"Master! Be careful Someone took the Yang family leader and comforted him: "Chen Mo is on the rank of general. If we move him, he is one of the following crimes. Moreover, he ranks first in the list of gods. I'm afraid it is very difficult to win him."

"Nonsense!" "Chen Mo killed my son and made my son into meat pie again! Its cruel means make people abhorrent! My Yang family and you Chen Mo are at odds! Today's war, there is no country right and wrong, only me, as a father, avenge my son! All those who are afraid of Chen Mo can leave now. If anyone is grateful to the Yang family, they will come with me to arrest Chen Mo, regardless of life or death! "

The head of the Yang family had exposed his blue veins on his face, and his whole body was full of Qi and blood. His words were sonorous and forceful. Many people echoed: "arrest and kill Chen Mo, regardless of life or death!"

But in the end, some people were afraid of Chen Mo's reputation, and even some people were not ashamed of Yang Mingyu's conduct, and he did not say a word.

"Why don't you shout!" Those who planned to work for the Yang family immediately pointed to those who did not want to fight against Chen Mo and roared.

"Kill them! Lest they become chenmo's dogs

"Yes, kill them!"

These people were so scared that they didn't know what to do and were in a dilemma.

"What? Is it difficult for the master of the Yang family to become a man who has no faith in his words? The impassioned statement just now is nothing but bullshit Chen Mo said coldly.

"Hum!" "Let them go! But it's impossible to go back to my Yang family in the future! "

"I'm sorry, master. There are old people and young people in my family. I have little ability. It's really..."

A group of people pleaded guilty with the Yang family leader one after another, and then left the Yang family.

Looking at Chen Mo, who is standing in the mourning hall and staring at all this, the head of the Yang family is even more angry. He is preparing to give orders and let everyone rush up to split Chen Mo's body. However, he never thought that there would be a happy news outside the door.

"Young master, young master! Miss Cui, I'll find it for you! Miss Xiaocui knows that you are looking for her, and she has put on her best clothes

He ran into the yard and saw such a big battle. His eyes wandered in the crowd, but he couldn't find the young master.

The head of the Yang family had a hard look. He grabbed the gun from his side and shot at the boy. He didn't give up until the bullets in the gun were finished. He angrily left the pistol on the ground and glared at a woman who had just walked into the gate. Knowing that this was Xiaocui, his good son, he yelled, "kill me!"

A few people jumped out of the room immediately, facing Xiaocui was a burst of fire, Xiaocui even ran away, fell in a pool of blood.

"Kill Chen Mo!" The head of the Yang family roared.

"Kill Chen Mo!" They all aim at Chen Mo and pull the trigger.

Chen Mo naturally doesn't worry that these bullets will hurt him, but he is worried that he will damage his brother's Shrine, which he set up for his brother, and there can be no damage at all!

Chen Mo's hands are wide open, and the real spirit of Xuanlong comes out of his body. In an instant, a light shield protects the whole spirit hall.

Let those bullets fly, but at the same time they touch the mask, they all turn into fly ash.

The head of the Yang family clenched his fist tightly, and his fingernails were embedded in the palm of his flesh. He knew Chen moqiang, but he didn't expect that so many guns would not do anything to Chen mo. He turned to look at a dozen people standing beside him and said, "everyone, it seems that we have to rely on you to capture Chen Mo's tusk! After the event, I will have a good report from the Yang family! "

"Don't worry! We will take this Liao and let it be disposed of by the owner of the house! "

Under the instruction of the Yang family master, the shooters stopped shooting one after another, and a dozen or so Buddhist masters flying around Chen Mo's condensing mask.

One after another, they all clapped their hands on the light shield, and the vitality of the body continuously gathered towards the mask, in an attempt to smash Chen Mo's defense.

"Chen Mo, if you are arrested now, I can spare your life! If not, I will tear you to pieces The head of the Yang family cried.

Of course, he also knew that it was useless to say that. After all, Chen Mo made his son into meat pie. How could he just tear him to pieces? However, the atmosphere is a little tense now, so he yelled so that the frustrated Gunners behind him had some confidence and let them know that we are in the upper hand now.

Chen Mo looks as usual, feeling the weak power from the dozens of cultivation masters, and he is a little dismissive. His real Qi shakes, his mask suddenly expands, and suddenly spreads out. Those masters are hit by the rampant vitality, and they all fall down. They are no longer arrogant, but just look at Chen Mo in horror.

In order to prevent the shooters from shooting again, Chen Mo no longer waits, but takes the initiative to attack. His body changes quickly and comes outside the spirit hall. With a big hand raised, the real spirit of Xuanlong turns into a huge Xuanlong.


The black dragon can't even shoot the black dragon, but it's the black dragon who broke his muscles and burst into the sky.Those master practitioners were taken by the terrible breath of Xuanlong, and they all got up and fled. However, the speed of Xuanlong was amazing. They crushed all the masters into mud, but they never left.

There was more and more wailing, and the blood flowed into a river. Chen Mo walked out of the hall step by step like a God or a devil.

The only Yang family owner who is still standing in the field is so scared that he picks up a submachine gun from the ground and shoots Chen Mo for a while.

Chen Mo hide did not hide, let all the bullets hit him, as if the bullet hit something solid and incomparable, was crushed into one bullet cake after another by the force of terror, and did not hurt Chen Mo at all.

The bullets in the submachine gun ran out, and Chen Mo was getting closer and closer to the owner of the Yang family. He kept retreating and yelled, "don't come here! Don't come here! I am the head of the Yang family! You can't kill me! You can't kill me

"People, when standing high, often like to look down on the low, but rarely gaze at the sky." Chen Mo said, "Yang family? What a name! When Yang Mingyu tortured and killed my brother Tan Qiusheng and those innocent ordinary people's lives, where were you, the head of the Yang family? It's the style of your Yang family to protect your son, regardless of the nature of the matter? "

Thinking of Tan Qiusheng's tragic death, Chen Merton got angry again. He yelled with red eyes: "if the Yang family is such a Yang family! Then I will wash Yang's house with blood in my stool

Chen Mo's roar is like thunder, which directly shakes the Yang family's nine orifices to bleed, and two eyes suddenly break, splashing everywhere.

Chen Mo sits at the door of Yang's house, waiting for the next Revenge of the Yang family.

And Yang's body is like a ball of gas suddenly soft down.

His appearance is basically unchanged, but his internal organs have been shattered by Chen Mozhen.

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