At this time, the Yang family had fallen into a sea of fire. Hong Tian's army was the elite of the army. They were ruthless and ruthless. They only obeyed military orders.

They were originally the important tools of the country, but now they have become tools for power and profit.

The unprepared Yang family was beaten to pieces. Even though there were some sacrificial practices, they were smashed as if they were local chickens and dogs under the powerful attack of thermal weapons.

Yang Xu, the leader of the Yang family, was fleeing quickly with the help of the sacrifice. He had just come out of the secret room. He also described a magnificent blueprint of the beautiful scenery of Yang Dingtian, the God of war in Yanjing.

I just didn't expect that the dream of the Yellow sorghum had just begun to be done, and it had been smashed.

"I can't escape!" Yang Xu said breathlessly.

His arms were originally broken by old general Hongwei, and both his meridians and bones had been broken. Although he was in plaster, he knew that his arms would never recover.

When he fled, he fell down many times because he had no arms. At the same time, the master of the Yang family was like a lost dog.

Hong family, Hong family is not my Yang Xu's nemesis! He was forced to such a situation by a useless son of Hong Wei!

This Hongtian! The depth of the city is appalling! For so many years, no one knows that there is no successor of the Yang family, and no one can replace Hong Wei's power. Who could have thought that he was so black.

No! I should have thought of it! An animal that can sell his father quietly is not a good thing!

But how dare he! How does he convince the best of the empty school? How much benefit has been given to them?

"No more running!" Yang Xu looked at the remaining three offerings and roared wildly: "he Hongtian doesn't let me feel better, and I will let him pay the most painful price!"

"Master! If you leave green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood! Please pay attention to the overall situation! Let's go to Li's house now and tell Li Hongfei about Hong Tian's conspiracy. As long as we get the help of the experts from the empty school, what kind of storm can he make? "

"You can't run away! You can't run away Yang Xu said miserably: "even if I run away, is it difficult for me to make a dog for his Li family?"

"What does the owner mean?"

Yang Xu gave a grim smile and said, "isn't that old guy Yang Dingtian always against what we do? Now we can't do it. He must be very happy. You don't have to worry about me. Let Yang Dingtian out to see if Hong Tian can survive in Yang Dingtian's hands! "

"The owner of the house..."

"Don't mind me!" Yang Xu roared: "let me meet Hong Tian for a while, this despicable person!"

"Wang Wang Wang ~", a well-trained police dog tracks nature. Yang Xu's arms are smashed. The faint smell of blood left in the air is the best route for police dogs.

It didn't take much time for Hong Tian to find Yang Xu, who was sitting on the side of the road.

"What? The owner of the Yang family doesn't run away Hong Tian winked at his men and motioned them to investigate the situation around them so as not to be ambushed by Yang Xu.

Yang Xu saw that Hong Tian was chasing after him. He stood up, straightened his body, and said sarcastically, "we all think that the owner of Hong's family is a dog. In the end, we find that you are a white eyed wolf who eats people and doesn't vomit bones!"

Hong Tian was not angry, and said with a smile, "the head of the Yang family is joking. Who doesn't know the names of Yang Xu and Li Hongfei in Yanjing? I'm different from you. My father is the mountain on top of my head, which makes me breathless. If I don't shrink my head, my father will be the first one to kill his relatives. "

"So you acquiesce in Maru's capes? Even wearing a cloak for Mr. Hong himself? Hong Tian, you are so deep in the city, so cruel! There are more than a hundred people in my Yang family. You haven't left one of them! "

"I still know the truth that the grass is not removed and the spring wind blows again. It's not only the Yang family in Yanjing, but I've sent people to take care of the Yang's children who were released in Yuhang, Dongcheng and Shudi." Hong Tian said triumphantly.

"Good!" If Yang Xu can still move his arms, he will give Hong Tian a thumbs up. "It is worthy of Hong Tian, who made our Yang family disappear in a flash. If you don't do it, you will have done it. Once you do, you will be able to do it with vigour and vigour. You will not leave any vitality to the enemy."

Hong Tian smiles and says, "how can we be regarded as friends after years of friendship?"

Yang Xu looked at Hong Tian with disdain and said, "do you think too much? Do you think I insulted and bullied you because I treated you as a friend? No, no, no, I'm Yang Xu. I've always had that attitude towards dogs

"You Hong Tian's face turned red and roared, "Yang Xu! Don't give you face. You don't need face. Do you know what form it is now? Your dog's life is what I Hongtian said. If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, I can let you have a way to live, so that you can spend your whole life safely. But if you still talk to me like this, I will let you realize what life is like to die! "

"Say it! Where is Yang Dingtian? " Hong Tian asked.

Yang Xu gave a sad smile and said, "I didn't expect that I would be stupid enough to cut off my strongest arm. If I didn't ask an expert of the empty school to imprison my ancestor, I'd like to ask Hong Tian to brush my tiger beard?""It's no use saying more! Tell the whereabouts of Yang Dingtian and spare you a dog's life! "

The God of war in Yanjing is an existence that Hong Tian can never ignore. If he can't pull out this thorn completely, even if he gets the support of the empty sect experts, he won't be able to survive.

"Hey, hey, hey." Yang Xu laughs wildly: "you will see him soon!"

With that, Yang Xu spilled a wisp of black blood from the corner of his mouth and fell down with his eyes open.

"Poison! Poison Some of his men checked Yang Xu's body.

Hong Tian's face is iron green, did not expect that Yang Xu, who is respected and treated well, is so cruel to himself!

"Search all the industries of the Yang family in a carpet style immediately!"


"Did the experts of the empty school agree with me?"

"Yes, but you need to talk about the details in person."

"I will go now. You will immediately lead the army and surround the Li family. If I don't come out for an hour, you will give me blood to wash the Li family!"


In some secret room of Yang's family, the original Yanjing God of war was bound by iron ropes, and the pipa bone on his back was also pierced. It looked extremely miserable.

There was a sound of opening the door, and a seriously injured man came running in.

"God of war, Hong Tian bloody washed the Yang family. I'm afraid the master has met with an accident. The master sent three people to let you out, but unexpectedly, the other two wanted to use your life to ask Hong Tian for credit and was killed by me. I will release you to come down and ask the God of war to avenge the Yang family!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!