In the underground world beside the river, a faint green light suddenly lights up in the dark. However, the man who claims to be a ghost has never been seen, and even Chen Mo can't feel his breath.

Chen Mo grabs at the bear basin with his left hand, and Tan Qiusheng's body flies out. Chen Mo binds Tan Qiusheng's body to his back with his belt, turns his head and says, "I'll take you to kill the Yang family."

Green lamp place suddenly a cold hum way: "today you must die, is difficult not to also want to escape not to become?"

Chen Mo's eyes are like a knife. Suddenly, a golden dragon appears all over his body. A momentum of arrogance towards the sky fills the whole underground world. It seems that there is a golden wind blowing in the stone chamber and stone road.

"It's just a rat! It's not worth mentioning Chen Mo's eyes were awe inspiring and said scornfully, "if I want to go, who can stay?"

The green lamp was curling in the golden wind, and the flames were swaying around, and the ghost's howling was heard all around.

Suddenly, the green light goes out, the underground world suddenly falls into darkness, and the ghost's voice stops abruptly.

Without fear, Chen Mo snorted coldly and patted the sky with one hand.


Chen Mo suddenly blows out a big hole in the underground world, and Chen Mo has stepped out of the world just now.

The moon is cold and the stars are dense. Chen Mo suddenly finds that his body seems to be bound up in the night sky, but he can't move.

He suddenly looked down, and was surprised to find that there was a nine sided shape below. At each intersection, there was an oil lamp on, which was exactly the road he had walked before.

The moonlight and starlight in the sky suddenly fell down, one by one, like chains, which bound Chen Mo one after another.

But the river next to it is surging waves, roaring, gushing into the bottom of the nine sided shape, not a few minutes to turn into a pool of water.

Gulu Gulu, the pool water began to bubble, the clear water suddenly seemed to be dyed by ink, became turbid, but it was red ink, more accurately, it was blood, human blood!

The pool below turned into a pool of blood with a strong smell!

"Jie Jie Jie, Chen Mo, let you try my ghost's ten thousand blood double dragon array today!" There was a sudden sound all around.

Chen Mo is slightly moved. Unexpectedly, he fell into their trap. The stone paths he walked through turned out to be arrays. Those killed by himself, including several empty sect elders poisoned by ghosts, have become the sacrifice of the 10000 blood double dragon array!

On the moon, a bright moonlight forms a light column and shoots into the blood pool. Countless stars gather in the sky, forming a light column straight into the blood pool.

After a short silence, the blood pool suddenly turned over, and two bloody dragons flew out of the blood pool suddenly, imposing!

"Yin ~ ~ Yin ~"

two bloody dragons roared up to the sky, and the blood evil spirit was extremely strong.

Chen Mo frowns slightly, and the golden dragon with open teeth and claws, swims around Chen Mo, crushing the two beams that bind Chen Mo into powder.

In an instant, Chen Mo recovered himself. The night wind was blowing, and his clothes were hunting.

"Ghost! I will kill you today Chen Mo's body fell like a hawk fighting a rabbit, and ran straight to the two dragons.

The two dragons intertwined with each other, and the dragon's head opened. The two condensed blood turned into two blood swords and shot Chen Mo away.

Chen Mo's hands are full of two golden lights, and his fingers are wide. He even grabs the two bloody swords directly.

"Er ah!"

Chen Mo yells, grabs the two bloody swords to pieces. At the same time, his right foot suddenly steps down and steps on the top of a big dragon head.

The Dragon howled and fell into the blood pool.

Another dragon's eyes, two blood awnings, shoot at Chen Mo again, directly hit Chen Mo, the blood awn submerges Chen Mo, and the night wind is full of blood.

"Good!" In the night, the ghost's excited voice sounded, "the famous master Chen is just like this! My ancient clan will unify the realm of cultivation

With the blood scattered, Chen Mo's original position is empty.

In the night, a kind of man suddenly came out of the room. His skin was dry and wrinkled, and his body smelled of a strong smell.

He stepped into the air and stopped where Chen Mo had disappeared. He put a sneer on his mouth and said, "from now on, my ghost is the number one in the list of gods! Ha ha... "

The ghost's voice echoed in the cold night sky, and the two dragons in the blood pool kept chanting, as if to celebrate the ghost's victory.

When the ghost was proud of himself, he suddenly saw a flower in front of him. A big hand held him tightly by the throat and lifted him up.

"Do you want to be number one? How ridiculous Chen Mo said coldly.

"Er Eh... " The ghost's throat is pinched by Chen Mo, and he has difficulty breathing. He looks at the man in front of him and says in horror: "Chen Mo, you You didn't Not dead

"Hum! Do you think you can beat me with your ten thousand blood double dragon array? How ridiculous Chen Mo grabs the ghost in one hand, then rushes to the blood pool below and says, "today I'll let you know how vulnerable your bullshit array is!"Chen Mo turns into a golden light and falls on the top of a big dragon head. With one blow, the Dragon rises to the sky and wails. The dragon head is smashed to pieces by Chen Mo's fist. Countless golden lights fill the whole dragon body, making the huge dragon body swell like flatulence.


The Dragon broke and exploded, and the pool of blood surged.

The other dragon saw that his companion was killed by Chen Mo's fist, and suddenly a sad cry. The dragon's tail turned and splashed the huge waves in the blood pool and hit Chen mo.

Chen Mo is not afraid, but he doesn't even hide. The little golden dragon on his body goes away from him. When he is facing the wind, he stretches across the river in a few breaths.


The dragon's mouth was wide open. He swallowed the bloody Dragon into his stomach. Then he retched as if he felt sick. He vomited out a pool of blood and ran to the side of the river to rinse his mouth. Only then did he feel that the smell in his mouth was much lighter.

Jinlong returns to Chen Mo's body and disappears.

Chen Mo grabs the ghost's throat with his left hand, and then throws the ghost out of the air with his right hand. Then he throws him out of the air, making a big hole on the ground and splashing clouds of smoke and dust.

"Tell me everything you know." Chen Mo said coldly.

The ghost greedily breathed the fresh air. After a long time, he looked up at Chen Mo and cried out: "Chen Mo! How dare you abolish my cultivation! How dare you abolish my cultivation

Chen Mo trampled the ghost's head into the mud and said, "don't you say so! Don't say I killed you

"I said The ghost was scared to pieces by Chen Mo, who looked like a devil. He said in fear: "it's Yang Mingyu. He caught Tan Qiusheng. He wants to know about the preferences of people around you and the places where you often go in and out. Yang Mingyu wants you to be a loner! Tan Qiusheng refused to say, but he bit Yang Mingyu's ear. Yang Mingyu was so angry that he executed all kinds of death sentences on Tan Qiusheng's body. Finally, he was thrown into a coffin basin and was bitten by ten thousand snakes! "

Chen Mo's heart aches like a drop of blood. Yang Mingyu is such a bastard!

"Yang Mingyu later planned to use the corpse of Tan Qiusheng to lure you to the bait. Then I went to Yang Mingyu and told him that the empty people could not kill you, and that there might be a counter attack. I had to rely on me."

"So you poison the hollow people?" Chen Mo said coldly: "as long as you are so vicious, as long as you live, it will pollute the air."

Chen Mo is gone, and the ghost's body and his bloody double dragon array disappear forever in this world.

Moonlight stars still, the River continues to gallop, only the smell of blood in the night wind, for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!