mo, your kindness is understood by Chen Tong, but it is hard to recover. Since Miss Mo has asked me to withdraw her engagement, there is absolutely no possibility of remarriage. Even if Miss Mo agrees, I will not

"So, please take back old master Mo!"

Old master Mo is depressed. He once thought that the biggest obstacle is Chen Guoliang. But now Chen Guoliang is tied by him with old master Chen. He can only promise, but he didn't expect Mo Tingting to have a change here.

However, Mo Tingting Ting is a descendant of the Mo family after all, so Mo can force her to agree. But unexpectedly, Chen Tong came out with another moth.

Old master Mo was puzzled and asked, "son, I remember that you value this engagement very much. Why do you refuse it now?"

Master Mo is really confused.

When Chen Tong said the words he had just refused, he suddenly felt that his heart was relaxed, like a big stone on his heart, and suddenly disappeared.

His whole body was fresh and clear, and now he can figure out what he didn't understand before.

Chen Tong used to have some deep and restrained breath, but now it has disappeared. The whole person has become a little sunny.

Mo Tingting looks at such Chen Tong and suddenly feels a trace of regret in her heart. Although Chen Tong is not as good as Chen Mo, it is only a defect in military force. Now Chen Tong's psychology is already a qualified strong man.

Take up, put down, for the free man!

Chen Tong said slowly, "Mr. Mo, I really liked this engagement very much before. I thought that with this engagement, my status in the Chen family could be lifted up. So I was lazy, and there was no difference between eating and dying all day."

"It wasn't until one day that Miss Mo asked me to give up her marriage. It turns out that any strong external force, is not their own, one day will leave. Only if you are good enough, it is fundamental. No one can take it away. It is always your own. "

"Although I have worked hard and made a small name in recent years, I still can't cross the threshold when I was divorced by Miss mo. My efforts over the years are actually to prove to Miss Mo that I am not inferior to her. "

"Until a moment ago, seeing Miss Mo's determination, I suddenly understood. It turns out that what I have been pursuing these years is insignificant in Miss Mo's eyes. From the beginning, I lost my choice. I always want to prove to Miss Mo, and Miss Mo's vision has been looking to higher and farther places. The real strong never need to prove anything to others. They always care about others' opinions, which is always the performance of the weak. "

"Now, I have come out. My vision has also become more open, so I should thank Miss moChen Guoliang looked at Chen Tong with a happy smile on his face. He knew that Chen Tong had finally come out. After Chen family, there will be successors!

Chen Mo also nods secretly. Although his relationship with Chen Tong is not good, Chen Tong is Chen's family after all, and he is the same as Chen Guoliang. Chen Mo is also pleased to see Chen Tong rise.

Old master Mo's old face, like the withered bark of a tree, trembled a few times. He knew that Chen Tong was now equivalent to a completely new man. He wanted to fight for such a young talent.

"It's a good thing that you can think of, son, and I'm happy for you. However, your engagement with Tingting will only help you and will not delay you. You should consider it. "

Chen Tong, with a smile, said, "master Mo, to be honest, although I have come out, I still have some shadow in my heart if I am allowed to face Miss Mo every day in the future. Therefore, I can never promise this marriage. "

Old master Mo was speechless, and he did not know what kind of words to persuade Chen Tong.

As for forcing Chen Mo to agree to the engagement, Mr. Mo wants to live a few more years.

Finally, Mr. Mo can only look at Chen Guoliang, hoping that Chen Guoliang will take over the marriage in the face of Mr. Chen.

"Dear nephew, I sincerely want to fulfill brother Zeguo's last wish. Look at this..."

Chen Guoliang said with a smile: "Mo Lao, we had a word in advance just now. We should listen to the children's opinions about this marriage. Since both children are against this marriage, I think it's OK."

"As for Mr. Chen, who has passed away, I think he will understand." Chen Guoliang's pun is a pun. Mr. Chen will surely understand and understand Mr. Mo's calculation.

Don't you want to get married with Mr. Chen?

Mr. Mo naturally recognized the meaning of Chen Guoliang's words, and his old face was a little uncomfortable: "in this case, let's forget it!"

"If Mr. Mo has nothing else to do, we'll leave first." Chen Guoliang stood up and arched his hands.

"No, Wushan. Send it to the master Chen." The voice of old master Mo became feeble, and the whole person seemed to be more old. , the fastest update of the webnovel!